Chapter 258

Okbarga and Vegeta didn’t dare to disobey Ye Chen’s order at all, so they two raised that opinion just now, and it was also denied by Ye Chen.

The two of them were also very regretful, and felt that they shouldn’t have said that, in that case, the two of them really did not have such qualifications, and they were overbearing in front of Ye Chen and pointed fingers.

I also want Ye Chen not to borrow money from the two of them, otherwise, Okbarga and Vegeta also know that they are dead at that moment.

At the moment when they put forward their opinions, it is impossible for them to live well up to now. The young man in front of him is still very loyal, and he will do whatever he says.

The two of them will not be wiped out with time plunder just because the two of them have just put forward a little opinion.

The two of them also knew in their hearts that if Ye Chen used the powerful energy of time to plunder, I am afraid that everyone kneeling on the ground would not be able to escape this stage.

They will all be instantly wiped out by Ye Chen’s time plunder, and leave no trace, and the lifespan of all of them will be summed up in Ye Chen’s body.

Okbarga and Vegeta didn’t know why Ye Chen wanted to let them go, wouldn’t it be better to plunder all their lives? This is for Ye Chen’s use.

Ye Chen’s life will increase a lot, Okbarga and Vegeta are a little confused and confused when they think of this at this moment.

Could it be that this young man hanging in the air, sitting behind the Void Swallowing Dragon, is immortal, and he does not need the lifespan of others to continue his own life, because he does not think it is necessary.

He himself is already immortal, so he did not use time to plunder and destroy everyone who was kneeling on the ground.

Okbarga and Vegeta felt even more terrifying when they thought of this at this moment.

If this is what they think, then, wouldn’t the young man in front of him be even more terrifying and more powerful than anyone else, unable to compete with him.

The two of them felt that Ye Chen was originally a place of time, with a powerful realization system, and now he was immortal.

Then in the entire parallel world and the Milky Way, there is no one to compete with him, and there is no opponent in life.

Even if Huang Level came out at this moment, he might not be able to win Ye Chen, at most it would be a tie, not even as good as Ye Chen’s opponent.

Okbarga and Vegeta couldn’t imagine what level of character Ye Chen had reached at this moment.

This is really not what the two of them can think of, because the two of them have been in this galaxy for tens of thousands of years.

But they have never seen a person as powerful as Ye Chen, nor have they seen a skill like Ye Chen, who has a powerful world system.

They have never seen what time autonomy is like, nor do they know how powerful time freedom is and what kind of powerful energy it uses.

Now that they have finally seen it, they feel very terrifying, thinking that Ye Chen can be infinitely transformed at any time, and he can use the world to plunder and kill all people.

They felt creepy, and instantly felt that they would be melted away by Ye Chen at any time, how could they not be afraid.

The more Okbarga and Ye Chen thought about them, the more timid they became, and they were terribly afraid.

At this moment, the two of them have already thought of these things in their hearts, and they also know that all this happened really, not the imagination of the two of them.

Therefore, the expressions of the two of them at this moment look very dull, but their hearts have been constantly fighting to make themselves stronger and not too cowardly.

If they show a more timid appearance, I am afraid that Ye Chen will be more angry after seeing them, will hate them, and may not keep them around.

Okbarga and Vegeta also knew that if Ye Chen didn’t let the two of them stay by their side, the only option was to die.

Because the two of them knew that Ye Chen would not let them go easily, so now the two of them only hope to stay by Ye Chen’s side obediently, and there is no other extravagance.

Because they know that the only way to survive is to stay by the young man in front of them.

The two of them knew that if they followed behind the Lord of Time, who was full of infinite power, there would probably be a place to live, and they would not die easily.

As long as Ye Chen is willing to take them in and spare them, no one in the entire galaxy can touch them any more.

So the two of them are more fortunate when they think of this place now, and they are also very happy.

Anyway, how are the two of them survival, it is better to follow a powerful character, in this way, the two of them can be more at ease and more practical

In the future, everything will be more powerful. With Ye Chen’s strong support, what are they afraid of?

So now Okbarga and Vegeta are more at ease at this moment, because they know that Ye Chen has let them go, and it is impossible to take back what they said.

The two of them also believed that the young man in front of him was honest, never lied, and knew that this young man was very loyal.

Although his methods are very cruel, he will not easily resort to so many cruel methods. After all, when he dealt with Kong Wu just now, everyone was an enemy, so it was normal for Ye Chen to do that.

This guy Kong Wu is too self-sufficient, he doesn’t even know who he is, and because he has reached the peak of the master level, he is extremely powerful in front of Ye Chen.

Otherwise, the young man in front of him would not be angry, and it would be impossible to let that Damn it’s Kong Wu die so tragically that even the corpse could not be found.

And I am afraid that after Kong Wu dies, the soul will not be immortal, it will always be scattered, and it will never gather together (Zhao Lihao).

When Okbarga and Vegeta thought of such a thing in their hearts now, they were terrified in their hearts, and they felt their whole bodies tremble.

When the two of them thought of Sora’s death, they shuddered and were not afraid. After all, the death was really tragic, and it was terrifying to watch.

They had never seen such a cruel way of dying, so how could the two of them not be afraid, when they thought of the appearance of Kongwu.

They knew how powerful the young man in front of them was, so the two of them didn’t dare to make trouble easily, and they didn’t dare to say anything extravagant.

They felt that it was better for them to keep their mouths shut at this moment, and it was better not to speak lightly. If Ye Chen really asked them anything, then they would answer whatever, and stop talking nonsense.

The two of them are now telling themselves in their hearts that they must be careful in front of this tall and mighty young man.

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