Chapter 277 The Only Bloodline

Olot can live for Oni Stamboul, even if this moment makes him die, he has no complaints.

As long as he can keep Oni Stambul alive, he feels it is more important than anything else.

Because he now has to take up this responsibility, after all, he is completing the mission for his brother and protecting Onistambour.

I don’t want to let Oni Stamboul hurt a little bit, after all, he’s still so young.

I haven’t learned some skills yet, and I don’t want him to disappear on Soochow Star like this.

Although Olot is also very timid at this moment, he is also afraid to bear the feeling of the metal pieces slowly coming off.

But he told himself in his heart that he couldn’t quit, and he couldn’t be afraid for the sake of Oni Stamboul.

At this moment, his eyes seemed to be full of energy, and he looked at Ye Chen who lived behind the Void Swallowing Dragon without fear, and said to him.

“Master, I know that with my identity, I am not qualified to stand here and talk to you, let alone look you in the eye, but for the sake of Onistambull, I have to do this.”

“I also know that I am overthinking myself now, and I dare to look you in the eye and talk to you, but I can’t help it. Oni Stamboul is my most important relative, and I can’t watch him offend once again. you.”

After Ye Chen heard Olot’s words, he somewhat understood what he meant?

It seemed that the daring Oni Stamboul in front of him had something to do with Olot, they were relatives.

It was true that Ye Chen didn’t think of this, otherwise, Olot would not be in the limelight for Onistambull.

But Ye Chen also found it strange. Although Oni Stambul, who was talking to him just now, had no ability, he was not small, and it was really interesting that he dared to compete with the Lord of Time.

Ye Chen really didn’t expect to be so full of one Onistambull, since he was a relative of Olot, he didn’t know what their relationship was.

At this moment, Ye Chen looked at the two people carefully, they were indeed somewhat similar, could they be father and son?

Ye Chen felt that it was impossible to marry a wife and have children just by virtue of Olot’s virtue, and how could someone in the entire planet marry him?

Ye Chen has never been as curious as he is today, but he just felt that Oni Stamboul was a little different.

I feel that he has a special personality, without any ability, nor a powerful system, so he dares to compete with himself.

This whole time, there was no one like Oni Stamboul anymore, so Ye Chen just thought that the harder it was to conquer, the more interesting it was.

And it doesn’t feel so dull anymore, just like the Mroni people in front of them, they don’t have any ability, they don’t even have the ability to resist, they can only lie on the ground and surrender to themselves.

Looking at their cowardly looks, Ye Chen couldn’t help but feel resentment in his heart, feeling that they were too useless to live, and they didn’t deserve to be on this planet.

However, Ye Chen had a soft spot for Oni Stamboul, and felt that he was young and not bad.

And it looks personable and personable, as if it is a little different from the people on the entire Soochow Star, as for where it is different.

Ye Chen still didn’t understand, but he just looked at Oni Stambul with a special personality, and he looked arrogant.

And he dared to look directly into his eyes, which Ye Chen particularly appreciated, Ye Chen liked such challenges.

Ye Chen thought of this at this moment, looking at Olot who was talking to him just now, his words were full of murderous intent.

At this moment, I can’t wait to use my time to plunder and kill Olot, but Ye Chen told himself that he couldn’t do it for the time being.

“You Damn it guy, you actually know that you are beyond your own power and are not qualified to talk to me, but you dare to speak up. Is it because of Oni Stamboul, you are not afraid of death.”

“Just now when you knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, you asked me to let you go, but you didn’t look like this. How can you have such courage now for Oni Stamboul?

“Do you know what the consequences of what you said just now? Haven’t you thought about it? Are you tired of living and don’t want to fight for this last chance to live?

After Ye Chen said these words, he kept looking at Olot with his eyes, and this Ke Olot felt that metal pieces were falling all over his body.

He also felt that his whole body was in pain, just like being burned by fire, and he also felt that his whole body was burning.

Every piece of metal, as if being peeled off alive, was in unbearable pain.

At this moment, he kept rolling on the ground, and he knew that Ye Chen had already started to deal with him, because of his recklessness just now.

But at this moment Olot did not regret it, because for the sake of Oni Stamboul, he knew that he was willing to do anything, and he was willing.

Onistambull is the only bloodline in his family. He didn’t want to lose his bloodline in his own generation. He would rather sacrifice himself to keep Onistanbull, which is his only wish.

At this moment, he would rather die with the metal pieces all over his body falling, and he does not want to watch Onistambull and die in Ye Chen’s hands like this.

Olot also knew that he would rather die with Oni Stamboul, so at this moment he endured the severe pain on his body.

He saw that the metal pieces on his body were peeling off a little bit, and at this moment he was covered in blood, like being scarred by a knife.

He kept rolling on the ground, seeing that the flesh and blood on his body was blurred, and blood was oozing out constantly, and at this moment, the blood he shed was not red, but turned green a little bit.

Seeing that the blood on his body turned green, Olot became even more timid. He wished that he would die immediately at this moment, and he did not want to suffer such torture.

But he knew that he couldn’t do it, if Ye Chen didn’t let him die at this moment, he could only endure such severe pain.

Because Olot knew that he didn’t even have the right to choose death, all the Mroni people shuddered and shuddered when they watched this scene of Olot. What’s the situation?

They had never seen a man whose blood was green, but they also knew that they had followed Olot for many years.

They have lived on this Soochow star for tens of thousands of years, and they have never seen Olot, who is so embarrassed as today, and they also know that Ye Chen caused it all.

It was Ye Chen who used his powerful time system to make Olot become like this, so that the blood flowing out of his body was green.

These Mroni people further confirmed that the lord of time in the entire parallel world and the Milky Way is Ye Chen who is aloof.

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