Chapter 322

Because Oni Stamboul knew that Olot might not survive, after all, after what he said just now, Olot did not respond.

He kept shouting and howling around Olot, but Olot still didn’t respond to him.

So Onistambull cried out in despair at this moment, cried in despair, and kept shouting towards the sky above Soochow Star.

Although Oni Stambul knew that he did not have any ability to deal with Ye Chen, he was at the end of his life.

Live with your own dignity.

If you don’t even dare to cry out, then you are worthy of being a Mroni star.

Although Oni Stamboul was not sure whether Olot was still alive at this moment, after saying those words, he knew that he was basically unable to live.

It has become like this, and it is a miracle to live to this day.

If Olot died at this moment, Ye Chen didn’t think it was an accident, nor did it feel strange.

After all, if a planetary person becomes Olot, I am afraid that this appearance will not last long.

10. Only Olot’s body with powerful abilities can support it until now, and he can still talk to himself when he is dying.

But now Oni Stambul’s heart has no bottom, knowing that Olot is dead now, otherwise it is impossible not to talk to himself.

Oni Stamboul was also very clear in his heart that he was dying of grief, and he kept kneeling on the ground and weeping bitterly, no matter what happened to Ye Chen, Oni Stamboul felt that it didn’t matter anyway.

It’s enough to just let out your own sadness.

Oni Stamboul knows that he will die anyway, so if it’s a big deal, let himself die a little more happily.

At this moment, he forgot that there was still a powerful Lord of Time in this world, he knelt on the ground as he wanted, and kept shouting and crying towards the sky above Soochow Star.

Letting out his emotions, at this moment he felt that the whole planet had exploded.

Since Olot can’t live with himself, let all his own people be extinguished.

Especially the Ye Chen of Damn it, Oni Stamboul felt that this moment made the planet explode, and maybe all the people would die here.

“Why so cruel to us? Why make my uncle suffer like this? Why so unfair to us.”

“Who can tell me why all of this is happening? We are living well in school, why should we suffer such a disaster.”

“We have never provoked anyone on Soochow Star. Why should we pay such a painful price? This is why.”

“Uncle, you can’t hear me anymore, don’t worry, I’ll be with you soon, you won’t just leave alone.

“I won’t let you go so alone. I have to keep my dog ​​alive. I might as well accompany you. We also have a companion on the way.”

“Uncle, I know you can’t hear me, but I haven’t had time to tell you something, so you left me like this

“You have always brought me to this day. I have only been your relative since I was a child. I have always admired you very much, but I didn’t expect you to become like this today because of me. It was I who harmed you.”

Onistambull shouted loudly towards the sky above Soochow Star, howling loudly.

After saying this, he looked at Olot beside him again.

But at this moment Olot still did not respond.

Oni Stambul knew that his uncle must have left the Soochow Star, and that all the Muroni people would be wiped out like this.

But Onistambull looked at Olot carefully at this moment, and the remaining flat head was still the same as before.

Why didn’t Olot’s head turn into blood, and why?

Oni Stambler looked carefully at this moment, but couldn’t see any reason, but felt that Olot was the same as before.

Since his body has become a piece of blood, and it is still green, why is his head still intact.

Oni Stamboul felt that if Olot really died at this moment.

Then his head would slowly melt away, and green blood would flow out, slowly turning into a pool of green blood.

But at this moment Olot’s head is obviously the same as before. Is his uncle still alive?

But Ye Chen thought it was impossible, he had already said a lot just now.

I have been talking to Olot, and I am constantly shouting to the sky and the sky above Soochow Star.

I didn’t hear any reaction from Olot. Oni Stamboul felt that he was thinking too much, and he had already reached this point.

It is impossible for Olot to survive, all these are facts, and there is no way to recover.

Ye Chen has to admit this fact now, there is no way, all this happened because of himself.

At this moment, Oni Stable was very remorseful in his heart, but he didn’t know what to do with his own life.

After Ye Chen heard the shouts of Onistambull, sitting behind the Void Swallowing Dragon, he felt very uneasy.

This is what I said to myself.

It was they who plundered their homes by themselves, so they would kneel on the ground at this moment.

But Ye Chen has no way now, in order to continuously strengthen his energy, he must do so.

If you are kind at this moment, then how can your own system become stronger, and where will your strength increase greatly?

So Ye Chen told himself not to be soft-hearted, even if Ye Chen could keep all the Mroni people here at this moment, it was necessary to plunder the resources here.

Because the most resources of all planets can continuously upgrade Ye Chen’s system and greatly enhance Ye Chen’s strength.

This is the most basic point, and Ye Chen has always kept it in mind.

No matter how many difficulties you encounter in absorbing the planet, you must do it, and you cannot be kind.

If you encounter a planetary person blocking Ye Chen, you must kill them.

But Ye Chen also had a principle in his heart, if he didn’t violate all the planetary people, he would not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Just like the Mroni people in front of him, although they are useless, Ye Chen will keep them.

It will not kill them with time plundering at this moment, because the powerful energy in Ye Chen’s body is not short of time.

If all the Mroni people here are eliminated, then the Soochow star will be destroyed, and Ye Chen does not want such a thing to happen.

All these sights in front of him were not what Ye Chen wanted to see at all, nor what Ye Chen wished, and he did not expect such a thing to happen.

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