Chapter 325 Silence

Looking at all the Mroni people, it is impossible for anyone to care about Ye Chen’s heart except for Oni Stamboul.

It seems that this One Stamboul is quite important to Ye Chen.

Although Xiang Yu is a reckless and rough person, his mind is still very delicate, he can see Ye Chen’s thoughts, and he can also perceive a thing or two.

Although the guess is not completely correct, but there are seven or eight points, right?

Ye Chen was indeed constantly tangled at this moment, and the expression on his face changed endlessly, which made people look a little tangled and twitched.

Because he didn’t know how to deal with Oni Stamboul in front of him, at this moment Oni Stamboul was constantly shouting towards the sky above Soochow Star.

Constantly howling, this sound is particularly harsh, and it makes people feel sad along with him.

Ye Chen’s heart is also tangled and sad at this moment, because he has never felt this way, and it is strange that Ye Chen can be influenced by other people’s emotions.

This Oni Stamboul seems to be quite ordinary. It can be seen that his body contains powerful energy. Otherwise, how could he control other people’s thoughts and emotions?

Oni Stamboul has been crying in pain and howling loudly, but all the people are also tangled and grieved with him.

This proves that Oni Stamboul is not an ordinary Mulroney star, and he is not as bland as he looks on the surface.

But Ye Chen didn’t show any expression yet, just kept looking at Oni Stambul who was kneeling on the ground.

Seeing him howling loudly, he didn’t want to do anything to punish him.

Ye Chen felt that he didn’t want to punish anyone now, and felt that they were all innocent.

After all, this is their homeland, and it is a bit cruel to come to the Soochow Star and kill them all after doing these things.

It was Olot who was a little arrogant and unreasonable towards Ye Chen, but Ye Chen knew that his punishment to him was enough.

Ye Chen also knew that after he came to the parallel world, he had killed a lot of planetary people.

After all, these guys are also very rude to themselves and want to kill themselves.

Just like he had just killed Kong Wu himself, he was really over his head, and since he uttered wild words, he wanted to kill himself.

So Ye Chen couldn’t appease him, and used time stagnation to eliminate Kong Wu, turning him into a leaf, which instantly flew away, and slowly turned into dust, which was blown away by the wind.

Ye Chen knew that Kong Wu’s soul disappeared forever, and it was impossible to reincarnate again.

He wouldn’t give him this chance, and Ye Chen felt that what he did was not too much.

For those arrogant planetary people who show their teeth and claws, they must be made to taste a painful price.

Xiang Yu had been observing Ye Chen’s changes, and at this moment, his expression softened somewhat.

It is no longer the same as before.

Xiang Yu was thinking in his heart at this moment, did Ye Chen have a plan?

Is he going to start dealing with Oni Stamboul? He is also worried, because he doesn’t want Oni Stambul to die like this.

The Mroni star in front of him is indeed very special, and he is very filial. He is fearless when he encounters a powerful opponent like Ye Chen, which is really admirable.

So Xiang Yu didn’t want Oni Stable to disappear like this. If he died like this, Xiang Yu felt that Oni Stable was really a pity.

But all this is not something Xiang Yu can stop, just think about it.

Xiang Yu didn’t even have the right to speak, he was very clear about this.

Xiang Yu had been waiting for Einstein’s reply after he had said that to him just now.

But after waiting for this moment for a long time, Einstein still did not speak.

Xiang Yu didn’t know why, but he was in a hurry at this moment, didn’t Einstein want to say a word?

Just don’t want to feel sorry for Oni Stamboul?

Xiang Yu carefully observed Einstein’s eyes and felt that his eyes were also wet.

It seems that he was also infected by Oni Stambul’s emotions and felt sad, and everyone was in the same mood.

After hearing what Xiang Yu said just now, Einstein kept guessing in his heart.

I don’t know how to solve all this, and whether Oni Stambul can survive.

Whether he can escape Ye Chen’s palm today is unknown, and Einstein has no idea either.

After hearing Xiang Yu’s words, Einstein was very entangled in his heart and didn’t know what to do.

·0 Seeking flowers…

I don’t know if I can help Oni Stambul a little bit, but he feels like it’s really special.

With their abilities, are they qualified to stand up and speak?

At this moment, Einstein has been weighing in his heart whether he has this weight or not.

Do you have the qualifications to speak in front of Ye Chen? After all, this is not a trivial matter, once you say the wrong thing.

I am afraid that he will be punished like Olot, so Einstein did not dare to act rashly.

Einstein also had the same idea with Xiang Yu, and also hoped that Onistambull could stay.

Because after all, this Oni Stamboul is innocent, just a Mroni star who is powerless.

There is simply no such powerful ability as Olot.

So they thought it would be good to keep Oni Stambul, and besides, Oni Stamboul, a Mroni star, was different.

He is full of justice, and he is quite filial and affectionate. This is the kind of person that Einstein and Xiang Yu like most.

Einstein thought about this at this moment and thought about it for a long time.

His eyes were full of melancholy, he looked at Xiang Yu in front of him, and said to him in a low voice.

“I said Xiang Yu, what are you yelling about? Can’t you keep your voice down? Are you afraid that Mr. Ye won’t hear what you’re saying?

“Can you be a little quieter? It’s okay for the two of us to whisper in the back of the crowd. If you speak loudly, Mr. Ye’s ears can hear sounds that others can’t hear.”

“Who is Mr. Ye? Don’t you know yet? He is the master of time in the entire universe, and it is impossible for anyone to compete with him.

“So it’s better for you to keep a low profile, since you want to talk, keep your voice down, why are you always yelling, what are you talking about.

After Einstein finished saying this, he looked around to see if Ye Di was looking towards them.

At this moment, he saw Ye Chen’s eyes, Ye Chen’s eyes, still looking at Oni Stamboul and not staring at them.

At this moment, Einstein’s heart became more at ease, and he had to stand quietly here.

It is indeed better to chat with Xiang Yu, time can pass faster, and you don’t have to think about these messy things in your mind. again

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