Chapter 213 Shakyamuni’s Path to Longevity

Laozi looked at Huangdi and Cangjie.

Immediately, Laozi hesitated and said, “Are you the first ancestor Huangdi Xuanyuan?”

Huang Di smiled and nodded.

For these two juniors, he admired them very much.

Thinking that if they could live together forever, Huang Di thought this would be an interesting thing.

Laozi and Confucius’ faces changed slightly.

Immediately, Laozi’s eyes became cautious.

“Junior.. may live forever.

Ye Chen nodded and looked at Confucius again.

This thinker, educator, and founder of the Confucian school is now looking at himself in awe.

Seeing this, Ye Chen showed a gentle smile.

Confucius’ thought has far-reaching influence on the world, and his person is listed as the first of the “Top Ten Cultural Celebrities in the World”.

His Confucianism played an extremely important role in the subsequent thousands of years of civilization.

Most of those dynasties and emperors took Confucianism as their orthodoxy.

“Confucius, let me ask you what virtue does water have?”

Ye Chen’s words fell, and Confucius showed a brooding look.

By this time he was already a great thinker.

He is a super wise man in this era.

Confucius knew that this was the sage testing himself.

After a while, Confucius opened his mouth and said: “The highest good is like water, and water is good for all things without fighting, and it is the virtue of humility to deal with what everyone hates.”

“Nothing in the world is softer than water, and no one who attacks the strong can be defeated. This is softness.”

After Confucius finished speaking, Laozi and Huangdi nodded in appreciation at the same time.

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “The two of you will have to wait for some time.

Laozi hurriedly said, “What is the day the sage said?”

Upon seeing this, Huang Di explained to Ye Chen: “History cannot be changed. Heaven and earth cannot be reversed.”

In a word, Laozi and Confucius understood in an instant.

Immediately, the two looked at each other and saluted at the same time: “Follow the words of the saint.”

“Then, you and I will see you on another day.”

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he took Huang Di and Cang Jie and disappeared in front of them.

The two looked in awe.

Laozi exclaimed: “There is such a thing in the world.”

Confucius said a little lost: “I really did not expect Xuanyuan Huangdi to be an immortal.”

“Is there…is there more in this world that we don’t know?”

After leaving Laozi and Confucius.

Ye Chen looked at Huang Di and Cangjie.

“Xuanyuan, we will be separated from today.

Xuanyuan Huangdi is too far away from 2019.

Ye Chen couldn’t bring him and Cang to Jie Modern.

“You have a few tasks next.”

Ye Chen said with a smile.

Huangdi and Cangjie listened intently.

20 minutes later.

Huangdi and Cangjie were a little reluctant.

“Sir, when can we meet again?”

The Yellow Emperor looked at Ye Chen respectfully.

Marven Ye smiled: “Maybe after 2519.

“Maybe during this period, anything is possible.”

Huangdi and Cangjie looked at each other.

Although reluctant to part, it is necessary to separate.

Ye Chen added: “You two, remember to keep a low profile.”

“I have told you all the relevant history, and you must remember the irreversible history.”

Ye Chen can only use space-time evolution once at present.

After this, there are still changes to history, who knows what the consequences will be?

“Don’t worry!” Mr.

The two said respectfully.

As soon as the words fell, Ye Chen disappeared from his eyes.

Huangdi and Cangjie looked at each other.

Immediately, the Yellow Emperor took a deep breath and said, “Go, go to Kunlun.”

Kunlun will be the destination of Huangdi and Cangjie.

It will also be where they will live and reproduce for thousands of years to come.

In historical records, Kunlun has always carried a sense of mystery.

It is called the mountain of mountains, or the Dragon is said to be located, have been guarding the vast land.

This vast terrain in many places no one has set foot.

So after considering that the Kunlun Chen Ye as their local Yellow Emperor is secretly developing better and better.

486 BC.

Kushinagar woman Luo Shulin City, 6 km away.

This year, 80-year-old death of Siddhartha Gautama.

The founder of Buddhism at the moment is the woman in the final Luo Shulin told.

Gautama’s disciple Ananda hands together cheeky color of grief.

“The world of life and death ignorance, ignorance Zuifu the naked eye.”

Gautama bed cheeky mild color.

See disciples, many cheeky sad color, Gautama smiled and said:. “I was born and done, the holy life has been established, has been made to do, after not there”

“Today I was crossing the robbery immeasurable beings, which was the greater good.

The disciples of Gautama Mahakasyapa hands together was about to speak.

Suddenly everything changed.

Gautama found that all the disciples seems to stand still in general.

The next moment, dressed in a white linen gown oriental youth toward their own way.

Gautama pupil miniature.

The room contains gestures as if endless wisdom.

Ye Chen smiled to see Gautama.

Soon he began: “? Jieku beings, now there is one place you need to Purdue, you can be ready to go.”

Gautama thought with folded hands: “Yuan Wang’s.

479 BC, April 11.


73-year-old Confucius has been sick about to die.

Lu north side.

Confucius lying on the couch, beneath Gong disciples cheeky color of grief.

“There is no way to have a long, long time, after I die, you must continue to preach to the people of the world.”

The old man is about to fall from the sky in the life of the moment, still worried about the world.

Zigong response.

Confucius immediately close your eyes and hearts sigh.

That year, the emergence of the saint who even now still as yesterday in general.

Sage words and deeds have been engraved in my mind.

However, after a lapse of such a long time, none of the saints appear.

After a long time.

Confucius sigh, worth mentioning.

Suddenly, Confucius aware of strange.

His disciple Zi Gong still 30 can not move.

Outside many disciples also maintained the previous action motionless.

Confucius was overjoyed.

Soon a familiar voice sounded from the ears.

“Confucius, after a stick of incense you will die.

“Now I ask you, if still willing to longevity?”

Ye Chen standing in front of Confucius moderate complexion.

Confucius crutches hung up and said: “! Do”

“Well, then you’re going to Kunlun.”

Ye Chen said: “I came that year with the Yellow Emperor and CJ waiting for you.”

“In addition, there is a also the same with your saints.

Ye Chen finished, given the Confucius endless life element.

Confucius thanks.

471 BC.


“Death” has been in the past eight years from Confucius.

This year, Laozi is about to pass away.

On this day, Laozi riding a blue cow came to Qin.

101 years old, he has been touring the world, I went to many places.

However, seeking for so long but still there had been no holy man footprints found.

Vaguely, he found some from the history books.

Holy man, it seems that the emperor is one of San Juan of ancient times.

Laozi riding a blue cow walking off trail watching people coming and going.

He knows that he not going to live.

This is his last stand.

N At this point, everything around has changed.

Laozi back and found a saint who stopped standing at his front smiling.

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