I Can Collect Unlimited Monsters

Chapter 922: Angry shot

Lin Chuan controlled the aura of spiritual power that burst out, and it also showed a particularly strong presence within an instant.

Now one after another spiritual power aura formed a particularly strong threat inside.

Lin Chuan continuously circulated the spiritual power in the palm of his hand, and then allowed the burst of power in his hand to continuously merge.

It wasn't until the spiritual power that penetrated in the surrounding space had different changes that Lin Chuan began to use the sword energy in the palm of his hand to kill it.

Because Lin Chuan knew that when the sword qi in his palm came out, the speed must be extremely fast.

Sure enough, within an instant, more and more spiritual power auras pierced out in the direction in front of them, and the surrounding strong spiritual power auras came out faster and faster.

At this time, most of the aura of spiritual power that penetrated through the palm of Lin Chuan's own palm had some transformation.

"You monsters, it seems that you still have a bit of courage. It's just that you will soon lose the strength of your life. Now in my opinion, you are just struggling briefly, there is nothing at all. What spiritual energy breath can penetrate."

"The spiritual power present in front of you now has no way for you to withstand it. Do you still choose to attack now?"

"In my eyes, I want to destroy you with my hands. It's just a matter of thought."

Lin Chuan smiled faintly. After they heard what Lin Chuan said, they all looked particularly angry, and now the spiritual power bred in Lin Chuan's own palm was madly penetrated.

In an instant, more and more dangerous forces were all bombed out.

"I don't believe you monsters. I don't know what methods you can resist."

Lin Chuan opened his mouth and said, while fusing more spiritual power aura.

When there was enough strong spiritual power inside, all of them burst out in an instant, Lin Chuan also smiled at this time.

Because he had already penetrated all the spiritual power breath in the direction in front of him.

Sure enough, more and more huge forest power auras also floated out in an instant.

Only after a short period of time passed, the direction in front of him, the speed of the explosion of spiritual power aura also gained the strongest state.

The monsters in front of them kept falling to the ground, and they had no power to continue attacking them. They were still alive at this time, and they were just dying and panting. There was no fierce aura in their body that could be used. from.

Looking at their current state, Lin Chuan sneered. After a while, he burst out directly at the fastest speed.

The direction in front of him, the aura of spiritual power that penetrated out, and the speed of his ascension changed most drastically.

After a short period of time passed, the power that was able to fuse before his eyes also changed more drastically.

Now Lin Chuan has begun desperately to shoot, and he has nurtured the spiritual power in the palm of his hand. As long as the spiritual power in the space can be madly merged, when Lin Chuan and the others arrive, it will definitely be Can control more dangerous forces to attack.

After a quarter of an hour passed, more monster beasts had basically fallen to the ground, and there was no spiritual energy aura in their bodies that could be used.

The spirit power aura that was bombarded in the direction directly in front of it also increased very quickly.

After a short while, more dangerous forces have been completely resolved by Lin Chuan.

All the aura of spiritual power penetrated straight through, and Lin Chuan himself also smiled.

At the beginning, he had never thought that the speed of his current shots had reached such a terrifying level, and the spiritual power that could be merged in front of him, the speed of improvement became faster and faster.

Then in front of his eyes, there were still more dangerous spiritual power auras, all of which penetrated in the first time.

Lin Chuan laughed himself, because the spiritual energy that burst out in his palm was also very strong.

The spiritual power that exploded directly in front of him had the strongest transformation in his own palm, and the spiritual power that was continuously bombarded had formed a more dangerous state in the direction in front of him.

Lin Chuan saw it in his eyes, and he gradually understood it. Perhaps at this time, if he wants to control some spiritual power, he must integrate more dangerous powers.

More and more terrifying spiritual power auras burst out in the space, and now Lin Chuan has used extremely strong spiritual power attacks, and the dangerous power that has emerged from the direction ahead is changing very fast. .

It didn't take long for most of the dangerous forces that gathered in front of them to have some transformation, and suddenly all the spiritual power aura formed intense spiritual power in Lin Chuan's own palm.

Lin Chuan shook his head, because he also didn't know why these spiritual powers in the surrounding space had so many drastic changes when they were used.

It seems that the spirit power aura smashed out in the direction in front of him is already the most powerful.

After a quarter of an hour, all the spirit power aura that had been killed directly in front of him burst out.

Now that Lin Chuan felt the spiritual power fused out of his heart, he felt a little strange, because he himself didn't know what kind of spiritual power he should be able to use to radiate it.

It seems that in the direction in front of him, more and more intense spiritual attacks have appeared.

As long as every spiritual energy aura can radiate a strong enough transformation in the front direction, then this power will be of great help to Lin Chuan.

It didn't take long for most of the power that was fused in front of him, and Lin Chuan began to have more changes in the increased spiritual power controlled by Lin Chuan's palm.

Lin Chuan smiled and felt the spiritual power on his hand. Most of the power that penetrated through his palm was constantly fusing. The monsters around him felt the aura of spiritual power erupting from Lin Chuan. They all appear to be particularly cautious.

Because they didn't even know why Lin Chuan was able to penetrate so many powerful spiritual powers in an instant.

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