Because they felt that they had already taken the shot now, and it would be too shameful if they were not able to take some good things back.

Now the power penetrating out of the air, one after another, has been continuously fused in the entire surrounding space.

The more intense spiritual aura around Lin Chuan has made the power controlled in Lin Chuan's palm rise faster and faster.

After a short period of time, the spiritual power that Lin Chuan had nurtured by himself, the speed of ascension had already been released extremely quickly.

In the entire space around this, the speed of the power that can be killed is the most deadly, and now they are constantly shooting each other.

Only then did some monster beasts get rid of their companions. When they wanted to leave, his other companions also penetrated directly from the darkness, and the spirit power aura that burst out was extremely intense.

Now the countless auras of huge spiritual power have all been released in the space, and now more and more strong powers have merged out in the first time.

The more dangerous aura of spiritual power around has all penetrated through the space.

Now more violent spiritual power auras are merging crazily in their palms.

It didn't take long for most of the forces that burst out in the space to have some changes.

Lin Chuan shook his head. At the beginning, he didn't know why there were so many dangerous forces in the space.

But after now, Lin Chuan has already understood.

Nowadays, most of the forces directly attacked in the air have already had a particularly severe impact.

Now if Lin Chuan wants to attack with the power in his palm, he may not be able to change the spiritual power he controls.

The endless powerful forces burst out directly.

More and more violent spiritual power auras gave birth to the most massive state directly in front of them.

The countless strong sword auras around had already begun to release a stronger state.

When Lin Chuan himself felt the spirit power aura emanating from the space, he directly merged and allowed the power in his palm to be improved.

Suddenly, even more intense spiritual energy aura around him all burst out.

More and more strong sword energy began to penetrate in the direction in front of him.

There are bursts of power suspended between them, one after another, and they can form violent fluctuations around here.

Then, in the palms of their own hands, they controlled the ascension of spiritual power, and the state that they could nurture had also undergone more changes.

"how is it now?"

Lin Chuan spoke while watching the state of Congshuang.

Because Lin Chuan almost couldn't bear it, the guys around them rushed wildly, Lin Chuan also worried about what danger he would encounter now.

He could only see if Lin Chuan had any problems with them.

They shook their heads, their expressions agitated.

It turns out that they have already discovered something at this time.

"Hehe, it seems that we don't need to worry too much now. Now, the spiritual power that can penetrate through our physical bodies must be the most powerful."

They all kept talking, their faces seemed to have some excitement.

After an hour, all the spiritual auras conceived in their palms burst out.

There are more dangerous spiritual powers around, and all of them are bred.

Now they have directly penetrated each other, the direction that can show the spirit power breath on their hands.

Now the spiritual power that they can kill in their palms, the speed of improvement is even more intense.

"Did you find something?"

Lin Chuan said as he looked at them.

What Lin Chuan is most worried about right now is that these guys, one or two of them are crazy, then it won't be worthwhile in the end.

People like them, if they become crazy, Lin Chuan wants to help them recover, but they need to consume more fierce aura.

Suddenly, all of the surrounding powerful forces have penetrated out.

Now Lin Chuan is also quickly running the power in his palm.

Not long after, more spiritual energy aura around, all have penetrated.

Lin Chuan relaxed a little, because most of the spiritual power conceived in his own palms had also undergone some earth-shaking changes.

Now Lin Chuan felt the power present on his hand as soon as possible, and the spiritual power aura that they merged with each other, the speed of improvement has become more and more intense.

Suddenly, all the spiritual power that could penetrate through their palms was further radiated.

Then the speed at which they shot each other became faster and faster.

Now the spiritual power raised in their own palms also has some different changes.

Lin Chuan relaxed after seeing their current state, which was still normal.

The spirit power aura that had been directly penetrated in the space now all penetrated the space.

The aura of spiritual power erupting from each other's constant shots is also particularly terrifying.

After all the spiritual power was integrated in the space, they suddenly understood what they needed to do right now.

"It seems that we still need to continue walking forward. The spiritual power that can be circulated in the direction in front of us now seems to be extremely intense."

"If we are not able to radiate some power in the entire space around here, it is likely that we will also have accidents."

"Don't you feel that the spiritual power emanating from the entire space now is already particularly intense?"

Lin Chuan spoke while observing everything around him.

Indeed, by now, the spiritual power contained in the entire space is extremely intense.

They must be as careful as possible now.

Lin Chuan himself has also realized something wrong with the power directly colliding in the air.

Now they are constantly shooting each other, the surrounding air controls the rising spiritual power, and the speed of fusion is getting faster and faster.

They all try their best to ensure that when they shoot, their spiritual power can reach the most intense state.

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