At this time, Lin Chuan is not likely to relax at all. Lin Chuan himself knows what he should do now, so he is ready to fight.

Seeing that Lin Chuan was ready for the battle, the monster beast rushing over in front of him looked in his eyes, and suddenly moved back.

"You purple-gold thunder dragons and monster beasts are indeed too weak. I haven't taken any action at all. You are all scared into this appearance. How can you be considered a sky thunder in your state?"

Lin Chuan smiled, looking at them now, only to feel a little pitiful.

After a short while, Lin Chuan incorporated all the spiritual power that they radiated into his body.

Hearing Lin Chuan's ridicule, both of them suddenly changed their faces with anger, and wanted to directly attack Lin Chuan's direction.

The spiritual power that can be used in their own palms is extremely violent, and now they are shooting frantically, and the thunderous aura that condenses has changed more and more intensely.

Lin Chuan saw in his eyes, he could only retreat.

"Hehe, you stinky boy, I was very arrogant when I first started, how come we actually come out to fight, but you run away in fright?"

"Yeah, in my opinion, this is nothing more than a scumbag."

In front of them, the Zijin Thunder Dragon kept talking while mocking Lin Chuan, it seemed to them that Lin Chuan had no abilities at all.

They didn't know that Lin Chuan was at this time, but they just didn't want to directly target them. The more and more intense aura of spiritual power suddenly penetrated the space.

Then Lin Chuan himself laughed, bursting out the spiritual power aura he had on hand, and the sharp aura presented in the entire space around here, the speed of change became stronger and stronger.

Lin Chuan looked at them and these monsters, knowing that they must be consumed with them, after all, their numbers were too much.

If you fight from the front, it is impossible for Lin Chuan to benefit the least. Now Lin Chuan is constantly attacking, and all the spiritual power that appears in the entire space, the spiritual power that bursts out is getting stronger and stronger.

Suddenly, the spiritual power bred by Lin Chuan himself had some changes.

Lin Chuan chuckled. After all, in his opinion, the spiritual power controlled in his physical body has changed more and more, and more spiritual power around him has penetrated.

When Lin Chuan himself was able to control the burst of spiritual power and exuded the most state, all the aura of spiritual power that came out of Lin Chuan's operation was all condensed.

Now that there are more and more terrifying threatening powers around, some monsters and purple gold thunder dragons, although they are still constantly shooting around, but when they do, they have the spiritual energy aura on each other's hands. They are already very few.

There is no aura of spiritual power that can be directly integrated and burst out.

"You have the ability to attack directly now, why are you not daring to attack now? Didn't you still say that I was powerless, and if you have the ability, continue to attack me."

Lin Chuan looked at their state and began to mock them frantically. After all, one or two of them were hidden in the dark, and they were unwilling to attack, but it was not worthwhile for Lin Chuan.

If they hide in the darkness for a long time, it will definitely affect Lin Chuan.

Because Lin Chuan still couldn't wait to solve them all, and then he went to improve his spiritual power.

One after another, all the forces penetrated in the direction in front of them, and now more and more dangerous spiritual power auras have formed a fierce threat in the air.

After a while, the spiritual power that Lin Chuan used on his hand exploded rapidly, and along with the more spiritual power fused in the air, he began to integrate into the state of imprinting on his hand.

It seems that most of the thunderous breath used in the space is directly radiated.

Lin Chuan controlled a part of the thunder power from the attack, and it changed very quickly.

Lin Chuan is now frantically shooting, and the spiritual power that can be used in his palm has already caused an extremely fierce threat one after another.

"How does it feel?"

As Lin Chuan spoke, he let the spirit power aura he used on his hand burst out directly.

The other party felt the speed of Lin Chuan's shot, and was startled, but even before he could react, his heart had been directly penetrated by Lin Chuan.

The blood was sprayed out directly, and the other party looked down, his entire face turned pale, and all the lightning energy on his body was also consumed within an instant without a trace.

Every breath of spiritual power began to be completely absorbed by Lin Chuan. Lin Chuan shook his head lightly, looked at the state of the other party, and then directly attacked.

More and more strong spiritual power aura suddenly burst out, and the spiritual power that can be merged in it has more changes.

"I advise you Zijin Thunder Dragon to give me most of the thunder power in your body honestly, and then go to death by yourself, otherwise you will definitely not be able to support it for long."

"Now that the spirit power aura I can attack can affect you, there is no possibility of survival at all."

As Lin Chuan spoke, he continued to walk forward.

At this time, the spiritual power aura he could upgrade on his hands, the speed of change was getting faster and faster.

More spiritual power around, all began to attack the direction of their monster beasts.

Some monsters left honestly, and left most of their cultivation resources before leaving.

Some monsters felt that Lin Chuan was just scaring them at this time, and they didn't think Lin Chuan had such a powerful force.

Now that the spirit power aura radiated one after another had already caused a very strong threat in the space.

And the power they can use between each other, the speed of improvement has also changed more and more violently.

Now the spirit power aura that can be gathered in the entire air has all burst out frantically, and the more dangerous forces in it have formed a deadly spiritual attack.

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