I Can Collect Unlimited Monsters

Chapter 991: Soul spread

After all, Lin Chuan needed all these powers in the surrounding space.

Moreover, the nine-tailed fox aimed at their monsters, and after helping them to regain their freedom, those monsters would also transfer part of their spiritual power into Lin Chuan's body.

The part of the spiritual power they transmitted was extremely pure.

After Lin Chuan absorbed their spiritual energy aura, he was able to get even more intense changes.

Now in the whole air, the power burst out of madness. They have all gathered in Lin Chuan's palm and become the appearance of sword energy.

After the spirit power aura that continuously attacked, after forming a state of formation around him, the power that Lin Chuan could kill with his own hands had already increased even more intensely.

Lin Chuan tried to make a move by himself, letting the spiritual power aura that he could raise in his palm. After having a certain degree of change, he had already relaxed a little, and he clearly realized that he needed to be careful now. what.

Suddenly, the power that burst out in the entire surrounding space began to gather imprints on Lin Chuan's own hands.

Because of the aura in the entire surrounding space, there is already too much.

If there is too much sword energy, there will be collisions in the space, Lin Chuan will not be comfortable in the end.

Now Lin Chuan is practicing frantically, feeling the spiritual power transmitted by the monsters around him.

Those monster beasts, after madly injecting some power into Lin Chuan's body, had already left.

When they left, they also took away part of the **** aura left in the surrounding space.

They knew they had to thank Lin Chuan.

If it weren't for Lin Chuan, it's more likely that they had all died here now, and they died unclearly.

You know, these monster beasts hate those people in black especially.

Of course, some monsters choose to leave, not that they will not take revenge.

They are sane and know that they are not in a good state.

After all, they have been suppressed by the men in black for so long, and they must go back and take a good rest before they can come back and continue the fight.

At that time, the spiritual power aura they can burst out must already be strong.

Suddenly, after more monsters around disappeared, the black people were already angry.

They had never thought that with so many monsters, Lin Chuan would still be able to let them leave.

And they didn't know that Lin Chuan had already used some of the power of the original blood of the beasts at this time.

As long as it possesses the power of the original blood of ten thousand beasts and spreads in the air, no matter how powerful a beast is, when it sees Lin Chuan, it can only bow its head honestly.

Because these monsters are very clear about what the power of the blood of the beasts really means.

Once he had the power of this bloodline, when he attacked other monster beasts, it could be said that it would be effortless.

One after another aura of spiritual power continued to spread throughout the entire space.

Lin Chuan had already lifted up the spiritual power in his palm as quickly as possible, all of which penetrated.

One after another dangerous force, as long as extremely violent fluctuations can be formed in the direction in front of him, then at this time, Lin Chuan himself does not need to worry about anything.

The strong spiritual aura around him had already bred out crazily.

The power that Lin Chuan exudes himself has also become extremely fast.

One after another dangerous force penetrated directly in the direction in front of him.

Now Lin Chuan himself controls a burst of extremely strong spiritual power, which has spread throughout the entire space.

The power that they burst out of each other's shots has become more and more intense.

Now Lin Chuan was able to let the Azure Dragon Sword Qi that rose up in his palm all possess certain soul power at the fastest speed.

Lin Chuan knew that as long as the surrounding soul power had enough control, it would be easier for the surrounding guys to die.

Although some people in black have already left far enough, they are constantly observing and trying to fight.

But in the end, they were unable to target Lin Chuan, feeling that all the spiritual power gathered in Lin Chuan's own body had already been radiated.

The power that they have ascended to each other is already extremely intense.

Suddenly, Lin Chuan had realized something himself.

The spirit power aura from their attacks against each other has already created extremely violent sword aura power in the direction in front of them.

Lin Chuan nodded when he saw the Azure Dragon Sword Qi controlled in his palm and could spread out in the direction in front of him.

The Azure Dragon Sword Aura that was present in his palm now, after flying out, brought back a deadly spiritual attack.

Suddenly, all the power has exploded in the entire space.

Lin Chuan himself realized some of the wrong forces in the surrounding space, and after that, the kendo aura that controlled the ascent in his palm became more and more intense.

Suddenly, the spirit energy aura that exploded out formed a particularly violent fluctuation in the surrounding area.

Lin Chuan nodded a little, and when he could realize something, those people in black had no need to continue fighting.

Lin Chuan slightly merged the power of a flame into a blue dragon sword aura, and then spread directly in the direction in front of him.

If this strong spiritual energy burst out in the final space, it would be extremely dangerous.

Now the spiritual power that penetrates through the entire space has formed a particularly severe threat.

At this time, part of the power that Lin Chuan had burst out of his hand was also directed towards the direction in front of him.

Between them, they began to fight constantly, and they showed more and more dangerous forces.

Lin Chuan nodded, and when he was clearly aware of the explosion of some spiritual power, he had already relaxed a lot.

As long as the surrounding black powers are worn out in this space, Lin Chuan himself must be able to control one after another, and spread out in the entire space.

At this time, Lin Chuan stabilized the spirit power aura that had risen in his palm.

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