Chapter 86 Official high-level meeting (please subscribe and customize)

The last time travel was when the number of members of the Hall of Longevity reached 5.

This time, it is a reminder to complete the milestone event.

Twice, Ye Chen had a rough guess about this so-called milestone event.

“Ding, the current system is level 5. The host can choose to shuttle at any time within 1000 years, and the shuttle time cannot exceed 1 month.”

“Warm reminder, the host who has traveled more than a hundred years cannot bring the target directly to the modern age.”

One more tip this time.

Ye Chen understood.

It seems that it is a controllable stage within a hundred years.

For more than a hundred years, if it is brought back directly, it may cause the collapse of time and space.

Before Einster was brought directly to modern times by Ye Chen from 1955.

And this time in crossing, the target must be given enough life.

Then let the target live to the present day.

It doesn’t matter to Ye Chen.

The group boarded the plane in 4 batches and set off to return to China.

After returning to Villa 1.

Ye Chen turned on the computer.

Since the range of options is within 1000 years, it should be carefully considered.

So far, the Hall of Longevity has entered a period of development.

The configuration of the sky group is also sufficient for now.

After the launch base is discussed, Jiang Linbo and Rost can start work.

After thinking for a long time.

Ye Chen made a decision.

From the beginning to the present, the Hall of Longevity has been planned by Ye Chen alone.

503 A person’s power is limited after all.

And Du Yuancheng and the others are just ordinary people after all, and they don’t have a development vision that spans the entire history.

At this time, a strategist who is resourceful and proficient in ancient and modern times is very necessary.

With the existence of such a person, Ye Chen can completely let go of the structure and regulations of the Hall of Longevity.

And such a heavyweight person can directly serve as the leader of the lifeless group.

So far, none of the four groups has established a group leader or deputy group leader.

Ye Chen already had candidates for the Cang Qiong Group and the God Punishment Group.

Only this lifeless group.

Just when Ye Chen was screening the target, in the S group base near the sea.

Since Ye Chen gave Song Lining a “big gift” last time, Song Lining, Zheng Dong and others have been busy.

After finally clearing the domestic Yilonghui spies.

Zheng Dong sent another piece of information: “Song Department, according to the analysis given by our intelligence personnel in the island country, Yilong will be wiped out.”

Song Lining was looking at Ye Chen’s recent action report, and his face changed slightly when he heard this: “When?”

“4 hours ago!”

Song Lining showed a solemn expression: “Let them continue to investigate and give me an accurate message!”

“In addition, the Song Department… Hours ago, Mr. Ye and the others took a plane to the island country.”

After Zheng Dong finished speaking, he said solemnly, “Could it be Mr. Ye?”


Song Lining packed up the materials in his hand and said, “Return the picture and video materials as soon as possible.”

After finishing speaking, Song Lining walked towards the conference room.

Since the official determined several codes of conduct with Ye Chen.

The work on the Hall of Longevity has been ongoing.

Except for the eastern region where Song Lining is located, the heads of the major regions are conducting various investigations on the Hall of Longevity and Ye Chen.

Such a mysterious and powerful organization is in the country.

It’s impossible if you don’t investigate.

And even if you can’t investigate clearly, you must find out their movements.

Only in this way can we respond in advance.

Any cooperation are likely to be terminated.

Any friends can become enemies.

For a large country, even if only a hint of a threat to national security may have to pay attention to.

What’s more, Palace of Eternal Youth have so much energy.

Song Lining is to participate in this weekly meetings at Headquarters.

Summary information for the various parties will Ye Chen and Palace of Eternal Youth, and then plan the next phase of work.

Song Lining the huge conference room and only one person.

Opposite Song Lining, a length and width of two meters of the electronic screen.

After Song Lining reaffirmed the hands of the information, this will open in front of the camera.

Immediately, there was Song Lining the picture on the electronic screen.

Then, one by one picture appears on the screen.

Plus Song Lining, including but not too much just five.

Each head followed by a number, from 1 to 5.

Song Lining is No. 5.

(Bafd) When all the faces have emerged.

No. 2 spoke: “Gentlemen, the meeting started.”

No. 2 is a 50-year-old wearing a suit in his early man.

Men’s eyes with a hint of light, a look at who is highly placed.

“Start by one intelligence report below.”

“Song Department before you start.

Song Lining heard this, he took a deep breath and said:. “Gentlemen, last week in eastern identified a 3 Important Information”

First, “the authority of the North American engineering mechanics, Professor Rossiter private jet this morning 7:40 into the sea.”

“12:10, his private jet to leave the sea, as far as we understand the people, it seems that his son cloth Lang a person return.”

“My personal analysis, matter or Palace of Eternal Yip’s association.

Second, “A few days ago, the Palace of Eternal Youth secret base for transporting a number of scientific equipment, on which we find a list of IAESTE signature.”

Song Lining Carter four others looking slightly changed.

Song Lining mentioned these two, the information was great!

The first Palace of Eternal Youth is almost certainly in the operation.

As to why Professor Rossiter will be fancy, it is clear that he is a professional.

Hangzhou Zhongtian last day of the thing, is responsible to contact them and recommended.

So the idea is to know Palace of Eternal Youth secretly collecting a number of high-tech talent.

As for the second, even more bizarre.

Even a little horror!

“Yes, this IAESTE is, we know who, through writing than this point can be confirmed.”

“Of course, there may be just as handwriting, concrete is not yet to be verified.

After listening to the words of Song Lining, everyone suddenly some creepy feeling.

Song Lining continued: “Message Third, and just get a dragon around 11:00 island will be destruction!”

“And Mr Yip and his men, just went island.

Song Lining, then let a few people a reduced pupil.

Immediately, No. 2 Chen Sheng said: “? It is confirmed that the Palace of Eternal Youth do it.”

At present, “There is insufficient evidence to prove that, but ….

Song Lining not continue.

Conference room suddenly quiet.

A dragon they will also hold the information, it is a powerful organization of hundreds of people.

But only stronghold, intelligence officers and researchers around the world are just countless.

However, such an organization actually just disappeared?

“Well, part of the bell to you.”

No. 2 finish, serial number 4 uniform man said: “Just last Wednesday, our people inadvertently intercepted a very strange conversation in his memoirs Yang Zhenlin in.”

“Gentlemen, look.

Then, the uniformed men that page content to show in front of the screen.

Everyone watched attentively while past.

The next moment, several people face changes!

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