Chapter 50 We Are From 2019 (3/4 Seeking Rewards for Collecting Flowers)

Ye Chen stopped suddenly.

Lu Qi didn’t react for a while and bumped into Ye Chen.

Immediately, the girl’s fragrance wafted through her nostrils.

Ye Chen’s hand inadvertently touched a soft area.

Lu Qi’s pretty face was immediately flushed, and she quickly took a step back.

“Sure enough.”

Ye Chen looked at Lu Qi with a half-smile, “You guessed it right, I’m from 2069.”


Ignoring the shyness just now, Lu Qi quickly exclaimed: “Wow really! Then…then we still…”

“Also know, not only know, but you also gave birth to 4 children for me.”

Hearing Ye Chen’s words, Lu Qi pretty blushed blood.

The next moment Lu Qi reacted.

“Ye Chen, you are a big badass!”

“Haha, you believe this.”

“I’m going to bite you!”

“Shh, no noise is allowed in the hospital.”

“Ah yes! Then I’ll go back and bite you!”

During the fight, the two came to the Princeton University Affiliated Hospital again.

There were a few dark clouds in the sky, and the sky became a little dark.

It seems that even God knows that that person has reached the end of his life.

“Very appropriate.”

Ye Chen murmured and turned his eyes to the front.

There was some noise outside Einster’s ward.

Ye Chen walked through the crowd to the door of the ward, and Einster was already awake.

However, his condition is very bad.

The doctors and nurses in the ward were busy running around the room.

Ye Chen could only vaguely understand a few words.

What state is very bad, there is a possibility of bleeding in the brain, etc.

In fact, Einster died from an aortic aneurysm.

Einster was wearing a patient uniform, and lay quietly on the bed.

His face was very bad, and his breathing was unsteady.

“Time stands still…”

After Ye Chen finished speaking, the time in the entire building stopped immediately.


Lu Qi suddenly found that no one around was moving.

The doctors in the ward kept their previous movements.

Only she and Ye Chen can move freely without restriction.

Suddenly, Lu Qi’s hands and feet became cold.

An inexplicable sense of fear hit his heart, and Lu Qi’s hair stood up.

Ye Chen hugged Lu Qi and said softly, “Don’t be afraid, I did it.”

In normal times, Lu Qi would blush and might leave Ye Chen’s arms.

But this time, her little hands couldn’t help hugging Ye Chen tightly.

After hearing Ye Chen’s words, Lu Qi’s pupils shrank and her mouth opened slightly.

“Now… let’s go in.”

After Ye Chen finished speaking, Lu Qi, whose mind was blank, couldn’t help but follow in.

Einster didn’t seem to notice the change in front of him.

In fact, his state was already very bad at this time.

The doctors just now were preparing to give Einster something like a tranquilizer.

I saw two strangers suddenly appear in the ward.

There was a strange look on Einster’s pale face.

Immediately, his eyes suddenly lit up!

“Hello, my name is Ye Chen.”

Ye Chen lifted Einster and said with a smile, “It seems that you should have found out.”

“You are……”

Einstein looked Ye Chen up and down.

After a long time, he asked, “Time and space?”

“Yes, I am the Lord of Time.”

“Professor, you still have 9 hours and 3 minutes left.”

As soon as Ye Chen finished speaking, Einster had a hint of shock and surprise on his face.

“You are from…”

Einster seemed to have thought of something after speaking, and his face was flushed.

The great physicist has guessed it!

“That’s right.”

Ye Chen raised his head and smiled slightly: “We are from 2019.”


Rao had a guess in his heart, and Einster still took a deep breath.

Immediately, he took a deep look at Ye Chen and murmured, “You are truly a living god.”

“Time travel… how did you do it?”

As he spoke, Einster’s eyes became frantic.

He is a scientific genius and a Frankenstein.

When encountering such a thing, the fear and awe in his heart are less than ordinary people.

More than that, a strong desire for exploration and curiosity.

Ye Chen didn’t answer Einster’s question, this was his biggest secret, and of course he couldn’t tell the other party.

However, Ye Chen took out a document from the black briefcase.

These are the many achievements and contributions in modern physics that Ye Chen previously sorted out.

Including black hole theory and unified field theory and so on.

In order to facilitate Einster’s reading, Ye Chen even asked someone to translate it.

Einster took the document with trembling hands.

Although it hasn’t been opened yet, he has already guessed what is inside.

“Has the singularity theorem of general relativity been proven?”

“The conjecture of black holes has also been verified… It seems that there are black holes in the universe.”

“How did you do it?”

While flipping through the English version of the material, Einster recited a few words there alone.

Ye Chen smiled slightly, this is Einster.

A genius with inquisitive minds, a sense of humor and an extraordinary passion for work.

Einster didn’t read it all.

After reading it for a while, he closed the book suddenly, and said frantically: “You must have a way to take me to the future!?”

“Oh this is so exciting, so fascinating!”

“No, I have to hurry, there are more great discoveries waiting for me!”

Hearing Einster’s words, Ye Chen laughed.

Sure enough, the information prepared is useful! *

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