Chapter 209 Zhang Qingzhun’s request

According to the information given by Langevin.

The oil in the Xizhou continent is enough to use Earth 1 for 100 years!

This is just the West Continent, what about the others?

Once the teleportation portal is established, the oil is delivered to World 1.


At that time, oil will be cheaper than water.

Of course, Shui Yechen is also not lacking.

There is also natural gas.

These energy and resources are exactly what he mentioned in the last meeting.

It is also a point that makes countries excited and discolored.

They don’t know that the mysterious Mr. Ye has a whole world.

Just thought, there are some resources.

If you know that Ye Chen owns an earth.

Even if it can scare a lot of people to death.

In terms of the degree of local tyrants, is there anyone in the world who can compare with Ye?

The afternoon of the second day.


Since the opening of Longevity City, Ye Chen has not returned to Linhai for a long time.

The original base of the Hall of Longevity has now become a branch.

On the one hand, the base in Laihai signed some documents.

On the other hand, it is to accompany Chu Fangyu on his birthday.

This is Ye Chen’s first birthday to Chu Fangyu.

In the long six hundred years, this was also Chu Fangyu’s first birthday.

When the two arrived at Linhai Changhe Airport by special plane.

Chu Fangyu took off his sunglasses, breathed in the familiar air, and smiled: “Young master, it’s better to be familiar here.”

under the sunlight.

Chu Fangyu is becoming more and more elegant and gentle.

Today’s Chu Fangyu is wearing a light blue cheongsam.

This is Ye Chen’s birthday present to Chu Fangyu.

One was jointly completed by the four top embroiderers in China.

This cheongsam, if it has any value, is at least a million.

Of course, this amount of money is no longer money for Ye Chen.

What he values ​​more is the beauty of all hand-made.

“Yeah, it’s been so long after all.

Ye Chen looked at Linhai, who was somewhat unfamiliar, and smiled.

Changshengcheng is too modern and too high-tech.

So much so that Ye Chen felt a little uncomfortable when he came to Linhai.

A rare date.

Ye Chen accompanies Chu Fangyu to the streets just like ordinary boyfriend and girlfriend.

Afterwards, I ate some snacks.

After the meal, Chu Fangyu patted her flat belly happily and said, “I’m really arrogant today.”

Usually Chu Fangyu rarely eats fried chicken.

Ye Chen smiled: “Eat with confidence, you won’t gain weight.”

As soon as Ye Chen finished speaking, a man and a woman sat on the seat next to him.

Ye Chen subconsciously glanced at it and was slightly taken aback.

The two were also stunned.

“Ye Chen?

The woman was stunned for a moment and then overjoyed: “What a coincidence, you are here too.”

This is Shen Qingyi, whom Ye Chen once saved.

When talking about the acquisition of Linhai University of Science and Technology some time ago, Ye Chen saved the other party because of Yilonghui.

The two never saw each other after that.

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “Long time no see, how is it?”

Shen Qingyi took the middle-aged man’s arm and said with a smile: “Okay, school starts soon, so my dad insists on coming with me.”

Shen Qingyi’s father was a middle school teacher.

Also a scholar.

Ye Chen nodded towards the other party.

Immediately, he said: “We’ve finished eating, you’ll be busy first.

Get up and leave.

“Hey, Ye Chen, wait a minute.

Shen Qingyi quickly stood up and hesitated for a while before saying, “Well, can I ask you one thing?”

After Shen Qingyi finished speaking, she glanced at Chu Fangyu timidly.

Chu Fangyu’s temperament is very unique, gentle and elegant.

Every gesture exudes a noble air.

Even when eating, it is very beautiful.

Shen Qingyi’s appearance is not bad, but in front of Chu Fangyu, she has a feeling of inferiority.

“Sorry, I have to accompany my girlfriend today.

Ye Chen refused decisively without responding.


Shen Qingyi was a little disappointed.

Immediately, he picked up his smiling face again; “Thank you for things that didn’t go well last time, I’ll invite you to dinner another day.


After speaking, Chu Fangyu got up and left.

The two just walked a few steps, when they heard Shen Qingyi sigh: “Dad, it seems that there is really no way to deal with Zhang Lao.”

Ye Chen heard the words and stopped.

Immediately, Ye Chen turned his head and said, “Is the old man Zhang Qinghuai you are talking about?

“Yes yes yes!”

Shen Qingyi nodded quickly.

Zhang Qinghuai, the former president of Linhai University of Science and Technology, is a famous geographer and geologist.

authority on world geography.

Zhang Qingzhun is also the teacher of Shen Qingyi’s father.

He is also Shen Qingyi’s half grandfather.

Ye Chen looked at Shen Qingyi and asked, “What’s wrong with Mr. Zhang?”

Seeing this, Shen Qingyi was overjoyed and hurriedly said, “Elder Zhang’s granddaughter is dying, Ye Chen, can you help contact a foreign doctor?”

Ye Chen knew what was going on.

Zhang Qinghuai has a granddaughter, whom he loves even more.

Since retiring, Zhang Qinghuai has been at home with his granddaughter.

However, because Zhang Qinghuai’s son was an old man, his grandfather was even older.

Because of this, Zhang Qinghuai loves him very much.

Ye Chen thought about it and said, “I know about it, don’t worry.”

After saying that, he turned and left.

After walking for a while, Chu Fangyu smiled slightly: “I have heard of Zhang Qinghuai, he is indeed a genius.”


Ye Chen smiled: “It just so happens that Earth 2 needs these geologists.”

To create a fantasy world and a sci-fi world requires the concerted efforts of experts and scholars from multiple industries.

So far, Ye Chen still lacks some geologists and humanists.

Humanists are easy to handle, Jiang Ziya, Zhuge Liang and Guiguzi are all counted.


Downstairs of Linhai Third Hospital.

Ye Chen took Chu Fangyu’s hand and said, “Xiaoyu, just wait for me for 5 minutes.”

Chu Fangyu smiled and said, “I’ve waited for hundreds of years, how can I care about these 5 minutes.

Ye Chen smiled slightly.

It disappeared instantly.

The next moment, he appeared in the ICU ward of the Third Hospital.

Outside the ward, an old man in his seventies had red eyes, staring at the sky absentmindedly.

Ye Chen’s arrival did not attract the attention of the old man.

Ye Chen glanced at the ICU ward.

That 4-year-old girl has only 5 minutes of life left on her head (Zhao Liao Zhao).

Ye Chen looked back at Zhang Qinghuai.

“Old Zhang, hello.”

Only then did Zhang Qinghuai come back to his senses.

Immediately, Zhang Qinghuai said in surprise, “Mr. Ye, is that you?”

He knew Ye Chen, whether it was Ye Chen in his student days or Ye Chen, the first chairman of Linhai University of Science and Technology.

In addition, he also vaguely knew some relatively secret things.

See Zhang Qinghuai’s somewhat polite tone.

Ye Chen smiled, so it was easy.

The next moment, time stands still.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Chen said, “Old Zhang, your granddaughter has 5 minutes and 15 seconds of remaining life left.”


Zhang Qinghuai’s face changed dramatically!

The next moment, Zhang Qinghuai suddenly thought of something, and his whole body began to tremble.

In his eyes, there are shock, forgetfulness, panic and deep excitement.

Immediately, Zhang Qinghuai bowed respectfully to Ye Chen.

“As long as Mr. Ye can save Ziqi, Zhang Qinghuai is willing to go through fire and water for Mr.

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