Chapter 64 The Test of Yang Chao (1/4 Seek Evaluation of Collecting Flowers)

Ye Chen and Dong Renfeng were talking on the hands-free. At the end, Yang Chao’s face flashed with joy.

After Ye Chen hung up the phone, Yang Chao bowed his head and said, “Yang Chao is willing to die for Mr.

At this time, the car was about to drive downstairs to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen heard the words, parked the car on the side of the road and got out of the car.

Yang Chao quickly followed.

Came to a dark grass.

Ye Chen turned his head and glanced at Yang Chao with an indifferent expression, and immediately took out a dagger.

“Since you are willing to die for me, then stab your heart.”

In one sentence, Yang Chao’s complexion changed dramatically!

The next moment, Yang Chao took the knife and gave Ye Chen a complicated look.

The corner of Ye Chen’s mouth rose slightly: “If you stab you, you will die. If you don’t want to, you can leave now. I guarantee that no one will hunt you down, and your family will be safe.”

Yang Chao’s face was extremely complicated.

This is a tough choice!

Stab in the heart, and he will surely die.

Even if Ye Chen wants to save him, it may not be too late, the heart is the key!

The nearest hospital is a 15-minute drive away.

In 15 minutes, he was sure to die.

But if he didn’t stab him, then what he said just now that he was willing to die would be a joke.

Even if Ye Chen and Dong Renfeng didn’t kill him, his life would be worse than death.

His mission is to do what he says and be absolutely loyal.

Even let him die.

Thinking of this, Yang Chao’s eyes became firm.

“I also hope that Mr. treat my family kindly.”

After speaking, the cold dagger pierced into the heart instantly.


Blood was pouring out, and Yang Chao’s face was extremely pale.

The breath weakened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ye Chen just watched silently without any movement.

Originally, Yang Chao had more than 40 years to live.

But after this knife, he still has 16 minutes left.

If the knife was pulled out directly, Yang Chao would die faster.

But Ye Chen didn’t do that, he just watched quietly.

Yang Chao had pain on his face, it was very painful.

In particular, nothing can be done.

Can’t shout, can’t save oneself.

Can only wait to die!

This feeling even made Yang Chao feel like he was going crazy.

He felt Ye Chen’s gaze.

Yang Chao really doesn’t understand Ye Chen’s thoughts.


You clearly have value.

Time is lost bit by bit.

When Yang Chao only had 30 seconds left, Ye Chen lit a cigarette.

At this time, Yang Chao was almost out of breath.

Consciousness is already blurred, and only a trace of instinct is still wandering in this world.

However, Ye Chen still didn’t save him.

Yang Chao was not given life to keep him alive.

With only 8 seconds left, Yang Chao reluctantly opened his eyes and glanced at Ye Chen.

Immediately, his mouth twitched.

Ye Chen understood it, and Yang Chao said, I did it.

Ye Chen smiled.

And Yang Chao’s breathing has since disappeared.

The whole person just lay on the ground motionless, at this time Yang Chao’s remaining lifespan was 0.

It’s already a corpse.

“It’s really a good helper.”

Ye Chen put out the smoke, and then murmured, “System, go back 17 minutes.”

Ye Chen’s words fell, and time passed.

The next moment, Ye Chen appeared in the car again.

He was still holding the phone he just hung up in his hand.

In the back row, Yang Chao looked happy and immediately said seriously: “Yang Chao is willing to die for Mr.

Ye Chen glanced at Yang Chao from the rearview mirror.

Immediately stopped the car, took a cigarette and handed it to Yang Chao.

This move surprised Yang Chao.

Even if you are from Mr., Mr. is too polite, right?

Or, Mr. doesn’t believe in himself?

Ye Chen lit it for himself, and then threw the lighter to Yang Chao.

Although Yang Chao was suspicious, he didn’t say much.

The two just sat in the car and smoked quietly.

After smoking, Ye Chen patted Yang Chao on the shoulder and said, “From now on, you and me.”

After saying this, Ye Chen got out of the car and closed the door.

Inside the car, Yang Chao’s complexion was extremely complicated.

Can’t figure it out! Very confused.

Of course he didn’t know, Ye Chen had already tested him once.

Moreover, Ye Chen was very satisfied with the result of the test.

Even Ye Chen thought about it, and used the time back to test all the core personnel.

Yang Chao’s skills may be worse than Qin Mo’s, but it’s nothing, he has time to grow.

Yang Chao did not know that he had died once.

Not to mention, he was completely trusted by Ye Chen.

After going upstairs, except Ye Xiaorou, both Ye Pengfei and his wife were already asleep.

That’s what it’s like in a small city, no nightlife.

What’s more, Ye Pengfei and Ye Pengfei are getting older, and they are used to going to bed early and getting up early.

Seeing that the light in Ye Xiaorou’s room was on, Ye Chen didn’t bother.

In the third year of high school, there is a lot of homework.

Lying in bed, Ye Chen stared at the ceiling in a trance.

In addition to wanting to test Yang Chao, Ye Chen also did an experiment.

“It seems that the remaining lifespan doesn’t mean anything.”

Before Yang Chao, there were more than 40 years left, but when the dagger pierced his heart, there were only ten minutes left.

Yang Chao is like this, and other people are naturally like this.

At noon, Ye Chen gave his parents and Ye Xiaorou 10 years of life respectively.

Not much, so not much will change.

Ye Chen thought that with his help, his parents and sister would definitely live forever.

But Ye Chen was wrong. In case of human intervention, he should leave early or leave.

Longevity does not mean immortality. *

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