Chapter 192 encounter bad people Zhang Xiaojing (demand perfection seek custom order)

Luoyang, the most prosperous and studied.

Xianlv vegetarian restaurant.

Objective “What would you want to come?”

Ye Chen waiter smiles just come there to meet up.

Ye Chen looked around, immediately sat down and said:. “Steamed beans, colored cake, some more wine.”


After the waiter departed, Ye Chen We find a table to sit down.

Xianlv fasting, Luoyang is one of the busiest restaurants.

Chen Ye just sit down at a table, there will be a white man covered with the alcohol elegant seated.

Needless to say, this man is a Li Bai.

Li Bai drunk holding a flagon see the hall Hall Chen Ye: “This is the place I found that Mr. Li Bai?”

Chen Ye heard and smiled.

He is for this position came.

Huge Xianlv fast, packed.

Except this seat, always empty.

This “seat can not write the name.

After hearing the words of Chen Ye, Li Bai seems to sober up a little.

Looked up and down “seven hundred twenty” Ye Chen moment, immediately laughed:. “Mr. extraordinary manner, unlike the locals.”

Li Bai soon as he finished, the waiter took the dish serving over.

Ye Chen smiled slightly.

The next moment, a scene so that the mere mention of Li Bai appeared.

Suddenly quiet Xianlv within the huge vegetarian!

Noisy instant stop.

The waiter even kept walking posture not move!

Not only waiter.

Everyone seems to be acupuncture in general, still there!

Li Bai face drastic changes!

Weizui condition disappears, the whole person hairs erect!

“Oh, this is not the waiter to send food to the eyes.

Ye Chen smiled and shook his head.

The thing got taken down.

See yourself looking at some dismay Li Bai, Chen Ye said: “drink with it.”

Li Bai had just recovered.

Pupil with shock: “First, Mr. also is the expert!”

“An expert not deserve it, some insight Tang scenery only.

Ye Chen poured himself a glass of wine.

See Li Bai looked sluggish looked around.

Ye Chen smiled: “You do not drink I drank it myself.”

Then we must drink.

“Mr. Wait a minute!”

Li Bai took a deep breath.

Immediately showing a smile: “Since Mr. not come for me, since when drinking.”

Then give yourself filling.



They gulp.

Li Bai also figured out.

Or that he knew in the face of this, can not figure out is useless.

This means, the other is definitely a reclusive fairy!

Chen leaves indistinct mouth with a smile.

Time of stagnation lifted.

That waiter smiles suddenly stunned.

Dish it?


See Chen has been eating the leaves.

Waiter puzzled face left.

Just thought he was too busy, remember wrong.

Xianlv fast again to restore calm.

Li Bai pupil miniature, it really is not all just a dream!

Today “drink of the happy!”

Chen Ye and even drink three cups just feel a lot of internal organs are fresh.

Chen Ye Li Bai is still looking at the surface with awe.

Ye Chen look to Li Bai: “today, keeping everything you can, you still date me goodbye.”

Li Bai’s face changed!

Immediately, Li Bai respectfully asked: “Sir go where?”


“Zhang so bad people handling the case, idlers out of the way!”

Ye Chen was about to speak, suddenly an overbearing voice sounded from the doorway.

The next moment he saw a tall man put a knife from.

Men’s cheeky fierce look in his eyes, with a trace of iron unruly.

Xianlv vegetarian suddenly became flustered up.

But Ye Chen’s eyes are bright!

Bad guy Zhang Xiaojing..

This one is even here!

“On the order of the county magistrate, I have come to arrest the criminal Chen Chao!”

Zhang Xiaojing bowed his hands to everyone: “I hope you don’t take offense.”

After he finished speaking, he rushed inside quickly.

Li Bai smiled: “This Zhang Xiaojing is also a strange person.”

Ye Chen’s eyes fell on Zhang Xiaomin.

So, this guy hasn’t killed the county lieutenant yet?

Then the so-called Turkic plan to destroy Chang’an has not started yet?

Is history so interesting?

Seeing that Ye Chen had been staring at him, Zhang Xiaomin looked over subconsciously.

Suddenly, Zhang Xiaogu stopped.

Of course he doesn’t know Ye Chen anymore.

However, he knew Li Bai.

To be precise, no one in this era does not know Li Bai.

“It turns out that Layman Qinglian is also there.

Zhang Xiaojing bowed his hands politely and said, “Excuse me.”

If it is Li Bai who usually likes to make friends, he will definitely talk to this bad teacher with chivalrous spirit and courage.

But now.

Li Bai glanced at Ye Chen subconsciously.

This look made Zhang Xiaogu stunned.

In my impression, Li cabbage was so arrogant and arrogant, how could he be so respectful to a young man?

Yes! That is respect!

Zhang Xiaogu has been a soldier in the Western Regions for ten years.

He has been a bad teacher for several years, and he is definitely an expert in knowing people.

He saw the respect in Li Bai’s demeanor at a glance.

Immediately, Zhang Xiaojing couldn’t help but look at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen showed a half-smile but not a smile: “Are the surviving brothers of the eighth regiment all right?”

One sentence made Zhang Xiaojing’s face change dramatically!

Zhang Xiaogu’s pupils shrank slightly.

Immediately, his expression changed: “Who is Your Excellency?”

The eighth regiment was the glory of his life and the pain of his life.

But this matter, only the people in Chang’an know.

People here don’t know!

“I’m just a wanderer!

Ye Chen smiled and said, “Go and chase your prisoner.”

Zhang Xiaojing laughed: “My prisoner can’t escape.”

After he finished he looked upstairs.

Indistinctly, footsteps and fighting could be heard.

Zhang Xiaomin felt more at ease.

“Are you sure you can’t run away?”

Ye Chen smiled.

As soon as the words fell, a unkempt man jumped up from the stairs.

Zhang Xiaojing’s face changed and he was about to get up.

Suddenly the man threw a hidden arrow.


Zhang Xiaojing shouted: “Don’t run!”

Before he could finish speaking, the man had already run to the door of the restaurant.

Outside the door, there is a bustling crowd.

Zhang Xiaojing’s face sank.

This prisoner was already a master, but he was careless.

However, just when Zhang Xiaojing was about to catch up.

A scene that made him change color appeared.

But I saw Ye Chen’s figure was elegant.

Like a white streamer flashing.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Chen came back.

And that master Chen Chao didn’t even have the ability to resist.

Just like that, he lay on the ground.

Zhang Xiaojing and Li Bai changed color 2.3 at the same time.

Zhang Xiaojing quickly ran to Chen Chao.

The next moment, Zhang Xiaojing exclaimed: “Not dead!”

This shocked him even more.

In an instant, subdued each other?

But how can he master the power so delicately?

Li Bai looked at Ye Chen and murmured: “Kill one person in ten steps, and leave no one behind for a thousand miles.

Ye Chen smiled slightly.

Once in a while, it feels pretty good.

Although he rarely shoots, he can reach the limit of human physical fitness.

Coupled with the practice under the stagnation of time.

In terms of force, he should be stronger than Xiang Yu.

Zhang Xiaojing got up and looked at Ye Chen, then he cupped his hands seriously and said, “Thank you, Mr.

(Today is the last tomorrow of 2019 is the legendary year of the future, 2020, I hope to continue to work with you, I hope to dedicate more wonderful things to you, I wish you all the best in the new year!).

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