I Can Collect Unlimited Monsters

Chapter 996: Want to do it

More dangerous auras of spiritual power were directly fused in the entire space.

Between them, they began to constantly shoot, and then Lin Chuan himself also used part of his huge power to directly kill out in the direction of the air.

Because Lin Chuan had arrived at this time, he was also very convinced that the power condensed in his own palm must be particularly strong now.

In the entire surrounding space, countless auras of spiritual power have directly caused a particularly dramatic impact in the direction in front of them.

They madly shot each other, and the spiritual power aura that they merged became even more intense.

Now that Lin Chuan continues to run out of a part of the spiritual power, Lin Chuan wants to try, so that the power at hand can penetrate the entire space.

Only in this way can Lin Chuan himself get the greatest improvement.

Now countless powers have directly exploded around here, and the spiritual power aura that they have nurtured with each other has become faster and faster.

After a few moments, the power directly penetrating in the entire surrounding space also changed more and more drastically.

Lin Chuan smiled faintly, and the spiritual power he could penetrate now burst out in the direction in front of him.

In the surrounding space, the spirit power aura that was conceived also penetrated more.

Then they themselves began to madly gather more power. Every time a spirit energy aura gathers and penetrates through the entire space, the power they bred from each other can have some changes. .

Suddenly, Lin Chuan had more and more power to control.

In Lin Chuan's own hands, most of the power he possessed had already been revealed.

After a quarter of an hour passed, Lin Chuan's own spiritual power burst out directly in the space.

After the puppets around felt the power in the palm of Lin Chuan's hand, there was no way to integrate what kind of spiritual energy aura.

Those puppets wanted to merge all the spiritual power in Lin Chuan's body as much as possible.

But they are also very clear that most of the power that they have merged in the entire space has been released, and there is no way to target Lin Chuan.

Between them, they furiously shot each other, and the fierce aura that gathered became more and more intense.

After that, most of them were completely resolved by Lin Chuan and the others.

Some of them still look incredible now, and they don't believe in the spiritual power bred in the entire space now, what is going on.

But after a while, Lin Chuan had already continued to attack.

Because Lin Chuan was able to control the burst of spiritual power at his fingertips, each path had to become more intense.

Between them, they have already madly killed each other, and the power that they can try to burst out in their hands has become more and more intense.

Then Lin Chuan directly merged a part of the spiritual power aura out. He wanted to try it out on his own. If he directly penetrated through it, how much power he must have to cause violent spiritual power penetration around here.

One after another dangerous sword aura, all of them had been killed in the direction of the men in black.

Those blacks of them felt Lin Chuan's current spiritual power aura, and when they penetrated it, they all frowned. They didn't know why Lin Chuan could still use such a strong spiritual power aura.

It even broke out directly in the space.

After the more and more tyrannical forces around them penetrated, they also constantly shot each other, and merged more spiritual power.

Some of the puppets were hidden in the darkness by the people in black, who controlled them to kill them, and the spirit power aura that burst out was indeed more intense.

But those guys, no matter how intense the spiritual power aura is now penetrating, it has no effect.

In the entire surrounding space, the aura of spiritual power floating out appeared more and more.

Between them, the spirit power breath that pierces through each other constantly, each of them will have some different changes.

Then in their own palms, the fusion power gathered, and suddenly they would burst out crazy.

Some of the puppets, after knowing what they wanted, they all rushed out frantically, in order to make the last spirit energy aura in their flesh burst out.

They feel that as long as the spirit power aura that is present in their palms can burst out, it must be the best.

And if you can attack, it doesn't matter if you die.

After all, their puppets themselves are not alive, as long as the soul idea in their puppets is collected and re-fused, they can become a new puppet at any time.

They can even have more powerful combat effectiveness, so they all penetrated crazily.

There are some unconscious puppets who don't need to think about so many things. They don't know what death is all about, so they have all been killed.

Lin Chuan saw in his eyes, his expression suddenly became solemn.

Lin Chuan began to let the spirit power aura controlled in his palm merge, because at this time, Lin Chuan himself was also more worried.

He doesn't know why there are so many dangerous forces in the entire space that can penetrate.

What is even more frightening is that those who use these powerful forces are still some puppets.

Countless puppets burst out in the entire space, and the spirit power aura condensed between them, one of them seemed more intense than the other.

Lin Chuan kept showing the spiritual power in his physical body, because Lin Chuan himself also felt something wrong.

More and more Azure Dragon Sword Qi formed a defensive state around Lin Chuan. By the way, they also protected all of them and ensured their mutual safety.

Then Lin Chuan merged a part of spiritual power.

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