Chapter 279

Olot knew that he should not survive today, it was only a matter of time.

But he hopes that time can pass faster, he doesn’t want to suffer like this anymore, it is better to die happily at this moment.

After seeing his scene and hearing what he said, all the Mroni people were a little scared in their hearts.

They also felt sorry for this scene of Olot, after all, they all followed behind Olot, even though Olot was cruel before.

But they still live very well, and have been very calm, without any risk, and they are also grateful to Olot.

At this moment, seeing him endure such pain, everyone can’t stand it anymore, but they are also very timid in their hearts.

Because they dare not stand up and beg for mercy, once they stand up and speak, they will suffer the same fate as Olot.

They don’t want to endure such pain, because this kind of torture is really too cruel for them, let alone let them bear it, they feel that they can’t bear it for a moment, and their whole body will tremble to death.

Einstein and Xiang Yu had been standing behind the Muroni people, and they were also surprised to see Olot appearing in such a scene.

They didn’t expect Ye Chen to deal with him in such a way. They really didn’t expect that just now, the two of them thought that Ye Chen had let Olot go, and they wouldn’t care about him, they just wanted to punish him.

But they didn’t expect that since Mr. Ye had such a means to deal with Olot, it really made them look at each other with admiration.

They felt that their guesses were wrong, and sometimes Einstein felt that he didn’t know Ye Chen at all or who was Ye Chen but what he was thinking.

Things often do not evolve as expected, and everything changes at any time.

Just like the scene in front of him is indeed like Einstein, a little surprised, looking at Olot’s hideous expression, green blood is constantly pouring out from his body.

And seeing these blood still bubbling and steaming, it is really horrible to watch.

Einstein had never seen such cruel methods, nor had he ever seen Ye Chen use such torture on anyone.

It seemed that Mr. Ye was really angry at this moment, otherwise he would not have used such tricks to deal with Olot.

After all, Olot had already knelt on the ground just now and surrendered to Ye Chen. Ye Chen had promised to let him go, but at this moment, Ye Chen repented.

Einstein and Xiang Yu looked at the scene in front of them at this moment, and the two of them were also stunned, but they knew that they could not speak at this moment.

If the two of them talk casually, there will be unintended consequences. Einstein feels that he doesn’t know much about Ye Chen now.

It’s not like Ye Chen was as easy-going as when they were together before. Why did he have the means to change the world after he arrived at Soochow Star, which was extremely cruel.

Did he become a different personality when he came here? Einstein couldn’t understand.

At this moment, his eyes were full of fear, because he had never seen such a scene before, it was really miserable.

Although Einstein hated Olot, he never thought of letting Olot suffer such pain.

At this moment, Einstein and Xiang Yu were a little confused when they saw everything in front of them. They didn’t know what kind of energy Ye Chen used to make Olot in front of him have such a situation.

This is really cruel torture, they have never seen Ye Chen deal with anyone with such thoughts before.

Even when he was dealing with Kong Wu just now, he instantly turned into a leaf, slowly turned into powder, and was blown away by the wind in an instant.

But now seeing Olot being tortured like this, and the pain is really unbearable to look at.


Both Einstein and Xiang Yu were a little soft-hearted, because they had never seen a person who could endure such pain.

But they heard what Olot said to Ye Chen just now, and they admired Olot in their hearts, and felt that at this moment he could indeed act as the master of Soochow Star, and he could also be called the Purple King.

Because the two of them knew that if it was them, I’m afraid they wouldn’t be so calm at this moment.

This kind of cruel method is really unbearable for anyone, but they didn’t hear Olot begging for mercy just now, they just hoped to die as soon as possible.

It seems that the Olot in front of him is still quite strong, and he is not as timid as he looks. Maybe when he didn’t endure such torture just now, he just hoped that he could live well.

After all, nothing in this world is more important than being alive, so what’s the face.

Xiang Yu couldn’t help it at this moment, watching Olot’s whole body was bubbling green blood.

And it was bubbling constantly, and it felt like his whole body was boiling.

Einstein, “Do you think Mr. Ye’s methods are cruel? Look at Olot’s current state, it would be better to kill him directly.”

“After all, we’ve been following him for so long, and we’ve never seen him use such a trick. When did he have such a function, I really haven’t seen him before.

Although “This guy in front of me is a little annoying, but I can’t stand it anymore. It’s really unbearable to put this method on anyone, but I think Olot is quite admirable at this moment.”

After Einstein heard what you said, he kept pondering in his heart that this Xiang Yu usually seemed to be brave and messy.

But he was very kind in his heart, otherwise, Einstein knew that he would never have been good friends with Xiang Yu.

Although the two sometimes often have some conflicts, he knows that he will not take it to heart.

After all, Xiang Yu is not a bad person, and he is very loyal, even if he is a bit reckless at times and speaks out of his mouth.

It was to let him know that he didn’t care too much at all, after all, he still knew Xiang Yu well in his heart.

At this moment, after hearing what Xiang Yu said, Einstein felt that this kind of punishment was really too cruel.

Looking at Olot in front of him with a particularly painful expression, his entire head has become as thin as a piece of paper.

But up to now, he has not died. After all, Ye Chen has not let him die. Even if he turns into a pool of blood at this moment, he is still alive.

But Einstein knew he couldn’t stand up for Olot.

After all, he had already considered from Ye Chen’s position just now, and he knew that the ordeals Olot had endured at this moment were a bit cruel.

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