I Can Collect Unlimited Monsters

Chapter 985: Patron saint

The power of this flame spreading out into the surrounding air was something they had never felt before.

Even Lin Chuan himself felt a little strange at this time.

Because he had never felt it before, and now these spiritual powers burst out of the air.

Now, one after another, the force penetrated directly in the direction in front of him.

They were also stunned by each other.

Suddenly, the aura of spiritual power penetrating in the front direction also directly spread out in the surrounding direction.

Lin Chuan himself also detected the presence of some spiritual power in the air, and then the fusion of the power he had on hand, one after another, went through crazily.

Now this entire space, some of the spiritual power aura that can appear, began to appear in their mutual palms.

At the beginning, Lin Chuan didn't know what was happening around him.

He still had some doubts, but afterwards, he had understood it.

It turned out that Xiao Huo had now awakened from his deep sleep, and the spirit power aura that had been conceived on his hand was also one after another, directly targeting Lin Chuan's direction.

Now if Lin Chuan wants to make any movements, he must be more cautious, and at this time, Xiao Huo's spiritual power burst out in the direction of his surroundings, which is particularly intense.

After a quarter of an hour, Xiao Huo looked solemn and stared in a certain direction in the darkness.

Suddenly, the whole figure disappeared without a trace.

Lin Chuan frowned when he saw this place.

Feeling a little strange, they don't know where Xiao Huo has gone, let alone what Xiao Huo wants to do now.

He only knew that now, most of the spiritual power aura floating out of the entire surrounding space has already penetrated through some particularly powerful forces.

In this, the spirit power auras that were successively killed made them particularly difficult to fight with each other.

One or two of them began to integrate the spiritual power in their palms, and tried every possible means to control their ascension power and have some essential changes in their palms.

They all knew very well that now in the entire space, where some spiritual power can erupt, the power that can be displayed will inevitably be even stronger.

Now one after another dangerous spirit power aura had already appeared in the entire surrounding space.

The power they produced from each other's shots also merged into the most intense fluctuations in their palms.

After a quarter of an hour, on their hands, they have continued to gather a strong sword energy attack.

They all cooperated with each other.

Xiao Huo went to the darkness to help us deal with more difficult enemies.

Lin Chuan hurriedly said that the level of Xiao Huo's ascent was already beyond his imagination.

If Xiaohuo had not detected a particularly powerful presence in the darkness this time, and wanted to attack Lin Chuan, Xiaohuo would definitely not appear now.

Because Xiao Huo has been practicing.

Sure enough, after a while, in the void unknown far away, there was an extremely fierce turbulence.

When this turbulence broke out in the space, Lin Chuan also shook his head.

Most of the spirit energy aura floating around did not seem to have changed much.

But between them, the spirit power breath that penetrated through each other was more intense than each other.

Now they are also very clear to each other, how the spiritual energy aura that can penetrate in the surrounding space has changed.

"It's really hard to imagine how Xiaohuo's cultivation level has been raised now!"

"Yeah, now with the spirit power aura that is gathered in our physical bodies, we can't radiate some power around here."

"I can only pray for the small fire. The spirit power aura that now penetrates must be above us and be able to assist us and completely eliminate the other guys."

Condensing Frost and they spoke, and their expressions were particularly cautious.

Now they are all aware that there are some forces that are beyond their control in the surrounding space.

In the darkness, facing the assassins that Lin Chuan penetrated, they felt the power in the distant space, and they were terrified.

At this time, they realized that they seemed to underestimate Lin Chuan.

Before that, they thought that Lin Chuan was just a simple character, and now they all have realized that there is a patron saint as powerful as Xiaohuo in Lin Chuan.

For a time, one and two of them looked particularly wonderful.

However, after a while, they all turned hideous.

"Everyone quickly do it, and while his patron saint is not there, we will kill him directly. In the end, maybe we can still find a way to control his patron saint."

"If we don't kill him directly now, we must have a lot of threats to us."

"Yeah, it makes sense. Everyone shot together. Now there is no patron saint on him. The reason why we couldn't defeat him at the beginning was definitely because there was a patron saint on him. "

"Now that the spiritual power aura that runs through our physical bodies is already so powerful, then we must be able to nurture even more terrifying power, causing a severe threat in the surrounding space."

"Believe me, these guys, they definitely don't have much power to penetrate in our direction."

"Now in the palm of our hand, the spiritual aura that can be controlled and killed must be the strongest."

The assassins in the surrounding area spoke as they spoke, and as expected, some powerful forces gathered in their bodies.

Between them, they all started to shoot frantically and attack each other.

Around here, the forces directly penetrating out of the entire space are more intense than one.

Suddenly, Lin Chuan himself shook his head a little. It is now, and the spiritual power that can be raised in his palm has actually changed more drastically.

Because before Xiao Huo left, this truly integrated more flame power into his body.

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