Chapter 166 Returning to Hometown and Dressing Up in the Mirror

The three of them looked at each other, and Xiang Yu immediately said, “Sir, the three of us were separated for a period of time 100 years ago.”

“I went to the Roman Empire and brought a bunch of people back there.

After Xiang Yu finished speaking, Zhuge Liang smiled and said, “Sir, Liang went to the South China Sea and occasionally got something.”

Guiguzi also said: “I should go the most, southwest, extreme north, southeast and so on.”

Ye Chen smiled.

It seems that the days of more than a thousand years are nothing.

The four chatted for a long time.

Two hours later.

Ye Chen got up: “It’s getting late, let’s go.”


Zhuge Liang looked moved.

two hundred years respectively.

Now it’s only two hours together.

Seeing the three of them look very reluctant.

Ye Chen smiled and said, “It’s not that I’m missing.

After a pause, Ye Chen said: “Three, come on, I’ll be waiting for you in 2019!”

See Ye Chen say so.

The three Xiang Yu had to bow respectfully.

Until Ye Chen left for a long time.

The three were still staring blankly ahead.

A thousand years is too long.

In a blink of an eye, another 5 years have passed.

442 AD.

The Northern Wei Dynasty ended a 15-year campaign.

The Rouran Khanate was defeated and returned, ceding the land.

The Northern Wei Dynasty was excited.

And this year, Hua Mulan became the general of Xiaoqi.

In 15 years, Hua Mulan led the team to make 570 expeditions nearly 100 times.

Win a hundred battles!

Mulan’s fame grew louder as the war ended.


Just when the army of the Northern Wei Dynasty returned to the dynasty.

“Sir, the war is over.”

After 15 years of getting along day and night, Ye Chen and Hua Mulan have long been intimate.

They are more like husband and wife.

Hua Mulanlan lay in Ye Chen’s arms and looked at the bright starry sky.

Rarely quiet.

Long-lost comfort.


Ye Chen stroked Mulan’s cheek.

This girl fights very hard.

Also injured several times.

It looks a little distressing.

“Young master, what do you think there is in the sky?”

Mulan snuggled in Ye Chen’s arms, feeling happy and at ease.

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “Do you want to listen to something more romantic, or something more scientific?”


Hua Mulan was amused by Ye Chen.

In the past fifteen years, Ye Chen has revealed some things.

In fact, even if Ye Chen didn’t say it, Hua Mulan guessed it.

Fifteen years, Ye Chen’s appearance has not changed at all.

It was still the same as when they met in Yucheng.

Thinking of this, Hua Mulan raised her head and looked at Ye Chen tenderly: “Young Master, what would it have been like if you hadn’t appeared?”

Ye Chen smiled.


If he didn’t show up, Mulan would still be Mulan.

She will still make achievements and become a heroine that has been passed down through the ages.

However, the process is bound to be more tortuous.

“If I hadn’t appeared, the mountains and rivers would still be mountains and rivers, and the sky would still be the same.

Ye Chen looked up at the sky.

He also stayed in the Northern Wei Dynasty for fifteen years.

Before that, Ye Chen was only 20 years old.

In other words, Ye Chen is now 35 years old.


Hua Mulan’s little head gave Ye Chen’s cheek: “Sir, if you don’t show up, then I will have no light.”

After a pause, Hua Mulan said softly, “Young master, you have saved me 96 times in the past fifteen years.

“If there is no son, how can Mulan have such a deep memory.

Ye Chen heard that and kissed Mulan’s forehead gently.

Immediately, Ye Chen asked, “Mulan, aren’t you curious why you haven’t grown old?”

Hua Mulan held her lips: “I’m not curious, the son doesn’t want to say, Mulan doesn’t ask.

The love in Ye Chen’s eyes is getting stronger and stronger.

The God of War, who was feared by the enemy on the battlefield, was now showing a gentleness and a woman that no one else had ever seen before.

And these all belong to him, Ye Chen.

Ye Chen slowly spread out his hands.

The next moment, time stands still.

Hua Mulan’s delicate body trembled.

She felt unusual.

“Mulan, I’m not from this era.

“Do you still remember Pingcheng in the first five years? You should have guessed the three.

Hua Mulan raised her head, Yin Ya clenched her eyes with a hint of panic.

She didn’t know what Ye Chen meant when he said this.

Are you going to separate?

Thinking of this, Hua Mulan’s beautiful eyes turned red, but she still looked at Ye Chen stubbornly.

“Listen to me carefully, I can’t take you away directly.

“However, you and I will meet in the future, which is 2019.

“In the meantime, you won’t get old, so you need to hide your identity.”

Mulan was stunned for a moment.

Immediately, he suddenly kissed Ye Chen.

10 minutes later.

Hua Mulan looked at Ye Chen very tenderly: “No matter how long, as long as the son wants Mulan, Mulan will keep waiting.”

“But sir, can you spend more time with Mulan?”

1 month later.

Shengle, the capital of Northern Wei Dynasty.

The great army returned to the dynasty, and Tuoba Tao, Emperor Taiwu of the Northern Wei Dynasty, gave a reward for meritorious deeds.

Mulan’s military merits are outstanding.

But he rejected all Tuoba Tao’s awards.

And Mulan’s man disguised as a woman is also known to everyone.

Tuoba Tao not only did not blame, but was full of great admiration for this heroic heroine who coexists with loyalty and filial piety.


Mulan returned in triumph.

The villagers greeted the heroine one after another.

Hua Mulan received the highest courtesy from Yucheng.

During this period, Ye Chen kept watching from a distance with a smile.

Mulan’s eyes were almost always on Ye Chen.

She knew that the two would soon part ways.



So much so that the joy of victory in my heart and the excitement of returning home have faded a lot.

Flower home.

The old couple, who had been waiting for fifteen years, cried with joy.

Then my daughter cried for a long, long time.

Hua Mulan held Ye Chen’s hand, her eyes full of love: “Grandpa, Aniang, this is the story of my son and I for 15 years.”

After Hua Mulan finished speaking, she rested her head on Ye Chen’s shoulder.

The 60-year-old Hua Arc has already cried to tears.

He knelt down in front of Ye Chen with a thud: “Mr. Ye! You are the savior of the Hua family, and Hua Huo kowtowed to you.”

Ye Chen hurriedly helped Hua Huo up and said, “Sir, this must not be the case.”

Hua Yuan wiped her tears and looked at Ye Chen gratefully.

At that time, she thought that Ye Chen would never return.

Who knows, these fifteen years have been quietly protecting Hua Mulan.

Let me ask, such a person is not worthy of her gratitude for a lifetime, who else deserves it?

into the night.

Ye Chen and Hua Mulan slept in a room with a new quilt and a new bed.

Since she just finished her work, Hua Mulan’s pretty face still had fine beads of sweat on her face.

At this moment, Hua Mulan hugged Ye Chen tightly.

For fear that Ye Chen would seem to leave him at any time.

Ye Chen sighed in his heart.

Immediately, she said softly, “Mulan, shall we get married?”

Ye Chen thought about it for a long time and felt that Mulan should still be given a name.

Not for anything else, but for the next thousand years of hard waiting.

Hua Mulan’s body was shocked.

Immediately, pea-sized tears in the beautiful eyes rolled down like a downpour.

The Mulan Building is even tighter.

for a long time.

Hua Mulan wiped away her tears and showed a beautiful smile: “Master, let Mulan serve you a few more times.”

After speaking, the red lips kissed.

This time, Ye Chen tasted the bitterness between his lips.

The two struggled for a long time.

Exhausted, Hua Mulan already embraced Ye Chen sweetly and fell asleep.

(On Christmas Eve, the author wrote all night’s words, sincerely ask for a full subscription, ask for automatic subscription, the score is very important to the author!! Thank you!! Thanks to everyone who supports the author, remember it!!!).

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