I Can Collect Unlimited Monsters

Chapter 932: Avoid attack

After all, the fierce aura that they penetrated is particularly intense. If they didn't evade quickly, some problems would indeed occur.

Therefore, at this time, Lin Chuan hurried to avoid being attacked by the opponent's power.

"Hehe, why do you still want to dodge at this time, aren't you particularly strong?"

Lin Chuan suddenly felt a particularly dangerous aura and hovered around him.

He also began to concentrate.

At the beginning, Lin Chuan didn't feel the horror of these forces in the surrounding space, no matter how strong aura attack he encountered.

But at this moment, Lin Chuan clearly detected something wrong.

The more and more terrifying spiritual power penetrated in the first time, and then the power that rose in Lin Chuan's own palm suddenly changed strongly.

Suddenly, the more and more terrifying spiritual power aura directly rose up, and then the spiritual power aura used in front of him also changed particularly drastically.

The almost formidable spiritual power aura in it also penetrated in an instant.

Lin Chuan began to control the spirit power aura on his hand, and suddenly, the power that burst out in Lin Chuan's own palm was controlled, and some powerful changes had taken place.

Lin Chuan raised the spiritual power aura in his palm as quickly as possible, because Lin Chuan knew that if the power he burst out was not strong enough, he would most likely be threatened.

The power that the opponent is now piercing through the air is already more terrifying than the other.

And more importantly, Lin Chuan hasn't even been able to judge the opponent's position.

Here, Lin Chuan knew exactly where almost all the monsters were hiding.

But at this time Lin Chuan couldn't judge what he could get. Lin Chuan could only shoot as much as possible and stabilize the power he controlled.

The power that suddenly floated out in front of him became faster and faster when it was upgraded.

"Why is this?"

Lin Chuan stared at everything in front of him, and then he himself used more intense spiritual power to penetrate directly into the air.

Lin Chuan breathed a sigh of relief after all the power in it was revealed.

Because at this time, he has not felt any wrong power to penetrate.

Under normal circumstances, the spirit energy aura that madly converges in the direction in front of you can be directly penetrated.

Now Lin Chuan is starting to shoot frantically, and the spiritual power aura that has risen in his own palm is changing more and more terrifyingly.

"I don't believe where you guys can dodge."

As Lin Chuan spoke, all the spiritual power aura that was being conceived broke out frantically.

All the powerful forces around here penetrated within an instant, and many violent spiritual attacks appeared in front of them, which could penetrate directly in the direction in front of them.

Originally, Lin Chuan had not been able to feel what was wrong with the power around him, but at this time Lin Chuan himself had also clearly realized something wrong.

The number of surrounding monsters hidden in the darkness has become more and more. If he could not kill them in their direction and finally controlled more spiritual power to attack out, he must be Will encounter their fierce attacks.

The speed of their shots now is getting faster and faster, one after another, all of them are floating out in front of their eyes.

Inside, the power they can control has changed more intensely.

Lin Chuan shook his head.

"I advise you to leave right now. After all, I already know what you want to do, so the strength I gather at this time can definitely influence you."

"If you don't believe me, I can directly control a more intense spiritual aura and attack it in your direction."

Lin Chuan spoke lightly, but the monsters around didn't care at all, because now they themselves still felt that they were hidden in the darkness, and no one could deal with them.

Some monsters even directly blended the spiritual power aura in their palms, and then directly penetrated them.

They always feel that the spiritual power aura they can use now must be the strongest. Even if the spiritual power presented in front of them is suspended in an instant, they still feel that they can now The force that penetrates must be the greatest.

Suddenly, Lin Chuan had already targeted them directly, because in Lin Chuan's opinion, he wanted to target them, but it was actually a very simple matter.

Most of the spiritual power conceived in front of him also began to linger. After all, the power Lin Chuan was trying to use at this time was changing more and more intensely.

Countless auras of spiritual power burst out in the first time, and Lin Chuan directly raised the power he was controlling.

He always felt that if he wanted to burst out spiritual power to attack, he would definitely be the most powerful.

The power that penetrated directly in front of the eyes also began to radiate out directly in the air.

One after another spirit power aura created a particularly severe threat in the direction ahead.

"Why, why don't you rush out directly now? Isn't there a particularly powerful force implicit in your physical bodies? If you have the ability, you will all attack directly. Let me take a look at you now. What a powerful force is controlling this in his body."

Lin Chuan sneered, and as he spoke, he directly raised the spiritual power in his palm.

Then there was even more terrifying spiritual power that could continue to explode.

Some monster beasts had not had time to dodge themselves, the spiritual power aura in their bodies was completely consumed by Lin Chuan, and there was no spiritual power attack in their bodies that could radiate.

Lin Chuan looked at their state and smiled, which is exactly what Lin Chuan wanted to see.

Now in the palm of Lin Chuan's own hand, the power that controls the ascension has changed the most.

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