I Can Collect Unlimited Monsters

Chapter 989: Runaway Monster

You know, Lin Chuan's spirit power aura from the attack against their direction is already more intense.

The strong spiritual aura around him burst out directly in the entire space.

The people in black all smiled bitterly after they felt the spiritual power in the palm of Lin Chuan's palm that controlled the ascension.

Some have given up resistance and simply closed their eyes.

Some people in black actually felt that they were extremely powerful at this time, and they continued to gather one after another spirit power on their hands, and they wanted to penetrate directly in the direction of Lin Chuan.

They didn't know that now, no matter how powerful they were to control them, they would definitely not have much effect.

Following the spirit power aura that was blasted out of the entire surrounding space, one after another, different spirit power auras have burst out.

A particularly severe threat has formed around here. The power that they could merge with each other also crazily formed violent spiritual power fluctuations around them.

Now when the spirit energy aura that burst out of their own hands has a certain change, the sword energy power that can be raised in their palms is also directly condensed.

There is a way to penetrate the power, then they will definitely try their best to explode some power.

Suddenly, in their mutual palms, the power that controls the ascension, one of them is more intense than the other.

Of course, Lin Chuan himself clearly felt some abnormal spiritual energy changes in the space.

He then smiled faintly, and took part of the spiritual power that was conceived in the palm of his hand directly in the direction in front of him. When they gathered together, the more power they had between each other would be crazy. Come together.

In the palms of each other, the more power they possessed is directly condensed into the most powerful state.

Now Lin Chuan smiled faintly, and some people in black resisted desperately, but in the end, there were not many spiritual auras they could resist.

Lin Chuan aimed at their direction, and the power that directly killed them had completely lost their means of confrontation.

They can only resist constantly, wanting to have some spiritual aura as much as possible to be able to penetrate.

In their palms, the spirit energy aura that gathered suddenly spread out in the front direction.

They have already felt something wrong with each other when they shot through.

But in the end, they still want to continue to shoot.

It seemed to them that Lin Chuan simply couldn't have much power.

They also summoned their own monster beasts by coincidence, and they all seem to have forgotten that when they first summoned some monsters, they would be shot by the nine-tailed fox and cut off the relationship between them.

Some monster beasts, after waking up, would directly kill the person in black in the direction of the person.

Because these people in black, when they used to target the monster beast, they all exploded with a particularly tragic aura of spiritual power, which directly penetrated.

Now there is more and more spiritual power in the surrounding space, which can burst out in this entire space.

Between them, they all began to constantly make moves, in order to allow themselves to nurture even stronger powers now.

Now as long as oneself has exploded out enough spiritual power aura, then it is bound to be able to form some violent influences around.

Between them, they furiously killed each other.

After one hour, the spiritual energy aura condensed in each other's palms increased faster and faster.

Lin Chuan nodded. When he himself clearly realized that the other guys didn't have much spiritual power aura at all, all the spiritual power aura that could be raised in the palm of Lin Chuan's own hand burst out.

The aura of spiritual power condensed between them, the speed of improvement is extremely fast.

After a quarter of an hour, Lin Chuan also retracted his palm, trying to burst out the power.

As far as Lin Chuan is concerned, now they have become more and more spiritual auras that penetrate each other.

The Azure Dragon Sword Qi in Lin Chuan's own palm directly exploded with countless spiritual energy aura.

One after another, the power has already formed a particularly violent influence around here.

Lin Chuan began to slowly stabilize the spiritual power aura he had on hand, because he knew that as long as the spiritual power aura in the surrounding space could stabilize, it would be the best.

Now the strong aura of spiritual power penetrated directly.

When the monster beasts rushed out, there was no way to resist the power that Lin Chuan had gathered in the palm of his hand, and even the spirit power aura from the nine-tailed fox's shot.

The nine-tailed fox himself had already madly used some spiritual energy aura, directly radiating out in the direction in front of him.

You know, the spiritual power aura that appears in the entire space around this is already extremely violent.

One after another powerful force, directed at their direction suddenly penetrated out one after another.

After Lin Chuan himself clearly realized something was wrong, he stopped and let the nine-tailed fox continue to fight.

Because Lin Chuan was particularly clear that the power that the Nine-Tailed Fox has burst out now can be the most powerful.

In the entire space, the spirit power aura presented has crazily penetrated.

In their palms, the power that can be raised is also extremely intense.

Now that the nine-tailed fox attacked with every spiritual power aura, some monsters would inevitably be out of control, and turned around to directly kill in the direction of the man in black.

Or left gratefully.

The freedom that these monsters have finally gained, naturally will not turn around, and they will continue to work on Lin Chuan or the nine-tailed fox.

"Why do you people from the Ten Thousand Beast Sect are able to control the monsters in this way? You are too terrifying, but that's okay. As long as I can capture all of your people, then we will surely be able to control these monsters The way of the beast."

"At that time, no matter how many monsters beasts, we can control them."

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