Chapter 296

Oni Stamboul felt that if he lived alone on the Soochow Star, what was the point?

Because he has always been protected by Olot until now.

Without Olot, Oni Stamboul really doesn’t know how to live.

Ye Chen just saw the wicked smile of Oni Stable just now, and Ye Chen found it very interesting at this moment.

The young man in front of him not only spent 100 time points, but he was still laughing at himself at this moment.

Ye Chen has lived for so many years, and this is the first time he has seen such an interesting thing.

I feel that Oni Stambul in front of me does have a little bit of courage, otherwise I am not afraid, and I am still laughing at myself at this moment.

He dared to show such an evil smile, but Ye Chen was not angry at all, and felt that the red circle of light on Onistan “Seven Eight Zero” Bull had not dissipated, and still enveloped him.

Although Ye Chen just thought that he had wasted 100 time points in order to find the information of Oni Stamboul, he was a little angry.

But at this moment, seeing the evil smile of Oni Stambul, Ye Chen was not angry yet.

It is really not easy for the young man in front of him to have such an expression. It is indeed rare for him to have such a backbone since he was able to act calmly in such a bad situation.

Ye Chen felt that the young man in front of him was quite admirable. Ye Chen looked at him differently the first time he saw Onistambull.

Onishtambull has no ability and cannot compete with Ye Chen.

But Ye Chen felt that it didn’t matter. After all, someone like Olot who had peculiar abilities, so what, he was not as cowardly as a mouse, kneeling in front of him and begging for mercy.

However, Oni Stable in front of him has not said a word of his liking until now, he just begged Ye Chen for Olot just now, for himself.

He never said a soft word, saying that Ye Chen found it interesting, and the Oni Stamboul in front of him was still a bit convincing.

It may be that since Ye Chen crossed into the balanced world, because he was full of powerful time, no one dared to compete with him because of the powerful energy of the system.

Everyone is humble towards him, bowing their knees is right, and obeying their orders, never seeing a person who can go against Ye Chen’s wishes. Suddenly, a courageous person like Oni Stambul appeared, and Ye Chen felt quite exciting and conquering.

Ye Chen just wanted to be able to conquer people like Oni Stamboul and make himself bow down to him.

Because Ye Chen felt that the harder it was, the more exciting it was to conquer, just like Olot and the Void Swallowing Dragon under him, it was really too pedantic.

They didn’t use themselves to deal with them at all, they just lived obediently at their own feet and obeyed orders. What’s the point of this.

So Ye Chen felt that since he came to Ping An World, there was no stimulation or a little sense of conquest, and everyone was very obedient to him.

Ye Chen thought it was too boring, and suddenly being able to meet people like Oni Stamboul was indeed a little more fresh.

Ye Chen thought of this at this moment, his eyes were full of strangeness, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he looked at Onistambull and said to him.

“You young man is not timid, why are you laughing at me just now?

“Since I know who I am, to have such courage, I am quite impressed. Why, was there anything funny about me just now?”

After Ye Chen said these words, he kept watching Onistan’s every move, and he didn’t know what the young man in front of him was laughing at me.

Could it be that when I was communicating with the system just now, the expression on my face kept twitching?

Otherwise, how could this young man laugh at himself, it seems that Oni Stamboul has been observing himself.

His eyes never left him, this stinky boy does have the courage.

Looking around, none of the Mroni people dared to look directly into Ye Chen’s eyes, and only One Stambul was the only one.

After hearing Ye Chen’s words, Oni Stambul also felt strange that this aloof Time Lord not only didn’t ask himself about the things he just scolded him, but also didn’t get angry.

It’s really a bit strange to ask himself what he’s laughing at. The Lord of Time has a somewhat unusual way of thinking, and his thoughts are also a bit weird.

Oni Stamboul originally thought that after scolding Ye Chen just now, he would be treated the same as Olot, 0

But looking at Ye Chen’s expression at this moment, and after hearing what he said, Oni Stambul knew that things were different from what he thought.

So what is this powerful Lord of Time thinking in his mind?

Why didn’t my uncle say anything just now, but just said a few words of begging for mercy, why was Ye Chen punished so severely and turned his uncle into a cloud of blood.

But O’Neill has already said some disrespectful things just now, why hasn’t he been punished like Olot?

Some of Oni Stambul can’t figure it out, and some can’t understand it.

They had already held each other’s mentality, thinking that after saying those words, Ye Chen would also turn himself into a pool of blood and melt instantly.

But I didn’t expect things to be the opposite. I can still talk to Ye Chen while standing in front of Ye Chen intact. What is the situation?

Oni Stamboul was really confused. Could it be that the Ye Chen in front of him was not as cruel as he thought, so why did Ye Chen treat Olot so cruelly?

How can all these phenomena be explained? Oni Stamboul really can’t find the answer.

After all, Olot is still lying on the ground, turned into a pool of blood, only a little weak breathing, but not dead.

But what is the difference between Olot dead and alive and dead now?

Now that Oni Stambul thinks about this 2.3, he thinks things are a bit strange, but he can’t find an explanation. After all, what is he thinking about in this lofty time in front of him?

It is said that no one knows, and no one can guess his mind, because Onistambull feels that the Lord of Time in front of him is ever-changing and fickle.

He always does things unexpectedly that others can’t think of, and O’Neill Stable felt that Ye Chen’s thoughts were a little weird, and he should have done that.

But Ye Chen didn’t do what everyone thought.

Oni Stable also knew the Lord of Time sitting behind the Void Swallowing Dragon in front of him.

Ye Chen has reached the peak level of the Saiyan rank, he is very powerful, and he doesn’t have to work hard to deal with himself.

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