Chapter 211 Xuanyuan Huangdi!

Changsheng City, Beicheng District.

No street.

Suspect “Zheng Teng violated Article 7, paragraph 26 of the Longevity Regulations; suspected of selling the Level 2 core technology of the Longevity Hall.”

Zhang Xiaojing said indifferently to a young man with a pale face: “Now the Division of Penalty Approval of the Neurological Punishment Unit will arrest you!”

The young man, Zheng Teng, hurriedly said, “I didn’t, I was wronged!”

Zheng Teng is a junior researcher of the Tianren Group.

It belongs to the most basic existence of the Hall of Longevity.

Two days ago, I mentioned the red blood cell conversion problem in contact with my former colleagues from the outside world, which was noticed by the Supervision Department of the God Punishment Group.

The God’s Punishment Unit now has four divisions and twelve battalions.

The Oversight Department is responsible for supervising and reviewing all grass-roots members.

The Department of Penalty will arrest based on the evidence and materials provided by the Department of Supervision.

After that, it will be handed over to the Town Yusi for trial.

In the end, the punishment is carried out by the Heaven Punishment Division.

In addition, there are two external departments of SHIELD Tianjian and Bureau.

They are responsible for the defense and offense of Changsheng City respectively.

The four internal departments perform their respective duties.

Zhang Xiaojing is the director of the Penalty Department.

And this case was his first case after taking office, so Zhang Xiaojing decided to arrest him personally.

“This is evidence material for your alleged sale of Level 2 core technology.

Zhang Xiaojing said with no expression on his face.

After speaking, the relevant evidence is projected by 3D holographic projection.

The iron evidence is like a mountain, and Zheng Teng’s face was instantly pale.

The next moment, Zheng Teng suddenly turned around and ran!

“Don’t try to catch me!”

Before Zheng Teng could finish speaking, his expression suddenly changed.

Zhang Xiaojing appeared in front of Zheng Teng and said with a smile: “Your ancestor was not born when labor and capital arrested people.”

“Dare to cross with me?”


When he finished speaking, he bumped his arm.

Zheng Teng sighed and collapsed to the ground looking at Zhang Xiaojing in despair.

“Knock away!”

Zhang Xiaojing said to his subordinates.

Immediately, two youths in penal costumes took out electromagnetic handcuffs.

Longevity City, including grassroots members, has a total of 278,000 people.

If you count the lower-level members of various industries and departments, there are 450,000 people.

This is only in Longevity City.

Those outside Changsheng City are not counted.

Therefore, the work of the Divine Punishment Team is not easy.

Inside the Longevity Tower.

After Ye Chen and the four deputy hall masters finished the meeting.

back to his room.

The walls of the rooms are made of high-hardness glass displays.

You can overlook the entire Changsheng City landscape.

The display can also be mobilized at any time to ensure privacy.

“The Second Emperor Yan and Huang…”

Ye Chen looked at the panoramic display a little lost.

Immediately, Ye Chen fixed the screen on the portrait of the Yellow Emperor.

Huang Di was the leader of the ancient China tribal alliance.

He is the co-owner of the Chinese nation in ancient times.

He is also the head of the Five Emperors.

Respected as the “first ancestor of humanities”.

Such an existence is definitely the ancestor of the future human civilization on Earth 2.

It was fitting that he and the other two preached together.

As the thoughts turned, a stream of light descended from the sky and enveloped Ye Chen.

The beam is brilliant.

The next moment, the space-time picture scroll slowly unfolded.

Ye Chen glanced at it, and after discerning the time, he collapsed and stepped out.

2699 BC.

This is an ancient era earlier than the era of Yao, Shun and Yu.

Civilization has just formed.

The text has not yet been created.

In this era, the Yellow Emperor has not yet called himself the Yellow Emperor.

Instead, he was called Ji Xuanyuan by the world.

When Ye Chen walked out of the time and space scroll.

A desolate, very large plain came into view.

On the plains, there are armies fighting fiercely.

There is a long-dead raging bull corps rampage.

“This is… a battle of states?”

The Battle of Jizhou is one of the most famous battles in history.

In this battle, Emperor Yan and Huang defeated Chi You.

Thus opened a splendid era of civilization.

Inside and outside the ancient city of Jizhou, fighting continued.

Ye Chen walked into the battlefield as if he was in another dimension.

Under the influence of time acceleration, Ye Chen was like a streamer.

Speed ​​to the extreme.

People in this era still wear animal skins.

Because the smelting technology is not developed, most of them still use stone knives and axes.

This kind of battle makes people feel very interesting.

Although the weapons are not advanced, their combat power is really sturdy.

Like a beast fighting.

Gradually, both sides noticed something strange.

“Xuanyuan, can you see the difference?”

Inside a tent made of huge animal hides.

a middle-aged man asked.

A man dressed in deerskin and holding a bronze axe sits side by side with the Yellow Emperor.

This is the Emperor Yan in later generations.

That is Shennong!

Ji Xuanyuan looked up at the sky: “Ziweixing is in turmoil, and a god has come.”

·0 Seeking flowers…

Ji Xuanyuan shook his head and laughed: “Ignore this for now, let’s launch the final general attack.”

“Haha, Chi You will definitely lose!

Shennong stood up and waved.

Immediately, Ji Xuanyuan and Ji Xuanyuan rushed down on the bull.


The earth shakes.

This decisive battle to determine the origin of Chinese civilization began.

2 days later.

Chi You was defeated.

The tribal army of Emperor Yan and Huang began to clean the battlefield and pack up those precious bronze weapons.

Inside the battalion commander, Ji Xuanyuan smiled while looking at the clear sky.

Suddenly, Ji Xuanyuan’s face changed slightly.

Because he found that all the people around were still!


Ji Xuanyuan seemed to think of something and his pupils shrank.


Immediately afterwards, a young man in a long gown walked from far to near.

He was clearly far away from him, but it only took him an instant to come to him.

Ji Xuanyuan’s breathing gradually became a little faster.

Ye Chen looked at the originator of civilization and smiled.

“Di Hong, you have taken human civilization a step forward, and I came here to see you.”

Di Hong’s is another name for Ji Xuanyuan.

Ji Xuanyuan’s face changed slightly.

Immediately, he bowed respectfully: “Xuanyuan welcomes the Immortal Emperor!”

There are nine heavens above, and above the nine heavens is the Immortal Emperor.

This is an old legend.

Now Ji Xuanyuan felt that he had really seen the rumored Immortal Emperor.

“Your contribution is huge and fits my qualifications.

Ye Chen said.

Ji Xuanyuan looked at Ye Chen in awe.

Strange dress, extraordinary temperament.

Just looking at it made Ji Xuanyuan more sure of the guess in his heart.

Thinking of the future of the major tribes, Ji Xuanyuan asked, “Immortal Emperor, how can Xuanyuan live forever?”

Ye Chen smiled: “That’s a good question.

“The essence of the Tao, secretly secretly, the extreme of the Tao, faint and silent. Ignore it without listening, hold your mind to be quiet.”

“With no eyes to see, no ears to hear, and no heart to know, only in this way can the form of the gods become one and live forever.

Ye Chen’s words were extremely profound.

Ji Xuanyuan recited it twice in his heart and immediately realized something.

Hearing this, he was overjoyed and said, “Thank you Immortal Emperor for the way of longevity!

“Di Hong, go and create a legend that belongs to you. When the time comes, I will give you longevity!”

Ye Chen’s words disappeared in front of Ji Xuanyuan.

Ji Xuanyuan raised his head, with deep awe in his eyes. again,

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