Chapter 217 Mozi and Lu Ban join

“You’re not dead?!

Lian Po got up and looked horrified.

The next moment, a cold light flashed in Lian Po’s eyes: “Bai Qi, how dare you come?”

Looking at this old enemy, Bai Qi smiled.

If it was before, he couldn’t be so indifferent.

But after seeing Ye Chen’s magical means.

White looked away.

Do the so-called grievances and the so-called rise and fall of the country mean anything to the immortals?


Bai Qi said, “Lian Po, I was rescued by my husband and given longevity.”

After Bai Qi finished speaking, he looked at Ye Chen respectfully.

Lian Po’s body shook with a dignified expression.

Lian Po looked at Ye Chen up and down.

Extraordinary bearing, incomparable majesty.

Lian Po’s eyes gradually turned into awe.

It is definitely a fairy in legends who can grant people the position of immortality!

Ye Chen looked kind and said: “Lian Po, your symbol “Seven-Three-Zero” meets my requirements and can be called a longevity person.”

Lian Po’s body trembled.

He took a deep look at Bai and asked, “Sir, do you have any requirements?”

Ye Chen smiled: “First, seclusion must not interfere with history; second, all the grievances and grievances in the past will vanish from now on.

Lian Po bowed respectfully to Ye Chen.

Immediately, Lian Po said: “I will follow your teacher’s instructions, and Lian Po will follow you from now on.”

Ye Chen smiled slightly, and wanted to put his palm on Lian Po’s forehead.

The next moment, a huge lifespan poured into Lian Po’s body.

Lian Po began to become young at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This scene also shocked Bai Qi.

Although he has experienced it once.

But this ability to bring the dead back to life will shock you a hundred times!

There was horror in Lian Po’s pupils.


It’s amazing!

After a while, Lian Po returned to his prime.

He looked at Ye Chen, and bowed again with excitement and gratitude in his voice: “Thank you, sir, for granting me long life!

Ye Chen nodded and said, “Lian Po, starting from today, everything in this world has nothing to do with you.

Before, “You still have three pillars of incense left, so say goodbye to your family.

Lian Po’s body trembled.

He knew that after saying goodbye, he would no longer belong to this world.

Everything in the outside world, all the grievances and grievances will not have anything to do with him.

In the eyes of other people, he is honest and dead.

Lian Po took a deep breath to calm down.

Immediately, Ye Chen and Bai Qi left the room.

And Lian Po, called his children and grandchildren together.

A large family sat together.

Lian Po took a serious look at everyone.

Including his younger son, who he doesn’t like much.

In the end, Lian Po smiled slightly and said in a kind voice: “Children, I am about to pass away, and I have a few things to say before that.

After half an hour.

Lian Po’s children and grandchildren left the room with sad expressions.

After that, other family members and subordinates.

Seeing that Bai Qi was a little lost, Ye Chen couldn’t help laughing and said, “Do you regret not going to say goodbye?”

Bai Qi heard the words and smiled bitterly: “A little bit.”

“However, I quite admire Lian Po.

Ye Chen smiled: “Why?”

“Lian Po is not as ruthless as me, but his overall situation is worse than mine.”

Bai Qi said seriously.

“You are all immortals, and you are all excellent people.

Ye Chen looked at Lian Po’s room and smiled: “In the future, you will have enough time to grow and make progress.

Bai Qi nodded with a sigh.

Immediately, Bai Qi asked: “Sir, if it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t have such a good opportunity.

Ye Chen smiled and did not speak.

After a while.

There was a lot of pain in Lian Po’s house.

Not long after, Lian Po changed his clothes and walked out of the room.

“Sir, I kept you waiting.

There were tears in Lian Po’s eyes, and his eyes were still red.

This famous general of the Warring States Period was still reluctant to part with his family at the last moment.

Ye Chen was very moved.

Lian Po’s tears dripped down the corners of his eyes, and Lian Po quickly wiped them away and said, “Mr.

“Human nature.”

Ye Chen smiled: “Let’s go see another saint again.

Lian Po and Bai Qi raised their heads in confusion at the same time.

The next moment, the streamer fell.

The majestic and desolate picture of time and space unfolds.

The expressions of the two changed slightly.

Especially Lian Po.

He saw everything in the family.

Also saw the future of the country.

Lian Po’s face became more and more complicated.

He saw his past again.

I even saw the moment when I was born.

The same is true for Bai Qi.

Bai Qi’s nose was a little sour when his long deceased parents saw how happy he was when he was born.

The scroll continues to rewind.

At this moment, Ye Chen stepped out of the scroll.

At this time, time has moved forward a hundred years.0

Here, there is an ancient sage who is about to grow old.

He is Mozi!

Mozi is the founder of the Mohist school.

He was also a famous thinker, educator, scientist and military strategist during the Warring States Period.

He is also a sage who loves speechless.

Because he is the first person to speak from the position of the lowest laborers in the entire two thousand years of civilization history.

He is indispensable in history because he, together with many sages, carried out the forging and confrontation of ideas.

Together they created a situation where a hundred schools of thought contend.

Besides, what attracted Ye Chen most was his identity as a scientist!

He is the first person in domestic history who has profound attainments in many fields such as the action of force, the principle of leverage, direct light, the relationship between light and shadow, the imaging of small holes, and the concept of point, line, plane, body and circle.

Mozi put forward the earliest idea of ​​the universe, and also has extremely high attainments in mathematics and physics.

Mozi was also a super genius in mechanical manufacturing.

He invented wind, etc., and built vehicles.

At the same time, there is a very high level of research on weapons.

This is an important candidate for perfecting Kunlun!

Besides Mozi, there was another person in this era that Ye Chen took a fancy to.

He is Luban.

Lu Ban was a master architect and prolific inventor.

With him and Mozi.

A perfect Kunlun base with advanced manufacturing technology will emerge as the times require.

Song Guo, Lu Yang.

When the three came to the ancient city of Luyang.

Lian Po laughed: “Sir, this is Mozi’s house.”

In the Warring States Period, 2.3 schools of thought contended.

But the top of the hundred schools is of course the two schools of Confucianism and Momo.

In this era, there is a saying that it is not Confucianism and Jimo.

It can be seen that Mozi’s thoughts and theories have a severe impact on society.

In addition, Mozi established a set of scientific theories with outstanding achievements in geometry, physics and optics during the Warring States Period.

So, after Confucius and Laozi, Mozi was very famous.


Ye Chen heard the movement in the house and smiled: “This one will also be the immortal.”

Ye Chen brought Lian Po and Bai Qigang into the house.

A wooden bird fell from the sky.

There was joy in Ye Chen’s eyes, and Mozi was exactly what he said in history!

Birds are obviously very fast.

But it stagnates for a moment, as if still.

Inside the house, the old Mozi looked up.

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