Chapter 283 In Control

At this moment, Olot was quite happy to know that Oni Stamboul was all right.

Although at this moment he has become like this, it is already terrible, and he has no regrets. In order to protect his only bloodline, and to protect his brother, he left this nephew, all the sacrifices are worth it.

There are no complaints, Olot knows that everything he does on the planet is for the sake of One Stamboul.

I hope that one day he can inherit his career and his position.

At this moment, Ye Chen hung behind the Void Swallowing Dragon, looking at the scene in front of him, he felt incredible.

This Olot, who was still quite courageous in Oni Stamboul, has become like this. He even dared to approach Olot. It seems that his uncle and nephew are really in love.

The relationship between the two bloodlines will never be broken. They are really blood thicker than water. Anyone who sees this scene will shudder and retreat in fear.

But Oni Stamboul was not only not afraid, but also rushed to Olot to watch this scene, Ye Chen felt strange, it seemed that the young man in front of him was indeed different and worthy of his appreciation.

If there was such a person around him, it would not be as boring as before, because Ye Chen knew that in addition to Xiang Yu Einstein and those useless trash beside him, he would never have anything worth admiring. people.

Looking at Onistamble Ye Chen in front of him, he really felt a little strange, this person seemed to have a special fate with him.

Although he was Olot’s nephew, Ye Chen felt that it didn’t matter, as long as he trained him well, he would forget everything before and use it for it.

After all, he has the guts, and it’s the brightest part of the planet, and that’s Oni Stamboul.

In fact, Ye Chen knew his name the moment he saw Oni Stamboul, and the rest of his lifespan and time appeared on the screen.

Ye Chen just wants to get everything through the mouth of Onistambull. After all, Ye Chen wants to know everything, and he will know everything through the time system. There is no secret in the whole world in front of Ye Chen.

At this moment, Ye Chen has seen the information about Onistambull on the screen.

Ornistein “Bull, unknown life span, unknown origin, unknown future events, everything is unknown…

After Ye Chen saw such information on the screen, he felt incredible, what happened? Could it be that the system is malfunctioning? At this moment, he carefully searched for the information he wanted in his mind, and indeed the system sent it again. out such a signal.

The few lines of words just now appeared on the screen. Ye Chen was a little confused at this moment. Could it be that Oni Stamboul is an anomaly?

Could it be that Oni Stamboul is immortal, how is this possible, and how should all this be explained?

Ye Chen was a little puzzled at this moment, how could such information appear on the screen.

Since Ye Chen has a powerful time system, this has never happened again, this is the first time I see it.

Ye Chen has never seen a person’s identity, place of birth, and origin, and another is that his lifespan is unknown.

Does this person want to live in this world forever and never disappear? Ye Chen felt strange.

Suddenly, I want to use my own time to plunder this moment and kill Oni Stambul to see if he will die at this moment.

Such a terrible message suddenly appeared on the screen.

Ye Chen was suddenly at a loss. At this moment, he looked at Oni Stambul, who was beside Olot, with a bit of anger in his eyes. Did he think all this was possible?

In the entire parallel world, as well as the Milky Way, there is only one immortal body, how can there be a second one.

Thinking about it makes people shudder, Ye Chen has never seen such a thing happen, and now looking at the terrible information in front of him is really a little confused.

I can’t wait to tear this screen to shreds at this moment, is the system really malfunctioning at this moment?

Or the information about the damage to the system was wrong, but Ye Chen thought about it in a blink of an eye and felt that it was impossible. Since the system appeared in his body, he had never made a mistake.

The information searched every time is correct, and there has never been a flaw. Ye Chen doesn’t understand how to explain everything at this moment.

Ye Chen pondered in his heart at this moment, even if the Onistambull in front of him is the Mroni star on the Kro planet, so what, how could there be no such day as the ashes of the primordial spirit?

Could it be that he lives forever? It’s really incredible. In the whole world, he is the only one who has an immortal body, and there is no other person. How to explain the terrible information in front of him?

Olot opened his eyes slowly after hearing the call of Oni Stamboul, although he was in great pain at this moment.

But the moment Olot fell from the metal piece on his body, he didn’t snort, and kept enduring it.

At this moment, Olot vaguely saw Onistambull beside him, and felt that he had stopped crying, and his eyes were starting to become red and swollen.

Olot was very angry in his heart, how could he be so cowardly and cry as a Muroni on the water polo.

Olot has not been seen to cry since the day he was caring for Oni Stamboul.

At this moment, Olot watched him cry so sadly, and felt a little helpless in his heart. He was crying so much for himself.

Olot is a little sad when he looks at Oni Stamble now, although he is a little angry, he is also worried that Oni Stambler should not say such a thing at this moment.

He shouldn’t run to his side either. If Onistambull was really wiped out by Ye Chen’s time plundering, (Zhao Zhao’s) then Olot felt that doing all this was in vain, and it was considered a waste of his previous achievements, what else could he do? Meaning?

The reason why Olot endures such pain is to hope that Onistambull can live.

At this moment, Olot is not sure whether he can still speak. He feels that he is a little blurry at this moment, but he only knows that the blurred shadow in front of him is his nephew, Oni Stamboul.

Because even with his eyes closed, Olot can still hear his voice, he brought him up when he was young, and until now, his every move, every word and deed is under his control .

He knew him too well, so Olot knew that even if he closed his eyes, he could make out the voice of Oni Stamboul.

Olot opened his mouth slowly and tried to see if he could make a sound, because now he was about to turn into a pool of blood. resistance.

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