Chapter 372 Apologize to Mr. Ye

Seeing how happy his mother was, Li Guang stopped asking questions and said:

“Then I’m going to cook now. Please wait a moment, Mr. Xiao. There is no big fish or meat in the humble family, just some rough meals. I hope Mr. Xiao will not dislike it.”

Li Guang, “Brother, you are very kind. I have already prepared the food, and I also brought a bottle of good wine to have a good drink with Li Guangguang. Please sit down, Li Guangguang, and I will serve the food.”

Li Guang looked back at his mother, perhaps because he hadn’t seen his mother smile for a long time, feeling that she was much younger, Li Guang smiled and nodded.

“Well then, I’ll be with my little brother!”

Opening the lid of the pot, the aroma of the food came out, which Li Guang had never smelled before.

The stomach also screamed in disappointment, Li Guang’s face flushed, and he didn’t make a sound, and quickly picked up the vegetable plate and walked into the room.

The two brought four small dishes to the table, and Ye Chen took out a bottle of good Maotai.

You can find three more cups, and then open the Moutai bottle with your bare hands.

Although he did not know how to open the lid, he saw that with a little force of his fingers, the mouth of the porcelain bottle was neatly opened by him.

“Li Guangguang is so good!”

Seeing that Li Guang’s kung fu was so powerful, Ye Chen couldn’t help but praised him.

“Haha, it’s just brute force, it’s not worth talking about!”

“Little gentleman’s superb cooking skills will be admired by me!”

“Haha, don’t come and admire, come and admire, come and come, Li Guang quickly fill up the wine, I want to toast the little gentleman.

Li Guang was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly filled the old lady with wine, then filled Ye Chen with wine and finally served himself a glass.

Li Guang thought to himself who the young man was, and actually asked his mother to toast him.

But he didn’t dare to go against the old lady’s wishes, no matter who this young man is, to make his mother so happy, these are enough, the others are not important.

Thinking of this, Li Guang also put down his doubts and had a drink with Ye Chen.

Li Guang and Marven Ye had a good chat after drinking three dishes and five flavors. Because they knew the history, they could chat with Li Guang about their views on the war.

Li was an all-rounder general in both civil and military, not only good at cavalry and archery, but also especially good at leading troops to fight.

His reputation has been passed down for many years, and even now many people know him.

But he found that when he was chatting with Ye Chen, Ye Chen’s understanding of the war of historical figures was even better than his, which made Li Guang secretly startled.

How can such a person be unknown, and he has such broad insights at such a young age, the future of this person is limitless.

The two were chatting happily, and Li Guang was also on top of interest.

“Little brother is so young, yet he has such talent, it’s a pity that I took a wrong step and missed the opportunity!”

As he spoke, Li Guang’s eyes flashed brightly, he stood up, and pointed into the distance.

“Otherwise, I would definitely recommend the little brother with all his strength and enter the officialdom to serve in the imperial court. I believe that with such a talent as the little brother, he will definitely show his grand plans and make a difference.

These remarks are sonorous and powerful, with a sense of arrogance.

“It’s a pity that now, I’m just staying at home, I’m afraid I can’t help my little brother!

As he said that, Li Guang actually started to cry. A hero like Li Guang went into battle to kill the enemy, and fought bloody battles without shedding a single tear.

This made Ye Chen admire him very much in his heart. Seeing that the atmosphere was starting to feel a little low, the old lady said there:

Why don’t the little gentleman tell the old lady what he just said to the old lady, and tell the little boy again to make him feel better.

“According to

Ye Chen told Li Guang what the old lady said again, but Li Guang looked at Ye Chen with big eyes, and his face suddenly changed.

Turning around, he seemed to suppress his anger, then looked at his mother and said to Ye Chen:

Thank you very much, Mr. Li, for making my mother laugh a lot today, Li Guang, I am grateful.

But it’s getting late today, so I won’t leave the little gentleman here. Please go back to rest early and don’t come here again.

Li Guang’s words were very cold, causing the old lady and Ye Chen to look at each other, knowing that they would definitely become like this.

It stands to reason that he would be so angry when he heard what Ye Chen said, and it is also reasonable. If it wasn’t for the pleasure of talking just now, I am afraid that Ye Chen would have been beaten out now.

Even if he didn’t fight now, he began to issue an order to evict guests. Ye Chen looked at the old lady, hoping that she could persuade him a few words.

Li Guang “Don’t be rude, why do you treat the little gentleman like this?”

“Mother, don’t worry about it, this man has ambitions and wants to harm our mother and son. Don’t let mother be fooled by her gossip, let him leave quickly!”

“Presumptuous, Mr. Xiao is my friend, how can you say that to him? Hurry up and apologize to Mr. Xiao, or I won’t spare you lightly!”

The old lady doesn’t need to be angry. Since brother Li Guangguang doesn’t like me, of course I can go, but there is something unclear about the younger brother, why did he treat me like this all of a sudden?

Seeing Li Guang’s angry expression, Ye Chen deliberately pretended to be inexplicable.

“If Li Guangguang can’t tell the reason to the younger brother, then even if he dies under Li Guang’s bow and arrow, the younger brother will never leave this place.”

“Your conspiracy and tricks have been seen by me, since you are so ignorant, okay, I will tell you.

“You have a good relationship with my mother first, because I am happy with the wine, and then tell me some confusing words while I am drunk, and then make me believe your nonsense.”

Looking at Li Guang’s analysis, it was reasonable and well-founded, leaving Ye Chen somewhat speechless.

“Hahaha, that’s how it is. Brother Li Guangguang, you are really smart! You can think so far and so much. My brother admires Brother Li Guangguang’s talent even more.”

Ye Chen’s words made the old lady a little confused. Could it be that her son was right, like that was the purpose.

“Since it has been exposed by me, for the sake of making my mother so happy, I will let you go today and leave quickly, otherwise you will become my dead soul.”

“Hey, Li Guangguang didn’t want to kill me in a hurry, it’s very easy to take my life with Li Guangguang’s martial arts.

Ye Chen looked at the old lady.

“But I also asked Brother Li Guangguang to give me a quarter of an hour to do something so that Brother Yue no longer doubts me, and to clear up the misunderstanding between you and me?

Li Guang looked at Ye Chen coldly.

“If you can’t figure out any tricks, let me see what you’re going to do?”

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