The ruins of reincarnation, the treasure land of the void.

Ye Tian came to the edge of the dark void mist again.

Subsequently, he copied a replica body, and then even with his current strength, after entering the edge of the dark mist, he still only lasted a few breaths before falling and dying, unable to escape.

"No, I've tried it countless times like this, but I can only fall!"

Ye Tian muttered.

After thinking about it, he didn't think of a good way.

Moreover, the news he received from the Lord of the Cold Stars was that the Void Mist Grass was only available in the Dark Void Mist, and it seemed that he continued to search in the ruins of reincarnation as if it had lost its meaning.

Still, he kept looking for a try.

He wanted to find a reincarnated ruin creature that could enter the dark mist.

If there is a special creature of the ruins of reincarnation that enters the dark void mist and does not die, then you can also use the replica body of this creature to enter it!

That's what he thinks now.


In the following years, Ye Tian's goal in the ruins of reincarnation changed, he was no longer looking for resources, but looking for special creatures in the ruins of reincarnation.

Whenever he encounters a creature of the ruins of reincarnation, he copies it and tries to enter the dark mist.

If that fails, look for it again.

Tried again and again, failed again and again.

Ye Tian still didn't give up.

A long time has passed,

this day.

Ye Tian found a creature of the ruins of reincarnation that was black and did not slip away.

【Reincarnation of the Black Dragon】

The strength of this reincarnation black dragon beast is not strong, and it is only comparable to the powerful Origin Upper Realm Heavenly Ancestor.


After Ye Tian copied the other party's body, he entered the dark mist, but he was not killed immediately.


He found that although his reincarnation black dragon beast's body was annihilating and being hurt, it could hold on for a long time, as if the power of the dark void mist had very little damage to this reincarnated black dragon beast.

"I'm still very lucky!"

Ye Tian was excited.

Unexpectedly, there is really a kind of reincarnation ruin mist creature that can enter the dark void fog but is not easy to be killed, and I am afraid that even those overlord-level forces do not know this information.

After all, the Reincarnation Black Dragon Beast is also extremely rare, and it is the first time he has seen this kind of creature in the ruins of reincarnation for so many long years!


Dark Void Mist.

Ye Tian searched for the Void Mist Grass here as a copy of the body of the Reincarnation Black Dragon Beast, and he found that the deeper he went into the Dark Void Mist Core, the more terrifying that power became, and the more damage it would do to the body.

Even the Reincarnation Black Dragon Beast can't penetrate deep into the core of the Dark Void Mist, otherwise it will be wiped out by the power of the Dark Void Mist.


He searched for the Void Mist Grass at the edge of the Dark Void Mist as much as he could.

As the years passed, he slowly searched, and finally found a Void Mist Grass on this day.

Immediately, he immediately brought it out, and then continued into the dark void mist to find the void mist grass.

For the Void Mist Grass, he tried to find as many as he could.

Gradually, one after another Void Mist Grass was found by him.

Before he knew it, he had already obtained hundreds of Void Mist Grasses.

"You can go and cultivate the Reincarnation Haotian Body Method!"

Ye Tian said excitedly.


He came to the Ancient Heavenly Palace and applied to enter the Void Treasure Land again.

And the Ancient Heavenly Palace agreed.

Soon, he entered the ruins of reincarnation through the channel of the Ancient Heavenly Palace and entered the Void Treasure Land.

Of course.

His duplicate body was under the surveillance of the Desolate Ancient Heavenly Palace, so he naturally couldn't send resources to another copy body openly.

So, when he was fighting, he put his resources in a space item and lost them at the opportunity.

Then, another replica body quickly went over and picked it up.

In this way, all the items that Ye Tian needed were gathered into the hands of one of the replica bodies.


Ye Tian came to a safe place, preparing to cultivate the Reincarnation Haotian Body Method here.

In these years, he has already thoroughly comprehended the reincarnation of Haotian body method, and the assessment of reincarnation Haotian body method is extremely strict, and he has long understood those reincarnation golden texts.

And these years, he has not been idle, using the reincarnation golden text to create a kind of supreme technique on the other side, and even created a top supreme technique on the other side, just to be able to thoroughly understand the reincarnation golden text, so that he can have a little more success rate when cultivating the method of reincarnation Haotian.

So, he's confident in himself now.

"Let's get started!"

Ye Tian took out all kinds of resources, and then began to use the Reincarnation Haotian Body Method to absorb these resource materials and integrate them into his body.

Soon, the materials were consumed and all of them were integrated into the body.

One primeval epoch after another has passed.

In the sixth primeval era, the reincarnation of the Haotian Body Method reached the most critical moment, which was also the most likely place to fail.


Ye Tian's body began to crack, this was a failure in cultivation.

In a short time, he was already seriously injured, and although he had not yet fallen, this injury was not light, and countless precious resources were needed to repair the injury.

He had enough resources to repair his injuries, but he didn't have to.

He directly destroyed this replica body, used another replica body, and after thinking about the reason for this failure, he continued to cultivate the reincarnation Haotian body method.

This time, he was even more confident.


One resource after another was absorbed into his body again, refining his body according to the method of reincarnation Haotian body to create the body of reincarnation Haotian.

Another six primeval epochs have passed.

He came to the most critical moment again, once the degree has passed, it is a success, if it is not done, it is another failure.


Ye Tian's body began to transform, which showed that he had successfully survived the most dangerous process.

In the following years, Ye Tian's body began to transform towards the body of reincarnation Haotian, and the origin of the other side of his body also began to transform.

In these years, his other side origin has already reached 100 million, and he has become the peak cultivation of the Origin Upper Realm, and now the body of the reincarnation Haotian is about to be cultivated, which means that he is about to become the overlord of the Origin Upper Realm.


His other side origin began to change, and countless other side origin gradually condensed into a drop of golden origin.

The aura contained in this origin is incomparably terrifying, and a drop seems to be comparable to the origin of the other side the size of a lake.

"Reincarnation Haotian Origin!"

This is the name of his origin.

The origin of any Origin Upper Realm Overlord is different, he has cultivated the body of reincarnation Haotian, and the origin has naturally become the origin of reincarnation Haotian.

After a period of time, all the other side of the origin in his body has become the reincarnation Haotian origin, and the physical body is more than ten times stronger than in the past, plus the condensation of the reincarnation Haotian origin, his current strength far surpasses the past.

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