I Can Collect Unlimited Monsters

Chapter 952: Jinshi Jianqi

Now more and more dangerous auras in the air have burst out, and they have become more and more cautious with each other, one and two are watching everything around them as much as possible.

"Be careful, if we also encounter some spiritual power and sword qi accidentally, in the end, it will not be something we can afford."

Lin Chuan said, he smiled bitterly, looking at so many dangerous forces in the surrounding space from time to time.

His heart also collapsed a little, after all, when most of the dangerous forces broke out, it was difficult for Lin Chuan himself to resist.

Now more spiritual power aura, all of them madly killed in the direction in front of them, and then the more power they possessed in their physical bodies had undergone some changes.

Suddenly, most of the power conceived in their own palms penetrated in the direction ahead.

When they were clearly aware of the possible dangers in the surrounding space, they all seemed a little embarrassed to each other.

Originally, at the beginning, they always felt that the spiritual aura that they could exude now must be the most powerful, but when these stones attacked them, they all brought them extremely powerful threats. .

Even if it is to make most of the spiritual power aura in their physical bodies, there is no way to have any changes, and they can only live with the various forces that penetrate the space.

This allows them to have more spiritual power aura on their hands to be able to continuously blend out.

After a quarter of an hour, the spiritual aura that can be killed in their bodies is changing faster and faster at this time.

The spiritual power aura used in their own physical bodies is also extremely fast.

One after another spiritual power burst out directly in the space.

And most of the power in the surrounding space is also extremely violent when it penetrates.

It seems that it will not take long for the power that can penetrate through the entire space around it to have some changes.

"What is going on, why is it that this time has come, but the power of the surrounding formations is still so strong, is it because we are not well prepared for each other?"

"But this seems to be a bit wrong. Now that most of the power condensed in our physical body can be directly targeted at the direction in front of us, how can there be any danger."

They all began to speak with some surprise, because most of the spiritual power present in each of them now is a bit strange.

Now all the spiritual power that has gathered in their own bodies has penetrated.

"If we want to kill directly now, it is better to cooperate together. Only when we cooperate with each other can this formation fail to completely destroy us."

"Otherwise, we are also particularly dangerous now. There are not many spiritual power auras that can be displayed in our physical bodies, and so many violent spiritual attacks have been directly integrated."

"If we weren't stronger right now, and we just shot through it directly, big problems would inevitably arise."

They all kept talking, rushing out at the fastest speed while condensing the spiritual power in their flesh madly.

In the surrounding space, most of the power possessed, even though it is still running through one after another, even now.

But the spirit power aura that burst out did have some different changes.

"How is this going?"

"Yeah, I also always feel that something is wrong. Why is the spiritual power that we can kill now become like this?"

At this time, the people around were talking, and they were already exposing all the spiritual power in their physical body very quickly.

The spiritual power that they can condense from their own hands now changes at a particularly rapid rate.

The spiritual power that burst out in front of him, the speed at which it can fuse is getting faster and faster.

It didn't take long for the spirit power aura that appeared in their bodies to undergo even more astonishing changes.

Now they are making moves with each other, and the spirit power aura from the attack is already strong to a certain extent.

Although the various forces that penetrated through the opponent's formation could directly affect the strength in their bodies, they could not bring them too many deadly threats.

"It seems that this time we are finally a little stronger, at least not directly killed by the other party. There is no spiritual power in our body that can show up."

"Yeah, I think so too. It's finally time for the spiritual power in our own physical bodies to penetrate directly."

One or two of the people around were talking, and now the speed of the spiritual energy bred in their physical bodies became more and more intense.

Not long after, part of the power that Lin Chuan could kill in his own physical body also had some changes.

"What's going on, why can all the spiritual power controlled in my own physical body converge?"

Lin Chuan felt a little strange while talking.

Indeed, at this time, he also didn't know what was going on with the spiritual power that penetrated through his body.

In the entire space, the spiritual power that continuously penetrated continuously changed faster and faster.

Now if they want to kill each other by hand, they must shoot at the fastest speed, so that the spiritual power aura they control can contain a certain spiritual power attack.

"Everyone should be more careful with each other. If we shoot directly now, there will be some changes in the formation. Therefore, we are not in a hurry to fight with the formation. We are going to find the formation around here. Weakness."

"When the formation is completely unable to move, we will shoot directly, and then the spiritual power that penetrates directly can pose a severe threat to them."

"Otherwise, it's a very passive situation like us now."

"Yeah, Lin Chuan made sense, so now we are still as careful as possible."

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