Chapter 147 Level 7 System, Time Magnetic Field!

after the meeting.

After hesitating for a long time, Song Lining called Ye Chen.

At his current level, he is barely qualified to talk to Ye Chen.

But since the last meeting, I have especially seen two historical figures, Yue Fei and Bruce Lee.

Song Lining couldn’t calm down when facing Ye Chen.

Not only can’t calm down, there is even some fear.

“Hello, Mr. Ye.”

After the call was connected, Song Lining was very cautious and polite.

Ye Chen was watching the actual measurement of the mecha with everyone in the basement.

Hearing this, he asked, “What is the matter with Song Bu looking for me?”

“Ah, that’s Mr. Ye like this.

Song Lining felt a touch of pressure and took a deep breath when he heard the words: “We decided to buy your lipid capsule technology for 50 million yuan.”

Hearing Song Lining’s words, Ye Chen laughed.

Lipid capsule technology, in fact, less than 50 million.

Da Vinci and the others estimated that at most 30 million.

And Song Lining was obviously showing his favor.

Hearing this, Ye Chen said: “Okay.

Seeing that Ye Chen didn’t say much, Song Lining’s tone was stagnant.

After a while, Song Lining asked, “Mr. Ye, do you have anything else here?”

“Song Department, we have our plans.”

Ye Chen said while looking at Bruce Lee who was actually fighting: “However, there are still two new technologies that are ready to be promoted.”

Song Lining’s body trembled and his breathing began to quicken.


Sure enough.

The Hall of Longevity is so magical, he doesn’t believe that there is only one technique.

“We intend to introduce a new 3D holographic projection technology.

In addition to “, there are roller skating aircraft.”

“Song Department, are you interested in this technology?”

After Ye Chen finished speaking, Song Lining’s pupils shrank.

The roller skating aircraft is not bad. So far, the military of various countries have studied it, and the results are remarkable.

The technology of the Hall of Longevity is at best an innovation.

However, this 3D holographic projection made him smell the huge function!

That’s military!

Song Lining’s breathing began to quicken.

Immediately, he subconsciously asked: “Mr. Ye, these two technologies

“At least 20 years ahead of today.

That sentence made Song Lining’s heart beat faster.

20 years!

Worse than he thought!

“Mr. Ye, we want it all!”

After hanging up the phone, the corner of Ye Chen’s mouth rose slightly.

What he sold, on the one hand, was not Da Vinci’s core technology.

On the other hand, it also lives in the castrated version.

Whether it’s Leonardo’s or Lorenz’s 3D hologram.

It’s all timeless.

Moreover, it can cause great changes in all walks of life.

Advertising industry, gaming industry, live broadcasting industry, even military, medicine, astronomy, etc.

And the roller skating aircraft, of course, is not the kind of low to burst on the Internet.

Rather, it flies faster, is more stable, and can be manipulated directly by neurons.

Simple, that is, it can greatly improve the efficiency of individual combat!

In terms of fast strikes in the city, this aircraft will definitely play a great role.

Moreover, the stable flight altitude of the aircraft is 300 meters, and the limit is 800 meters.

There is so much that can be done at this height.

As for the way of cooperation, Ye Chen has also discussed with Chu Fangyu and the others.

Cooperative production and patent sharing.

Day two.

The development group and construction group under Changshengdian began to go to the 9th island in the Pacific Ocean.

In addition, there are construction workers from China Construction Group who were secretly dispatched by Song Lining.

There are more than 5,000 people in total.

This is only the first batch.

At the same time, in the experimental base in Yinglan, the Tiangong mothership began the secret production of core components.

On the Tarim side, good news spreads frequently.

The nano-satellite Kuafu, which was supervised by Einster and Putin and presided over by Jiang Linbo, was launched into space.

That’s more high-end than Putin’s Breakthrough Starshot project.

In terms of kinetic energy, a big upgrade has come directly.

In addition, the latest energy capture technology researched by Da Vinci is also used.

Kuafu can collect more potential space signals.

In addition, due to the use of a combination of solar energy and light energy.

The Kuafu also flies faster than any other satellite in the world.

The launch of this satellite means that the longevity hall’s journey to find alien civilizations has begun.

With the return of Tesla and Da Vinci et al.

The technology of the Hall of Longevity had a big explosion.

And over time and funding is added.

Relevant scientific and technological achievements will be directly transformed into real achievements.

That night.

Ye Chen returned to Villa 1.

During this time, he filled nearly a thousand time capsules.

Most of them were handed over to Yue Fei and Yue Yun’s father and son.

The other part was given to Chu Fangyu, Einster and others.

Nearly a thousand time capsules, some of which are used for time stagnation.

The other part is used for time acceleration.

It is with Ye Chen’s ability that all laboratories can quickly achieve breakthroughs.

And because of the continuous production of a huge number of time capsules.

Ye Chen’s time balance was running out.

Host: Ye Chen

Strength: 100

Agility: 100

Spirit: 100

Time point: 95 years

Host lifespan: 1.8 million years

System level: 6 (0/10 billion)

The original 100 million time point has 90,000 years left

Ye Chen felt that it was time to harvest a wave of time points.

Some time ago, Jiang Youwei and Liu Yun purchased another batch of Antarctic sponges.

Antarctic sponges are indeed suitable for harvesting.

after an hour.

Ye Chen once again plundered an extremely huge time point.

Host: Ye Chen

Strength: 100

Agility: 100

Spirit: 100

Time point: 1 billion years

Host lifespan: 10 million years

System level: 7 (0/100 billion)

Looking at the dreamy figure, Ye Chen showed a faint smile.

“Ding, the system is upgraded to level 7 to reward the host’s time magnetic field ability.”

“Heh, congratulations to the host for raising the system to level 7, and the consumption of each function has been greatly reduced.”

“Heh, congratulations on the host’s lifespan reaching 10 million years, and time travel can go anywhere within 5,000 years.”

Three beeps sound in a row.

Ye Chen was pleasantly surprised.

“Time Magnetic Field?”

This is a new ability.

Ye Chen tried it out.

“Zi (Li Lihao) Zi.”

The next moment, a magical scene appeared.

I saw that with Ye Chen as the center, the entire Villa No. 1 was shrouded in a magnetic field.

Immediately, there was more information in Ye Chen’s mind.

He found that within the range of the magnetic field, it is possible to accelerate and decelerate at will, or to stagnate time.

In short, he can use any time ability at will within the magnetic field.

This is not the main thing.

Importantly, there is no time limit!

Time capsules are still limited.

Ye Chen needs to keep filling up his abilities to attack.

Moreover, the radiation range is limited.

However, the time magnetic field rewarded by the level 7 system can affect 100 kilometers!

This is a very scary number.

In other words, as long as Ye Chen’s mind moves, everything within a hundred kilometers will fall under his control!

This is “The Lord of Time!

(The Lord of Time is about to start traveling through the heavens. Do you have any good suggestions, or which world do you most want Ye Chen to go to? Comments are welcome in the book review area.),

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