Chapter 75 Are You Flirting With Me? (8/10 First Order Please Customize)

Ye Chen smiled and said, “Are you teasing me?”

Jin Xianran put down the book and walked slowly to Ye Zhen.

Immediately, he slowly pulled down his long skirt: “Yes, it’s a combination of work and rest.”

Jin Xianran approached Ye Chen.

The red lips are sent out gently.

After 10 minutes of kissing.

Ye Chen picked up Jin Xianran.

“as you wish.

Day two.

After the morning exercise, Ye Chen took the car and came to the Changsheng Base.

Qin Mo and Yang Chao led 22 people to wait for Ye Chen’s inspection.

Ye Chen has more detailed information in his hand.

This is the assessment list given by Qin Mo and Yang Chao after a day of sorting out.

30 people, 8 were brushed out, and 22 people remain.

Those who have been eliminated include those who are not strong-willed, those whose rebellious factors are too strong in their bones, and those who cannot let go of the outside world.

And the remaining 22 people, whether it is personality or loyalty, did not say.

“After passing the second round of assessment, it does not mean that you will definitely become a member of the Hall of Longevity.”

Ye Chen looked at the remaining 22 people and said lightly: “Of course, it also shows that you have a good temperament and are worthy of trust.”

Next, “start the real special training, one month later, the actual combat assessment.”

At that time, I will only keep 10 people, which means that 12 people will be eliminated. ”

“The remaining 10 people will be the core members of the God’s Punishment Team, second only to Qin Mo and Yang Chao.”

“After that, including Qin Mo and Yang Chao, you 12 people will lead a team to expand the territory for the Hall of Longevity.”

After speaking, Ye Chen smiled slightly: “Everyone, do you understand?”


The crowd shouted in unison.

“very good.”

Ye Chen looked at Qin Mo and Yang Chao and said, “From today onwards, apart from training, you will be in charge of the security work in the base.

“Don’t worry, sir!”

“Then let’s start training.

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he waved his hand, and time stopped immediately.

Except for Qin Mo and Yang Chao, the others did not feel anything unusual.

Begin training on a schedule.

After 2 minutes, someone finally found the abnormality.

The watch is gone!

Moreover, the surrounding trees and the grass on the ground were completely still!

This scene suddenly made everyone take a deep breath, and the eyes that looked at Ye Chen became more and more awe-inspiring.

24 hours later.

Looking at the 22 people who were already tired and paralyzed, Ye Chen smiled: “Yes, that’s all for today.

After that, the time stagnation was lifted.

Qin Mo and Yang Chao were also sweating profusely.

However, it is much better than others, at least the breathing is not too messy.

This is the difference between the elite and the top.

Qin Mo glanced at his watch subconsciously, and the second hand began to beat.

Qin Mo’s pupils shrank, they went through 24 hours of devil training.

But to the outside world, it didn’t even take a second!


Godly power!

Ye Chen looked at everyone and nodded secretly.

For the first time, it seems that these people’s adaptability is not bad.

After all, they are the elites among the elites, and this kind of intensity should be able to endure all the time.

After thinking about it, Marven Ye decided to give training that was stagnant for 3 years every 5 days.

According to this frequency.

After a month, the group had been training for the equivalent of 20 years.

20 years is enough for them to go from elite to top.

Qin and Yang Chao ink, you can almost reach the level of the top limit.

By that time, a team makes the world afraid of the killer was born!

And this process, just one month.

“Tomorrow, beginning with the stagnation of 3 years of training.”

Ye Chen mouth slightly higher: “Gentlemen, come on!”

Below, that 22 people can not help someone shuddered.

3 years … and it is estimated to be some people could not go crazy, right?

This is actually a leaf Chen test.

He can stand alone, and in this solitude has been growing, then in line with the requirements of Chen leaves.

Qin ink and Yang Chao, looking, in the eyes with a trace of excitement.

Only stronger, and better service for the Yep ah!

“This is clearly Mr trust me wait!”

Yang Chao subconsciously put tight fist.

After the last meeting, Chen leaves first found them.

Obviously he and Qin ink as a confidant look.

“So, I have to work harder, can not live up to Mr. confidence in me!”

Yang Chao goal in mind more firmly together.

Qin Yang Chao sensed a bit of ink and that means competing with one another, Ye Chen smiled.

There is good competition.

Yang Chao talent is also very strong, the next one month if the ink beyond the Qin, Qin ink natural that there will be full of pressure.

On the contrary, if the ink is always pressure Qin Yang Chao one.

Yang Chao will feel strong pressure.

This is a good thing ah.

The next few days.

Ye Chen had on the two first-line life.

In the morning to go to the people and special training base in three years.

Then rest for two hours at noon and then back to the villa to Kim Hyun-time stagnation.

It is 3 years.

3 years of uninterrupted learning, or 3 years time, only to learn that the only goal.

In such a high intensity, almost under harsh conditions, Kim Hyun ran surprisingly good performance.

Progress day by day.

Even when the third day was admitted to the MBA.

In addition, psychology, English, French and writing skills are leaps and bounds.

Unconsciously, seven days later.

This day.

After the completion of special training Ye Chen Qin ink to the crowd, a point on a cigarette and inhaled meet.

At this time, the phone rang.

“Yep, chairman of the transit Aerospace Group with six doctoral immediately to the base, you are directly or met?”

497 “Let them meeting room bar.”

These days, Du Yi Ming person supervision, with people working overtime to complete the longevity base all renovation work.

In addition, related furniture and equipment are already in place.

Today, the former government office building has a new look with all the requirements leaf Chen.

In two days ago, three members of the group have been put into the sky research work.

10 minutes later.

Looking forward to a group of people entered the conference room.

He leaves Chen respectful toward the first line of a ceremony: “Yep.”

Immediately description: “Sir, this is the same Li Hua, chairman of the transit space.

“This is the Aerospace Science and Technology Ph.D., who control science and engineering doctoral, this is a mechanical engineering Ph.D.

6 doctoral tutor what order did not introduce the name, mentioned only by professional and research.

I hope in the eyes, they do not have to know the name of Mr. qualification.

Ye Chen smiled and extended his right hand, with Li Hua quickly stepped forward and shook hands.

Although he is chairman of the transit space, with ordinary people can not imagine the power and wealth.

But in front of Ye Chen, Li Hua with really not the slightest disrespect place.

You know, the No. 1 but equal dialogue and the characters exist ah.

“Gentlemen, sit down.

Ye Chen waved, Li Hua with seven people were seated.

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