Chapter 354 Quietly Expecting

Soochow Star may soon turn into ruins. Originally, everything on Soochow Star was so beautiful, and everything was so wonderful.

But just now, everything that was good here suddenly turned into ruins, making people shudder when they see you, and feel a little regretful.

This is obviously a good place, but why Ye Chen made this place like this, Okbarga couldn’t understand.

Looking at Einster in front of him at this moment, he said to him.

“What do you think? What do we do now? Are we going to stay here.”

“Have you seen Mr. Ye, his expression is very proud now, I think he is enjoying this state now.

“It’s been a long time since we came to Soochow Star. When can we go back? This place looks a little scary, it’s even scarier than hell.”

“What’s wrong with you? Have you become dumb again at this moment? When you say something like this, you always keep your mouth shut, I really feel strange.

After Okbarga finished saying this, he once again looked at the raging fire in the distance. He felt that all this was very inexplicable, and everything that was good was destroyed like this.

He didn’t know why, but his heart was aching. Looking at Oni Stamboul lying on the ground, Okbarga felt a lot of reluctance in his heart.

After all, Oni Stamboul is also quite innocent. He became like this for 810’s own uncle.

But his uncle was dying and turned into a pool of blood, looking particularly terrifying, making people shudder.

It was the first time Okbarga saw a planetary person like Oni Stambul who was not afraid of death, which was indeed quite unexpected for him.

This Soochow Star is where they live, but their homeland has been destroyed at this moment.

But Oni Stamboul was still so strong, which made Okbarga very admire in his heart.

So Okbarga wanted to end everything here as soon as possible and return to his longevity hall, after all, that was where they lived.

I don’t know what Ye Chen thinks, after all, all his actions must obey Ye Chen’s arrangements.

So now he once again looked at Ye Chen, who was high above, and Ye Chen was still so terrifying at this moment.

The body looks particularly huge, like the entire Superman shrouding the sky above Soochow Star, making people look horrified.

Okbarga didn’t know why Ye Chen didn’t change back to his original appearance at this moment, did he really enjoy this feeling?

Okbarga felt inexplicable, when is this, and he is still so worried here.

Okbarga’s understanding of Ye Chen, he is not such a hesitant person, he is very decisive in what he does, and what he wants to do, he will do it quickly.

There have never been so many worries like this moment, so now Okbarga knows that all this is because of Oni Stamboul, and it is Ye Chen who is struggling with what Oni Stamb should do.

At this moment, Oni Stamboul died, Ye Chen felt that it was a pity, if Oni Stable was left like this.

Ye Chen was also worried about whether Oni Stamboul was loyal to him, so at this moment Ye Chen was in a dilemma and didn’t know how to decide. Now he has been living behind the Void Swallowing Dragon and has no reaction.

Einster didn’t know what he could do after hearing Okbalga speak at this moment, but he didn’t want to answer either.

After all, now he doesn’t have any ability to prevent this from happening, and can only watch it all being destroyed.

Although he felt a little regretful, he was helpless, and now he didn’t know what to say. Seeing these fires burning so vigorously in front of him really made people feel pity from the bottom of their hearts.

This is indeed a beautiful place, but at this moment, it has turned into ruins, and the anti-inflammatory fills the sky over the entire Soochow Star, making people unable to open their eyes.

So now Einster doesn’t know what to do with all this. After all, it’s all under Ye Chen’s control, and they all have to listen to Ye Chen’s arrangements.

If it was Ye Chen’s order, they knew that no one could resist, and they could only wait quietly for this moment.

Einster’s face was full of confusion at this moment, and he looked back again, knowing that Okbalga beside him was particularly anxious, but what could he do at this moment?

In order to appease Okbarga’s heart, all of this must be suppressed. If Ye Chen is angered, unexpected things may happen.

Einster thought of this, his eyes filled with firmness, he looked at Okbarga in front of him, and said to him.

“I said why you are always so frantic, what do you want me to say? What’s going on now, can’t you see it?”

“If you want to go back, who doesn’t want to go back? We have been away from the Palace of Longevity for a long time, and I want to go back too, but is it something we can decide now?”

“Okay, don’t be so entangled, what are you thinking about? We can’t stop all this, let’s just wait and see.

Einster said this just in the hope that Ok Barga could have a little self-awareness, the current situation is simply not something that the two of them can decide.

Even if Okbalga was in a hurry at this moment, it was of no use. No one dared to raise any opinions in front of Ye Chen. No one dared.

So at this moment, Einster also knows his weight, and no one wants to offend Ye Chen. After all, no one knows or guesses what Ye Chen is thinking now.

Einster also hopes that Okbarga can be stable, not to be so impatient all the time, even if he is impatient, what’s the use.

The current situation is not what they can imagine at all. What exactly will Ye Chen do here? What will they do with these Mroni people?

“What’s the matter, I’m still struggling, how many times do I have to say it before you can hear it, just stay here quietly and don’t talk in front of Ye Chen.

“You didn’t see that Ye Chen’s eyes are now on Oni Stambler. He has been struggling and doesn’t know how to deal with it. If we talk to the front, wouldn’t it add fuel to the fire?”

“So now the two of us can’t do anything, I think it’s just like the two of us talking in front of Ye Chen, it’s of no value, do you feel weighty?

After Einster said this, he kept his eyes on Okbarga.

He felt a little depressed on his face at this moment, but Einster had no choice but to wait and see.

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