I Can Collect Unlimited Monsters

Chapter 914: Strong spiritual power

More and more black sword aura burst out in the direction in front of him, and then Lin Chuan used the power in the palm of his hand to burst out frantically. Every time a breath of spiritual power is released from it, he can Aiming at the air, a new force was fused.

It seemed that it didn't take long for the dangerous forces formed in the entire space in front of them to have more changes.

Suddenly, Lin Chuan allowed himself to control more black aura.

After that, every black power in it had already been radiated, Lin Chuan shot frantically, and controlled the ascension of spiritual power in his palm, allowing more changes.

The spirit power aura from the continuous bombardment all merged directly along the direction in front of him, and now the fierce aura that Lin Chuan himself was controlling was changing faster and faster.

"I don’t believe that they still want to know about these monsters. So far, what are they capable of attacking us? In my opinion, as long as we want to make a move, we can run strong enough to attack at any time. They simply There is no way to dodge it."

Li Tianchen said while also cooperating with Lin Chuan.

Originally, Li Tianchen, the fighters who fought in other places, had basically eliminated the dangerous forces that appeared on his side.

One after another, the spirit power breath came out in the air at a faster speed, and then the spirit power that Lin Chuan could use by himself gave birth to more dangerous states.

Suddenly, most of the power that can penetrate through Lin Chuan's palm has undergone some strong changes. It seems that the sharp direction that can be emitted in front of him has the most powerful force attack.

One after another spirit power aura burst out directly, Lin Chuan is now controlling an extremely large spiritual power, attacking in the direction in front of him.

When there was enough strong spiritual energy in it, all of them radiated power. Now Lin Chuan sneered, not worried anymore.

Because Lin Chuan knew that as long as the spiritual power that he was working out was strong enough, he would surely be able to destroy all the monsters around him.

Of these monster beasts that appeared around, one or two of them were blushing, and then they were all consumed without a trace, and no dangerous aura of spiritual power could be emitted.

"Hehe, as far as the spiritual power radiating from your body is, it seems to me that you don't have much spiritual power aura to attack."

While Lin Chuan spoke coldly, a more terrifying spiritual power aura burst out directly, and the power that could be used in the direction in front of him changed faster and faster.

It didn't take long for Lin Chuan to mobilize even more powerful forces.

When there is enough strong power to nurture more powerful spiritual power in the direction in front of him, Lin Chuan himself has formed a defensive state around him.

Because Lin Chuan knew that when he was practicing now, all he had to worry about was whether there would be any accidents when he was practicing.

Now that more and more powerful spirit power auras fused and burst out in the direction in front of them, it has proved that Lin Chuan is safe.

Lin Chuan continued to practice, and made the spiritual energy that he could use in his palms to become even stronger.

The aura of spiritual power that can radiate from the entire piece of air, once it gathers more intensely, the power they control at hand will be able to get more changes.

After a quarter of an hour, Lin Chuan continued to circulate the power in the palm of his hand, and waited until a strong enough spiritual energy aura radiated directly from the space, the spiritual power that Lin Chuan used now also changed the most.

Lin Chuan smiled, because he knew that the spiritual power he could merge would be the most violent.

Countless auras of spiritual power penetrated right in front of him, and then Lin Chuan injected the spiritual power in his palm into the Azure Dragon Sword.

Lin Chuan wanted to let the aura in his body radiate as much as possible, only in this way could the sharp aura used in Lin Chuan's body be able to have more intense changes.

Suddenly, the fierce aura from the bombing penetrated almost in an instant.

The more and more terrifying aura of spiritual power has penetrated in the direction in front of him, and now Lin Chuan is hurriedly running the fierce aura in his palm, because Lin Chuan wants to allow him to have a change in his cultivation. .

His cultivation strength hasn't broken through for a long time, because if he breaks through this cultivation realm, Lin Chuan will have to withstand a lot of dangerous attacks.

Lin Chuan wanted to face it carefully, and now more and more intense spiritual power auras were directly fused in the direction in front of him, and the dangerous force in the direction in front of him exploded rapidly.

Then Lin Chuan controlled the ascended spiritual power in his palm, and continued to attack.

As long as more and more spiritual power can be emitted in it, Lin Chuan can control more spiritual power and radiate in the direction in front of him.

After a while, a lot of danger has already appeared in front of him.

"Haha, why are you monsters who don't know how to live or die, why are they so annoying that they are still rushing up again and again, don't you know that you can't target us at all?"

Li Tianchen opened his mouth and attacked directly, and the power controlled in their palms changed extremely drastically.

Every spiritual energy aura in it, when released, possesses extremely huge power.

Suddenly, the spirit power aura that erupted along the space had undergone a strong transformation within an instant.

After that, Lin Chuan now had more power running out, one after another, the power was released before his eyes.

Lin Chuan shook his head faintly, looking at the appearance of spiritual power exuding in front of him, he knew that now Li Tianchen had helped him to resist as much as possible, and dispelled those spiritual power auras.

At this time, the spiritual energy aura that can be fused before his eyes. The speed of change is getting faster and faster.

At the end, Lin Chuan simply closed his eyes, and began to continuously recover the spiritual power in his body.

It didn't take long for most of the spiritual power to gather a strong state in the space.

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