Chapter 207 The last time we met was when you had a full moon banquet

outside the venue.

High-level officials from various countries gathered and talked in low voices.

At this time, Yue Fei and Li Bai entered the venue.

Officials from various countries looked up.

Mr. “Hello.”

A general in Northern Ross said politely.

Yue Fei nodded towards the other party.

The meeting in the large conference room is in progress.

They are waiting here as accompanying officials of various high-level officials.

It also facilitates communication and exchange.

Because of Yue Fei and Li Bai’s entry, everyone’s attention was drawn.

At this time, an old man who looked very old came over with a cane.

The old man had silver hair, similar to that of an old Kentucky grandfather.

Yue Fei recognized this man, this is Prince Puli of the great country of Italy.

He was also the oldest among the crowd.

Prince Pulley stepped forward and gave a gentleman’s salute.

Immediately, he smiled slightly: “Good morning, young “Seven-two-seven” students.

Yue Fei and Li Bai looked at each other.

Immediately, Li Bai smiled: “It looks younger than you.”

Prince Pullin laughed.

As the prince of the great country of Italy, his power status is extremely high.

Throughout the Allies, he is a figure that can be counted.

“I’m 92 this year.

Prince Pulley sat beside them and said.

“Not bad, only 824 years younger than me.”

Yue Fei said lightly.

“Hehe, only 8. What!”

Prince Poole’s expression changed.

He looked at Yue Fei incredulously, his expression full of astonishment.

Immediately, Prince Puli thought of the words of Admiral Peter, the ally.

Suddenly he took a breath.

Li Bai smiled slightly: “1226 years younger than me.”


The 92-year-old Prince of Pooley feels his blood pressure has risen.

He quickly took out an instrument and swung it around.

It took a moment to feel better.

Looking at the two of them, Prince Poole’s eyes became a little awe-inspiring.

The rumors are indeed true!

Both of them are immortals!


Prince Thapley’s life is coming to an end.

He dreams of living a few more years.

But these few, not only lived a few more years!

For a time, Prince Pulley felt like a grandson.

No, younger than grandson!

Another old man came over.

This is Duke Carl of Lanhe Kingdom.

In terms of status, it is comparable to that of Prince Puli, and his influence is even higher.

In Lan and China, he is second only to a few high-level figures.

Those who can follow the high-level secret to attend this event are all the presences of various countries.

It is an existence that is entitled to access to more secrets.

Duke Carl and Prince Poole nodded.

Immediately smiled: “Two gentlemen, can I sit here?”

“sit down.”

Yue Fei smiled.

These people want to explore something.

However, both of them are too immature.

They are old antiques that have lived for thousands of years.

What trick have you not seen?

Duke Carl glanced at Prince Poole.

Seeing the horror on the old guy’s face, he couldn’t help laughing.

“Mr. Yue, we are also old friends.

Duke Carl was quite polite.

As soon as these words came out, Prince Puli’s pupils shrank.

They know each other?!

This is not good!

These people are not here to chat.

They all hope to establish friendship with those in the Hall of Longevity!

All want to be the first to get the convenience.

Prince Puli’s face was a little ugly.

Can’t think of Duke Carl still having this experience?

As a result, their big country of Italy will lag behind the country of Lanhe in this respect!

Yue Fei smiled: “Yes, the last time we met was when you were full moon.

“Time flies so fast.

Yue Fei’s words fell.

Prince Pulley’s expression instantly became very exciting: ”

Co-author The so-called old friend is Mr. Yue who attended the Full Moon Banquet?!

I have a big hole!

Do you remember anything at that time? Just start dating!

Prince Pulley’s dangling heart dropped again.

While letting go, I also felt a little funny.

However, Duke Carl did not feel anything at all.

Instead, he had an extremely honored and excited expression: “I can’t believe that Mr. really remembers me!”

Carl is happy.

very excited.

This is what his grandfather told him.

There is still a photo in the house.

Yue Fei smiled slightly: “Yes, your grandfather once stayed in my Shenwu Camp for 2 years.”

“Although he was expelled because of the elimination at the end, old Carl did a lot of things.”

Because of this, the old Carl strongly invited him later.

In addition, Yue Fei just went to Lan Heguo to do some errands and went there for a while.

As soon as this statement came out, Prince Puli had a black question mark on his face.0

this relationship

Is it intimate?

Not counting.

But why does it feel weird?

Prince Pulley glanced at Duke Carl.

However, he found that Duke Carl was even more excited, and he immediately felt extremely contemptuous in his heart.

“Mr. Yue remembers these past events so clearly, it’s an honor!”

Duke Carl exclaimed excitedly.

After finishing speaking, Carl added: “My grandfather once said that you also spanked my ass.”

Carl exclaimed: “Now think about it, Mr. Yue is half my father!”

Prince Pulley almost wanted to hit someone.

This f*ck, you started to recognize your father in order to get a relationship?

But are you so worthy of being a son?


Yue Fei showed a faint smile: “Mr. Carl, if you have nothing to do, I will be busy with you.”

After he finished speaking, he stood up.

Opposite, a middle-aged man in a military uniform stepped forward.

This middle-aged man is Lieutenant General of Basang.

It used to be from the Shenwu Camp.


The middle-aged officer bowed respectfully.

Yue Fei looked up and down and immediately said: “Yes, there has been some progress in 15 years.”

As the most secretive and deterrent force in the world.

The operation of Shenwu Camp for hundreds of years is not in vain.

Although in terms of personnel training, it may not be comparable to Zhuge Liang’s Heavenly Secret Pavilion.

However, when it comes to the cultivation of military force, the Shenwu Camp is absolutely number one.

The middle-aged officer was about to speak when the voice of the 2.3 Beijing organizer suddenly sounded in the venue.

Yue Fei and Li Bai looked at each other and smiled slightly.

“Sir, they’re done talking.

outside the venue.

Ye Chen is talking to the No. 1 figure of the allies.

Jiang Ziya and Da Vinci stood behind Ye Chen respectfully.

Our “cooperation will certainly be pleasant.”

After a while, Ye Chen smiled slightly.

No. 1 stretched out his hand with a bright smile and said, “Human civilization will definitely take a big step forward!”

Ye Chen nodded.

Right now.

Ye Chen’s cell phone rang.

Ye Chen glanced at it and immediately laughed.

“Sir, could it be that Earth 2 has made a major discovery?” Jiang Ziya came over and asked.

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “Go, take a look!”

(Carvin is already in pain, and I dare not write some things. Is there any big boss to come to support and condolence?),

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