Chapter 179 Don’t Provoke God

The silver and black Overlord mecha is like a stone Buddha, and Truman is speechless.

When the mask of the Overlord Mecha was opened, Xiang Yu looked at everyone in the command cabin with a half-smile.


Behind Truman, an officer shouted a gun and was about to shoot.

Xiang Yu raised his hand without looking at it.


A fiery light emanated from the palm of the hand.

Even if the nuclear power reactor only releases one ten thousandth of the power, it is not something that the human body can handle.

In the blink of an eye, the officer melted directly!

Under the high temperature of thousands of degrees, there is no trace left!

The scene was eerily quiet.

No one spoke, and someone just passed out.

Truman’s lips trembled.

He confirmed it.

The other party is Ye’s person!

But what about these technologies?

Why is there such a deep and terrifying force hidden in the world?

Truman slowly raised his hands, his face pale to the extreme.

“Sir, I surrender.”

Hearing Truman’s words, George breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the captain did not make a fool of himself to resist, otherwise, I am afraid it will become a barbecue.

“The majesty of the Hall of Longevity cannot be violated!”

Xiang Yu said indifferently.

The next moment, it was like a tiger descending the mountain.



The dozen or so people in the command cabin were powerless to resist, and they were burned to death.

In the end, only the shivering Truman remained.

Truman’s hair seems to have turned white.

The whole person slumped on the ground, looking terrified.

“Oh, God!”

“What kind of existence is Mr. President provoking?

Truman’s sanity has become a little messy.

He stared blankly at the cool mecha slaughter.

On the huge Villefort.

All but a few technicians were killed.


“Trumman, sir, wants to see you.”

After Xiang Yu finished speaking, he was like a chicken, carrying Truman, who was 1.8 meters tall.


When Xiang Yu broke through the glass and flew into the sky.


Truman screamed in horror.

If God was there, he would rather die!

2 minutes later.


Truman was thrown away by Xiang Yu.

Immediately, Truman fell to the ground.

When he looked up, more than 20 people were looking at him quietly!

Truman was terrified.

Even, I feel like I’m going crazy.

Almost freaked out.

However, when he saw the twenty people, the whole person seemed to be frozen!

The mouth is so big that the eyeballs are about to protrude!

“Da Vinci!?”



“T, Tesla?”

“Ju, Madame Curie?!”

Truman just felt his head go blank!

He even forgot that he was captured by the enemy.

I also forgot the fear that was so intense in my heart!

As the commander-in-chief of the Third Fleet, Truman has never been so gaffe as he is today.

He stood up abruptly, regardless of his embarrassed image.

Like a madman and a fool: “Are you Mr. Da Vinci?”

Einster “? Haven’t you died long ago?”

“Pujin, I’m one of the investors in the Breakthrough Starshot Project, why are you here?

Truman thought it was all an illusion.

He must be dreaming.

Must have come to a wax museum.


Truman suddenly slapped himself.

His strength was so great that blood oozes from the corners of his mouth.

Her hair, which was not messy before, spread out like a lunatic.

“Not a dream?

Truman said to himself.

Suddenly, he raised his head and looked at the young man who looked like a star arching the moon.

“You are Ye!


Truman suddenly gasped.

The hands and feet were instantly cold.

Truman’s hair stood on end, and he stepped back like a frightened cat.

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “General Truman, how are you?”

Truman’s face changed slightly.

Immediately he took a deep breath.

He took a deep look at Einster and the others again.

“You…you’re not human!

“You are God! God!”

“Why didn’t they die?”

Truman felt like his head was about to explode.

Why do these people who have long since passed away appear alive in front of their eyes?

And those technologies, he understands!

Everything is understood!

Truman felt like an outcast pawn.

That’s how you became a high-level cannon fodder!

“Hello sir!”

Xiang Yu kicked Truman.

Truman fell and ate shit again, knocking out two of his teeth.

Truman came back to his senses and shuddered subconsciously.

You don’t have to think about it to know that those great scientists are all Ye’s subordinates!

In other words, they are all servants of God!

“Xiang Yu, be polite to our guests.”

Ye Chen waved his hand.

Truman swallowed, his voice trembling: “Hello, Mr. Ye, hello.”

He was afraid.

Really scared.

If the other party is a human, even if he dies, it doesn’t matter.

However, the other party is God!

Are they actually fighting against God?

They even tried to arrest God?!

Bunch of idiots!

Truman can’t wait to bite those people to death!

“Tell your president what to do honestly, the Hall of Longevity is not something you can think of.”

Ye Chen smiled.

But in the eyes of Truman, this smile is like a devil!

“This time, it’s a fleet, next time it’s the whole country!”

After speaking, Ye Chen stepped forward.

Lifting Truman up easily: “Understood, General Truman?”

Truman forced himself not to urinate.

Nodding again and again: “Ye, Mr. Ye, I’ll go back and report!”


3 hours later.

Truman returned to the military base in Xia Weiyi in a daze.

Inside the base, the officers looked extremely serious and sad.

They already know about the Third Fleet.

Although little is known about it because of signal shielding.

However, seeing the miserable appearance of the captain, they all understood.

“I want to see the leader!”

Truman came back to his senses and suddenly said: “The team leader is there, take me to see him!”

After a while, Truman was taken to a secret conference room.

In the conference room, the expression of the leader of Group G (Zhao De’s) was extremely solemn.

On the walls of the conference room, there are also several high-level portraits.

Truman swallowed and said, “Everyone, we have provoked God!”

A word that instantly caused the audience to tremble!

“What? Truman, what’s going on!”

“Why didn’t the previous battle send out the latest signal, are you collaborating with the enemy?!”

“It’s ridiculous, there is only one true God in this world!”

The meeting room suddenly became extremely lively.

Truman smiled, thinking that these people were ridiculously cold.

“Everyone, I have a heavy responsibility for this action.

Truman’s expression became extremely serious: “I just say one thing, don’t provoke God.”

“God told me this time it was a warning, next time it was a nation!”

“I will use my death to make atonement for God.”

After Truman finished speaking, he suddenly pulled out a pistol.


The head of Group G, a gray-haired old man’s face changed greatly.


In front of all the top brass, Truman committed suicide.

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