Chapter 249 tens of thousands of years of strife

Einstein thought of this, my heart a little angry.

But after all, we are all the same people the same boat, all in the fight in leaf Chen.

So the two of them did not dare to have any differences.

Although Einstein later just heard the words of Xiang Yu, heart some can not be reconciled.

But he bear down, that will not be necessary and Xiang Yu care about it.

Einstein also know that Xiang Yu this person peacetime careless, but foolhardy.

So he was thinking did not need him too seriously.

Xiang Yu before a bad mood, talk like this, and especially the pain like eating, like a bomb.

Einstein thought of this now, how much my heart some balance, not as uncomfortable as just.

Einstein with Xiang Yu this moment Olot standing behind them.

Two people quietly saying these words, although two people have just not very good atmosphere.

But they also know that in this moment there can not be too presumptuous.

If we continue to speak so that leaves Chen heard, I am afraid they will also be folding.

They do not want to receive any of folding, once touched Chen Ye, I am afraid that the consequences could be disastrous.

They are a few of the two hearts, so the moment they began to keep their mouths shut, no longer whisper whisper.

Just because two of them are afraid to say those words to be heard Chen leaves.

But after all, the two of them have been whispering in the back of the crowd, some of them far away from Ye Chen.

So they dare where whispered muttering this moment, they feel can no longer speak.

Ye Chen because they have noticed that they have to look here, this moment, they quickly recover their eyes, he lowered his head, standing there in situ.

Ye Chen now sits behind empty swallow dragon.

奥克巴尔加 with Vegeta heard to say after also thinking.

Now he has to say, and want to Olot a chance to see how he expressed his loyalty, to test him, they also arrived.

Since he say such a thing, he felt he could not go back.

Now if they want to Olot kill this moment, it would mean that he was acting in bad faith to do.

He did not want to become that kind of person.

Ye Chen now know their magic strength, the system has time to do a strong backing in the body.

Want to do, it is invincible, no one can not prevent his footsteps.

So he wanted to kill them in front of people, it is simply easy, as supination thing.

So he felt no need to do that, anyway, he promised things have to fulfill their commitments.

Otherwise, later in this parallel world and also how to rule the galaxy these people, to time his majesty what?

So Chen leaves absolutely not allow this to happen in their own body.

Anyway, what I said, then we must say to do, no matter who treat, even if it is like this heterogeneous Olot, they will certainly say where to, where to do it, this is his life principles.

So he is now filled with sharp eyes, looking just talking 奥克巴尔加 with Vegeta two people said.

“Why do you two have any opinion? Or you don’t agree to keep Olot and want to kill them all at this moment” Qi. ”

“If you guys want to kill Olot, give me a reason and I can think about it, but if you don’t have a reasonable reason, don’t talk nonsense there.”

After Okbarga and Vegeta heard Ye Chen’s words, at this moment, the two of them knelt on the ground alone, bowing their heads and not daring to raise their heads.

After all, they knew Ye Chen’s ability and did not dare to offend him. They had already seen Ye Chen’s power just now.

He can instantly weather the Kongwu full of evil powers.

And it can make Olot, who has reached the peak level in front of him, also bow his head.

So how dare Vegeta and Okbarga say anything else.

But they don’t know how to answer Ye Chen’s words at this moment, what does he mean?

Is it to let them have an opinion?

After the two of them looked down at each other, they didn’t know how to decide.

In that entire parallel world and the Milky Way, they have never seen such a powerful character as Ye Chen.

I also felt that he seemed to be a human being, otherwise, how could he know so much, and even the Lord of the Earth knew him well and could name him.

Even a character like Lei Zhenting doesn’t seem to be worth mentioning in front of Ye Chen.

So Okbarga and Vegeta also knew that this young man hanging in mid-air was unusual.

Therefore, they did not dare to offend him at this moment, and they had already bowed their heads to him.

It is necessary to obey all his instructions and not dare to disobey the slightest.

The two of them did not expect that the empire would rule the first universe, and now it has become Ye Chen’s bag.

And this young man in front of him didn’t have to put any effort into getting everything.

After all, he is the Lord of Time, and no one can compete with the Lord of Time, and no one dares to compete with him.

If someone stands up against their own strength, I am afraid they will be stranded by time, and there will be a cruel end of time plundering.

So now everyone is afraid to act rashly.

Because their combined strength is not as good as one thousandth of Ye Chen’s, and they can’t resist Ye Chen’s footsteps.

Although Okbalga and Ye Chen have not yet experienced what kind of ability and what kind of infinite power is time plundering.

But they had heard of it before, and although they had never seen it, they did not dare to try it lightly.

Once the young man in front of him is irritated, if he doesn’t listen to his lesson, I am afraid that he will really be taught by time plundering.

At that time, wouldn’t they bury their lives in vain.

So at this moment, they are very careful in what they do, and they also pay special attention to what they say.

I’m afraid that any sentence will offend Ye Chen. If this year (Zhao Li’s) young people don’t like it, I’m afraid they will be furious.

At that time, everything is not good, and I am afraid when I clean it up, and the entire parallel world will be destroyed in an instant like this.

So Okbarga and Vegeta thought of this, and they were extra careful in what they did and what they said.

Because the two of them have been in this parallel world and the Milky Way for tens of thousands of years, everything is very peaceful, and nothing unusual appears.

Although there were frequent conflicts with Olot and the others, the two sides were evenly matched, and neither could subdue the other.

Therefore, although these two planets have been fighting with each other for tens of thousands of years, everything is fine, no one can destroy the other, and the status quo has been maintained.

But now that Ye Chen came to this special world, he was an outlier after all.

Everyone kneeling on the ground doesn’t know where this young man hanging in the air came from, and everyone doesn’t know his identity. .

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