Chapter 314

The Lord of Time that Olot had never met, Olot felt that he died today.

It’s not a problem, because he knows that he is not qualified to resist at all.

Olot only hoped that Oni Stamboul could continue to live.

After all, he is his only blood and blood, his nephew.

If he died, Olot would not have the face to see his brother even under Jiuquan.

So this is Olot’s last hope, and I don’t know if this wish can come true.

But just after hearing Oni Stambul say those words, Olot knew that his hopes were shattered.

How could this silly child survive, having already said such rude words to Ye Chen, Olot knew that there might be no way out.

Because he was punished like this after saying those words to Ye Chen just now.

At this moment, Oro, especially on the ground, was worse off than dead, and felt that he only had a weak breath.

Now that he has become a waste person, I am afraid that he can’t even talk about a person.

So Olot really didn’t think that all the Mroni people on the Soochow star would be destroyed at this moment?

From then on, the Soochow star will not exist, and the Muroni star will disappear forever on the planet and in the parallel world.

Olot really doesn’t dare to think about such a thing now, because it’s really cruel to him.

He has been around Soochow Star for tens of thousands of years, and he has never encountered such a terrible thing today.

He didn’t meet such a powerful opponent as Ye Chen, and he didn’t know what was going on, why Ye Chen came to Soochow Star, and came to this place to plunder the resources here.

At this moment, Olot was lying on the ground, and there were many questions in his heart that he had not solved, but he knew that these questions would become secrets.

I am afraid that he will die forever, and these problems will disappear with him.

Olot now knows that he does not have the ability to fight against Ye Chen, nor is he qualified to ask Ye Chen about it.

He couldn’t even save his own life, and he couldn’t even keep all the Muroni people on Soochow Star. Olot felt that he was really useless.

Ye Chen was sitting behind the Void Swallowing Dragon at this moment, looking at the young man under him.

At this moment, Oni Stambul still held his head high and looked at Ye Chen, without the slightest timidity or fear, his eyes were full of hatred.

I can’t wait to eat Ye Chen at this moment.

(bacd) Ye Chen also saw the thoughts of Oni Stable, but Ye Chen smiled secretly in his heart.

This young man looks at himself with such eyes, is he really not afraid of death? Ye Chen thought it was very strange.

Also for Oni Stamboul, Ye Chen is also very strange.

Onistambull couldn’t understand why the Lord of Time in front of him didn’t have any reaction after he said that sentence just now.

He didn’t punish himself, so what did he want to do?

Oni Stamboul really can’t understand, at this moment he is still alive and has not received any punishment, what the hell is going on?

Oni Stamboul couldn’t understand, and he was puzzled again. He kept staring at Ye Chen with wide eyes, waiting for him to take action against him.

But until now, Oni Stamboul has not waited for any punishment.

Still without any punishment, he stood at the feet of the Void Swallowing Dragon.

At this moment, Oni Stambul was standing at the foot of the Void Swallowing Dragon, surrounded by these red circles, but he didn’t know it.

This red aperture, even Ye Chen couldn’t understand what was going on.

Oni Stamboul didn’t know it, and stood there stupidly, just a little angry, because he knew that his uncle was dead.

Therefore, he felt that his life was meaningless, and he didn’t want to live in this world. Instead of trying to survive like this, he might as well fight Ye Chen to the death.

Even if I say some cruel words, I still feel that it is worth dying, and I can have fun.

Can’t just be so timid, afraid to die, and Oni Stamboul doesn’t want to do it.

After all, his personality is very strong and stubborn, and he will not succumb to Ye Chen, no matter what.

Even if Ye Chen made Oni Stambler alive and dead at this moment, Oni Stable would not surrender to Ye Chen.

After Oni Stamboul said this, he did not speak again.

Because he had been waiting for Ye Chen’s answer, at this moment, he carefully observed Ye Chen’s expression.

I feel that this powerful Lord of Time has no expression, and his face is no longer as serious as before.

And looking at whether his eyes are much calmer, it is no longer full of murderous aura like before.

Seeing this scene, Oni Stambul couldn’t understand, why is this?

Why did Ye Chen’s expression change from just now to being so dull now, doesn’t he want to kill himself?

Oni Stable was really puzzled, these questions were always lingering in Oni Stable’s heart, and there was no answer.

Oni Stamboul also knew that it was useless to think so much, after all, no one could understand his thoughts with this powerful figure in front of him.

No one knew what he was thinking at this moment. Oni Stamboul knew that it was the first time he had seen a character as powerful as Ye Chen.

He didn’t know that there was a parallel world on the planet, and there was such a powerful Time Lord.

It really surprised Onistambull. Before Onistambull heard it, Olot mentioned that there was a person with a powerful time master.

In the future, he will become the master of time in the entire universe and the whole world. It turns out that this person really exists, that is, the young man in front of him.

And Oni Stamboul felt that the Ye Chen in front of him was very handsome and very handsome.

But his heart is particularly vicious, and his methods are also very cruel.

Why it seems that such a soft and weak young man is full of powerful time, the power is really incredible, and some sigh.

Oni Stamboul also knew that this young man was sitting behind the Void Swallowing Dragon.

About his own age, even though Oni Stamboul knew he had lived for hundreds of years.

But now he still hasn’t grown up as before, just the same age as Ye Chen.

So at this moment, although Oni Stable hated Ye Chen very much, he envied him very much in his heart.

He has the most powerful world power in the world, and can become the powerful time master in this galaxy.

It really made Oni Stamboul very jealous, why didn’t he have a little bit of power, he was powerless.

Oni Stamboul also knew that he was frail and sickly when he was a child, and he managed to survive until today.

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