Chapter 369

“So we must step up our training, strengthen ourselves, and improve our technological civilization, so that we can remain invincible, prevent the invasion of alien creatures, and defend our beautiful homeland.”

“Master doesn’t have to worry too much, we are all doing our best to share the worry for the master!”

“You are my most capable subordinates now. Although the deputy hall masters are all trustworthy, they each have a role to defend against the invasion of alien creatures, and their clones are ineffective. Even if they are attacked there, they all need you to also Go and help them right away.”

“Yes, my lord! We must step up our military training to live up to the master’s high expectations.

“Hey, I’ve seen the bravery of the two of you, Lian Po, I’ll give you another 30 years of life now to bring you back to the peak of your youth.”

“Thank the master for the reward, Lian Po will swear allegiance to the master to the death.

“Open the Lord of Time System, I want to give Lian Po 30 years!”

[System: The host will give Lian Po 30 years, deduct 30 time points, and the remaining 999970 years!]

“Hehe, it’s almost time this time!”

Seeing that the time points in the system have been added so much, this made Ye Chen, who was still a little depressed, heave a sigh of relief.

In fact, there is no need to worry too much. As long as he continues to recruit talents and develop the Hall of Longevity into the first fortress in the universe, we will see who will dare to invade the earth.

The depressed mood was swept away by the addition of the time, and Ye Chen, who no longer thought about the spy, looked at Zhao Yun and Lian Po and smiled.

“The competition just mentioned is still counted. How many locust soldiers did you two generals kill?”

Lian Po, who was still immersed in restoring his youthful state, was still talking to Zhao Yun. Hearing Ye Chen’s words, he suddenly remembered that the three of them still had a competition without a winner.

Zhao Yun answered first:

“Master”, I killed 80,000 locust soldiers.

Master, “I also killed 80,000 locust soldiers.”

“Master, I also killed a locust leader. Hehe…

“I’m going, why did I forget this, okay, this time, your kid wins.

Ouch”, did you hear me later, eldest brother, you are younger than me now.

“Oh, I forgot about this, Master, you can take it away from me for another ten years, or call this kid big brother.”

“Lian Po, he was born in a dynasty that was earlier than you, bro, he will not wrong you.

“Ah? That’s it! Well, the big brother is on the top, please accept the younger brother’s worship, and go away.

“Ha ha”

The four of them laughed heartily, and at this time the spaceship had already landed in the hall.

“By the way, master, how many locust soldiers have you killed?”

Lian Po asked curiously, Ye Chen glanced at him and said.

At tonight’s celebration banquet, in addition to pouring wine and vegetables for me, I also prepared twenty glasses of fine wine, then walked off the spaceship and returned to my room.

At this time, Zhao Yun came to Lian Po’s side and looked at Lian Po.


“Originally, I wanted to talk about other things to fool this matter. As long as the master doesn’t mention it, the penalty for drinking will be over. Ahem, you! Did the master make you younger and your IQ also younger?”

With that said, Zhao Yun also stepped off the spaceship.

Lian Po looked at the military advisor walking over in confusion.

Zhuge Liang smiled, waved his feather fan and said a word in Lian Po’s ear, then walked down.

Lian Po stood there with his mouth open, and after five minutes, he muttered something.

“One hundred thousand…

Suddenly he seemed to think of something, Zhao Yun, how dare you say that my IQ is low, Laozi is also the prime minister of a country, let’s see how I deal with you tonight.

At the evening celebration banquet, in fact, it was just the four of them, Xiang Yu, Hua Mulan, and a few mecha officers. The other deputy hall masters also sent congratulatory messages, but they did not return. After all, the defense of the earth cannot be relaxed.

Each deputy hall master corresponds to an alien creature, monitoring their every move, dare not have the slightest slack?

Of course, among these many aliens, there are friendly ones who want to be friends with the Earth, and some are weaker (bacd), and they don’t even have any fighting power.

Not only will they not attack the earth, but they also want to rely on the protection of the earth to ensure their safety.

They are not dependent on nothing, and the resources on their planet will be given priority to the earth.

For these alien creatures, the Hall of Longevity will not be specially defended.

With the rapid development of science and technology on the earth, we are constantly in contact with alien creatures and learn their advanced scientific and technological knowledge.

The earth gradually stood out from the backward planetary group, and slowly became stronger, exchanging resources with some planets that advocate peace.

The development of science and technology has made the resources of the earth unable to meet the needs of technological manufacturing, and some materials need to be exchanged or invaded from other planets.

But the earth has always advocated peaceful exchange, but if the other side starts a war, the earth will not let it go. No, only defense can fight the enemy. Sometimes attack is the best defense.

When the enemy has not yet launched an attack, he will destroy it on his own planet, and the earth also has its own opinion.

Just like the locust clan attacked the earth this time, after the evening banquet, Ye Chen issued an order.

He ordered Lian Po and Zhao Yun to lead 200,000 mecha soldiers to the planet of the locust family to destroy all the locusts on their planet.

Ye Chen told Zhao Yun and Facebook that they didn’t need to be merciful, and that the locust family had some IQ in addition to their locust commander.

The rest are like wild beasts, devoid of any humanity, and will take all creatures they see for food.

If in the season of their food shortage, cannibalism and devouring each other is their daily routine.

Their biggest advantage is their ability to reproduce, so even then, they won’t go extinct.

Ye Chen, who didn’t want to attack them at first, finally gave an order this time, because they dared to attack the earth, and they had to prepare to be destroyed by the earth.

Lian Po and Zhao Yun, led 200,000 mecha soldiers the next day, took the wormhole to the locust planet.

What a terrifying scene this is. The locust soldiers who came to the earth are only less than one-tenth of them. There are things happening in every corner of the entire planet.

It will take some time to kill them all. It seems that the task that Ye Chen gave them is quite arduous. Fortunately, their supplies are still relatively sufficient.

Without thinking too much about Lian Po, Zhao Yun, and 200,000 mecha soldiers, they started to slaughter the Wang Zong clan.

“Zhao Yun, it seems that we have to live here for a while this time, there are quite a few bugs here.

Lian Po shouted loudly, the locust soldier who chopped up more than ten locust soldiers with the axe.

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