Chapter 79 The class leader Ye Chen is here! (Please subscribe for flowers reward)

Daijoichi is one of Suzuki Tetsu’s top killers.

He is also responsible for this operation.

As an agent and killer, Dazhongyi has always acted resolutely.

“Even if the opponent is weak, they will be extremely cautious, and be sure to kill with one hit!

Although this mission is a bit rushed.

But the big one is very well prepared.

Four cars, 6 killers, 3 guns.

Don’t say that the other party didn’t notice, even if they did, they couldn’t escape!

And in fact it is.

Two shots hit accurately.

However, just when Dazhong was about to shoot another shot at Ye Chen’s head, his expression changed.

Those two bullets stopped!

That’s right.

It stopped at Ye Chen’s heart, almost sticking to Ye Chen’s clothes!


The expressions of Dazhong and the other killers changed drastically.

The next moment, as big as a pull the trigger!

He didn’t think about the reason, the only thing he had to do at this time was to make up for the knife!

Their chance is as short as 5 seconds!

After you pass this intersection, you will be detected by the camera in front of you.


Another shot was fired.

But in the next moment, a scene that made him sweat 10 times appeared.

Ye Chen just grabbed it!

Caught the bullet that was flying towards his head!

“Six people?”

Ye Chen glanced at the camera in front of him.

3 seconds left.


Immediately, time stopped.

Dazhong’s pupil shrank, he didn’t know what happened.

It just feels like everything has stopped.

It was only for a very short time that Ye Chen appeared in his car.

Ye Chen sat in the back row, and the black-clothed killer beside him stood still with shock on his face.

Dazhongyi’s expression was horrified to the extreme.

The instinctive reaction came immediately.

Dazhong’s face was pale, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably.

His head was blank, and his ability to think was almost lost.

as a professional killer.

But I have never encountered such a bizarre scene.

Is that human being?

How does such a god-like existence exist?

“Back to you.

Ye Chen said softly.

The next moment, Dazhong shook his body.


The bullet pierced through Dazhongyi’s head.

Immediately, Ye Chen fired another shot.

The top killer on the side had no resistance and died directly.

Ye Chen did the same and ran to the Jinbei car on the left.

Same method.

The other two were killed immediately.

Immediately after, the jeep in front.

Then, there is the van behind.

When time stands still, everything stands still.

Only Ye Chen was busy.

After doing all this, Ye Chen returned to the car in a hurry and lit a cigarette.

Immediately, the time stagnation was lifted.


Everyone in the four cars died at the same time, and without the driver’s control, several cars collided.

And Ye Chen had already driven away.

In the rear, there was a brief confusion.

However, because there were not many vehicles on the road, there were no traffic accidents.

Ten meters away from several cars, Suzuki’s beads were about to fall.

“what’s the situation!

Suzuki rubbed his eyes.

Tetsu Suzuki’s plan was perfect, but just when Suzuki was about to see Silbe out of control, why did the four cars collide?

When Suzuki Ichi’s car passed the two gold cups, his face changed dramatically!

Inside the car, Ichigo Oju and another killer were covered in blood.

“Dead, dead!”

Suzuki was shocked to the extreme.


Just then, a truck came galloping by.

Because of the shock and fear, Suzuki even forgot that it was a red light at this time.


Although the big truck was braking hard, it still smashed Suzuki’s Maybach into pieces.

As for Suzuki, it’s obvious that the dead can’t die anymore.

Suzuki didn’t know what was going on until he died.

Why is Ye Chen so good?

Why are they all dead?

Gimhae Building.

This is one of the subordinate industries of Jinjian Technology.

Gimhae Building is a shopping mall.

Unlike general shopping malls, Gimhae Building only sells fishing and hunting supplies.

Fishing and hunting are already a small minority, and the business is even worse at night.

There are almost no people in the huge shopping mall.

But Suzuki Tetsu didn’t care, this building was originally a stronghold they used to exchange information.

At this time, on the 6th floor of Gimhae Building, inside the chairman’s office.

Tetsu Suzuki leaned on the sofa with a hint of anxiety on his face.

According to normal circumstances, at this time, Dazhong should have completed the task and sent him a message.

Tetsu Suzuki didn’t believe that the big one would miss.

6 killers, even if the other party is very skilled?

Even with great skill, it is no match for a gun.

“Jingle Bell.

At this moment, the phone in front of Tetsu Suzuki rang.

Suzuki Tetsu answered the phone.

“Senior, Marven Ye entered the parking lot of the building!”

Hearing the report from his subordinates, Tetsu Suzuki’s face changed dramatically!


“This is impossible!”

“The major one failed?”

Suzuki Tetsu turned on the computer while talking.

His computer monitors the entire building.

Seeing this, Tetsu Suzuki was dumbfounded.

Surveillance showed that Ye Chen was in the parking lot on the second basement floor of Jinhai Building.

Ye Chen had already parked the car and was walking towards the elevator entrance.

Seeing the surveillance, Ye Chen even grinned.

Suzuki Tetsu shook his hands and took in a breath of cold air.

Without a doubt, the big one failed!

No time to think about why it failed.

Suzuki Tetsu is even more lazy to care about their lives and lives.

The next moment, Suzuki Zhe moved the button in front of him.

Roaring: “Watanabe, you lead the team to the elevator to surround him!”

“Damn it! It’s hitting me in the face!”

“Mutilate him, I want to live 500!”

After hanging up the phone, the veins on Suzuki’s face were exposed.

At the same time, a bad thought came to mind.

Over there, Watanabe brought people over immediately after receiving the news.

“Team 1 goes to the 2nd floor!”

“Team 2 goes to the 4th floor!”

“Control the target on the 5th floor!”

“The rest, stand by!”

After Watanabe finished speaking, the two groups quickly walked towards the entrance.

This is a classic siege tactic.

Two teams of people, plus Watanabe’s side, a total of 15 people.

This is also all the people that Tetsu Suzuki brought to the sea this time.

At this time, Ye Chen just got on the elevator.

When we got to the 2nd floor.

Five men in black walked into the elevator with expressionless faces.

The corner of Ye Chen’s mouth rose slightly, but he didn’t move.

With such a small number of people, it is not worth his effort.

Then the elevator went to the 4th floor.

5 more people got on the elevator.

There were 11 people in the narrow elevator plus Ye Chen.

Already very crowded.

Standing in the middle of the elevator, Ye Chen seemed to have fallen into the encirclement unknowingly.

In the office, the corners of Suzuki Tetsu’s mouth rose slightly.

In such a narrow space, even a gun can hardly function.

10 top killers have a personal uniform for 1 person, no need to think about the result.

Under surveillance, the elevator has reached the 5th floor!

At this time, 10 killers cooperated with tacit understanding and shot at the same time!

Qishou and the electric baton greeted at the same time.

But just when Suzuki Tetsuya was waiting to see the result of the victory, he unexpectedly appeared.

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