I Can Collect Unlimited Monsters

Chapter 934: Unknown Sword

As long as all the spiritual energy aura in the surrounding space can be returned to his hands, Lin Chuan doesn't need to worry about how strong their guys are using the power.

Suddenly, the monsters in front of them all changed their complexions after returning.

"Why can't we detect where Lin Chuan is now?"

"Yes, when we were hiding in the darkness at the beginning, it was easy to judge where he appeared, but now there seems to be something different. Why do we have to release enough strong spiritual energy? Can they be judged where they are by directly penetrating through the space?"

Some people continued to ask, and wanted to try to come out and see what exactly Lin Chuan was in now.

But he had just walked out of it, and the spiritual power that Lin Chuan had exploded against her directly penetrated in an instant.

The power in it was extremely powerful when it appeared, and the opponent was completely destroyed by Lin Chuan even before he could dodge it.

Lin Chuan smiled and shook his head. At the beginning, he was still worried about whether this monster beast would find something wrong.

But after discovering that the other party came out, there was still no way to use any power. After only a simple probe, he had relaxed and knew that he didn't need to worry too much about something.

In the direction in front of them, the fusion of spiritual power is extremely violent. Countless Azure Dragon sword auras have also penetrated the space, as long as the monsters in their darkness want to rush out , It must be penetrated by Lin Chuan's spiritual power.

The kind of power that Lin Chuan has now smashed is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

The family behind Condensing Frost saw this scene in front of them, and was suddenly stunned.

She had never imagined that there could be someone so powerful now, able to phantom so much power in the space, and it would not have any impact on them.

Countless powerful forces, one after another, penetrated crazily, and then Lin Chuan himself used the strong sword energy around him to form a defensive state.

Lin Chuan didn't care what those people in the dark would think, Lin Chuan just wanted the power conceived in the palm of his hand to improve faster.

In this way, it is enough for Lin Chuan.

The spirit power aura that Lin Chuan used in the palm of his own hand was stronger than the other.

After a while, Lin Chuan controlled more and more Azure Dragon Sword Qi in his palm.

"Now that we are walking in this mountain range, we should be able to find some clues and will not encounter any danger."

As Lin Chuan spoke, he revealed all the spiritual power aura he had on hand.

Now Lin Chuan still clearly remembers what condensation frost needs now.

If they could not find the sword in the legend, then they would definitely not be able to completely destroy the man in black.

When the time comes, the people in black will also target them and kill them directly, causing more problems.

Countless auras of spiritual power were all in the air, appearing one after another.

Later, in Lin Chuan's palm, he also controlled more intense spiritual power.

These spiritual power breaths can give birth to an extremely powerful spiritual power breath when they penetrate.

Countless power penetrated directly in the direction in front of him, and then Lin Chuan controlled the burst of spiritual power in his palm, and when he attacked, it became more intense.

Lin Chuan nodded in satisfaction. After all, it was already at this time, and the monsters around them could no longer threaten him.

Even if they could perceive Lin Chuan's existence in advance, they would not be able to penetrate what kind of spiritual power to kill them.

Countless dangerous forces, one after another, attacked directly in the direction in front of them.

As long as the spirit power aura spreading around can penetrate directly, after those monster beasts approach, all of them will encounter their deadly power attacks without exception.

In the direction in front of him, the fierce aura that can be bred is already particularly intense.

In the palms of their hands, there are countless auras of spiritual power that can penetrate.

Suddenly, the sword qi that had risen in Lin Chuan's own hand also experienced some strong changes.

One after another, the spiritual power exploded in the direction in front of him, and then Lin Chuan himself also circulated a greater amount of spiritual power.

Lin Chuan wanted to make sure that the monsters around him would be discovered by him as soon as they appeared.

In this way, he can guarantee his own safety.

All the spiritual power spreading out in front of him directly penetrated.

Now they are walking while detecting the spiritual aura in their physical bodies. They are now able to practice while walking, and they don't need to worry about the danger they will encounter.

In the beginning, they wanted to walk and practice at the same time, and they had to integrate the spiritual energy they had on hand to kill them as soon as possible.

After all, as long as they enter the state of cultivation, there will definitely be more dangerous spiritual power in the darkness, which can attack.

"Big brother, where are we going now, we can't keep searching aimlessly like this."

Li Tianchen spoke next to him, he always felt that there was some wrong power in the darkness that had been spreading.

If you are not prepared at this time, there will be some accidents at any time.

What's more, they are walking aimlessly now, and they don't know when they will be able to find the sword that Condensation Frost needs.

Condensation Frost is the person who came out of the auction, and he is the most informed about all kinds of news.

But even he didn't know what happened in the darkness.

At this time, he could only reluctantly want to judge.

"Believe in the condensed frost, and follow the condensed frost's intuition, otherwise we don't have any clues, where do you think we can go to find it?"

Lin Chuan said, he chose to believe in condensation and let it look around.

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