Chapter 222 Guess frequently, hot search first

At first, the mysterious beam of light was discovered by a few tourists who were traveling in Kunlun while filming videos.

After uploading to the Internet, it immediately aroused everyone’s speculation.

But then, many netizens took pictures.

This time, the whole network exploded completely.

Because, that netizen was photographed in Zhengcheng, Nanhe Province!

From Zhengcheng to Kunlun.

Nearly 2000 kilometers apart!

In addition to Zhengcheng, Lucheng, Xining and even Shencheng and Yangcheng by the sea were photographed by netizens!


All the videos about Kunlun’s mysterious beam of light have as few as thousands or hundreds of thousands of likes as soon as they are posted!

On Weibo, the hot search for a mysterious beam of light in Kunlun Gonggel Peak climbed to the first place in half an hour!

The hot search index has reached a terrifying 80 million!


The WeChat circle of friends was fully captured by Kunlun’s mysterious beam of light.

Everyone is retweeting.

Everyone is inquiring, Aite official.

“Seven-Three-Three” and even many radio stations and media rushed to the Kunlun Mountains at the first time.

About the origin of the mysterious beam of light, about the tremor that radiated most of the country in the blink of an eye.

Some people panic about it.

thought the end of the world was coming.

Some people were dancing with joy, thinking that aliens were coming.

More, it is believed that this is an official secret experiment of a new type of weapon.

However, even if it is a new type of weapon, the influence and radiation force are too terrifying.

This thing fermented at a very fast rate.

However, what makes people suspicious is that the official did not do anything about it.

No posts or videos deleted.

Nor did it refute the rumor.

It seems that even the official do not know the meaning of this mysterious beam of light.

It seems that officials are also watching.

Just when all kinds of speculation and topic heat continued to rise from the outside world.

Outside Changsheng City.

Zhuge Liang looked up at the sky, and there was a glint in his eyes.

“The purple air is coming from the east, and the white rainbow is shining through the sun! This day is going to change!”

Room 2.

As one of the deputy hall masters, Guiguzi is holding a meeting for everyone.

Suddenly Guiguzi’s body trembled.

It seems to be inductive, looking to the northwest.

Immediately, Guiguzi’s expression changed slightly and he said, “The auspicious aura of the Mountain of Ten Thousand Ancestors is so strong, who exactly has the appearance of a saint!?”

Sky Tower.

Jiang Ziya looked at the extremely complex compass in front of him and stroked his beard.

Immediately, Jiang Ziya smiled and murmured: “Five stars gather, a good omen for the birth of the sages! It seems that Mr. has a plan.”

The highest peak of the Sky Tower.

Da Vinci and Tesla hurried out of the elevator.

Immediately, the two looked out the window at the same time.

On Tesla’s wrist, a precision instrument kept beeping beeps.

Both of them looked a little scary.

Da Vinci said solemnly: “What a terrible quantum fluctuation!”

“Such power is no less than a quantum nuclear star cannon.

Tesla looked a little dull and said: “Is there any technology comparable to quantum nuclear star cannons in this world?”

Da Vinci thought for a while and murmured, “Maybe it’s Mr.

Except for a few of them.

The rest of the upper floors of the Hall of Longevity felt the same way.

at this time.

The highest peak of the Kunlun Mountains, Gongger Peak with an altitude of 7719 meters.

The mountain has been completely blocked.

Some donkey friends and mountaineering enthusiasts were invited to leave immediately.

under the mountain.

Zhang Tao and the special forces were waiting in full force.

Authoritative scholars such as Chen Changan and Li Yanqiu are constantly busy.

There are also special ordnance equipment carrying out intensive detection and search.


Four helicopters and 10 drones were fully deployed.

Regarding the mysterious light beam incident on Gongger Peak, the official gave the highest standard treatment.

Inside a temporary command camp.

Zhang Tao said solemnly: “At present, we can be sure of two points.

“First, the mysterious beam of light on Gong’er Peak does exist, and it lasts just 2 seconds.”

Second, “With Gongger Peak as the core, the earthquake can be felt within a range of 3,000 kilometers.”

Speaking of this, Zhang Tao’s face became extremely solemn: “I speculate, this should be some kind of new weapon!”

“The power is huge, at least 10 times the power of nuclear weapons!”

After Zhang Tao finished speaking, the audience was silent.

Some military experts and weapons experts changed their faces.

Such a terrible weapon…

Not official yet.

If it breaks out, the consequences are unimaginable.

The main thing is that they have no clue now.

Zhang Tao looked at Chen Changan and others and asked, “Old Chen, do you have any inferences?”

Chen Changan, Zhang Chao, and Li Yanqiu looked at each other.

Immediately, Chen Changan shook his head: “There is nothing unusual.

“All indexes inside the mountain are normal.

Zhang Tao was a little disappointed when he heard the words.

After a pause, Chen Changan said again, “But…

Chen Changan just said two words, Zhang Tao and the others all looked over.

Chen Changan looked at the crowd and said slowly: “I found something related to Kunlun from my teacher’s notes.0”

Chen Changan’s teacher, Qian Xuezhi.

The founder of modern domestic archaeology and history.

Many relics and tombs of the Neolithic and Shang and Zhou dynasties have been excavated.

In his later years, he went deep into the inaccessible places to explore.

Qian Xuezhi has a very high status in domestic archaeology.

Just like Einster’s position in physics.

Hearing Chen Changan mentioning Qian Xueshi, everyone’s heart beat faster.

Old Qian’s discovery… may bring them a lot of help.

Chen Changan was well prepared and took out the relevant notes: “Forty years ago, my teacher stayed under the Kunlun Gonggel Peak for a month.

“He found that there are footprints of large-scale human activity here.

When Chen Changan finished speaking, Zhang Tao and the others’ faces changed slightly.

Massive human activity..

The official and all official records have not been carried out on a large scale here.

Doesn’t that say that?

Thinking of this, Zhang Tao’s heart beat faster.

The meeting room was eerily quiet.

Chen Changan continued: “Afterwards, the teacher found traces of artificial excavation in the southwest of Gongger Peak.”

“The excavation area is huge, and there are traces of the use of explosives.”

The teacher “specially mentioned this in his notes.”

Chen Changan opened the yellowed notebook and said word by word: “Kunlun, as the first sacred mountain, has many legends.

“I have done excavation on Gonger Peak, but I stopped because of the abnormal noise in the mountain.”

After reading it, Chen Changan looked at the crowd and said, “The mysterious beam of light may have a lot to do with the teacher’s discovery back then. 2.3

The faces of Zhang Tao and the others were not very good-looking.

Song Lining looked out the window of the conference room.

Through the window, he could see the snow-white Kunger Peak.

Faintly, Song Lining thought of a possibility.

Immediately, Song Lining whispered to Zhang Tao: “Commander Zhang, since that sculpture is suspected to be Mr. Ye, then this matter should be…

Before Song Lining finished speaking, Zhang Tao hurriedly stopped him.

Everything about Mr. Ye is highly confidential.

Many people present are not qualified to know.

And just when everyone was at a loss for the mysterious beam of light.

Inside Gonggel Peak, a top-level meeting was held!

(The data is very poor these days, and the poor authors think that no one has read it. I hope everyone can cast some flowers and comment votes, so that the author can see if anyone will read it again. In addition, I also hope that everyone can give the author some in the book review area. Encouragement, I have a fever recently, but it has not been interrupted, the author has tried his best.).

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