I can copy the three thousand avenues

Chapter 114: Respective Arrangements

In Qingquan Villa, Jiang Siyi only explained that the Liang family members escorted the mine car according to the original plan, but Gu Ming would accompany them. Jiang Siyi did not explain the details of the investigation of whether Ji Xun was related to the Black Alliance. This information needs to be kept secret from the Liang family.

Of course, Liang Ruodong and Liang Tao are not fools. They can guess some from the clues, but they can only guess. Before the final conclusion, they can't say anything, especially they can't casually put the hat of the Black Alliance on others.

Once it's wrong, it's not just a misunderstanding. It's a big hatred enough to fight.

After all, in the land of China, whoever has a relationship with the Black Alliance is standing on the opposite side of the entire human race, and the end is only a dead end.

After agreeing on the time and place of the meeting, Jiang Siyi and Gu Ming drove away. After midnight, Liang Tao and three masters of the Divine Sea Realm secretly went down the mountain from another path and quietly returned to the city to prepare.

On the other side, Ji Xun was also deploying the plan of the Black Alliance.

"Haoyang, Meiying, you two are responsible for this operation. Start in the forest outside the Jinhui mine, intercept the mine cart, and kill all the others."

Meiying transformed into a human form and said in a sharp voice: "Boss, if you go against Jiang directly, they will definitely take precautions. Although Liang Shangjun is not here, there may be other extraordinary people accompanying him."

Ji Xun shook his head and said: "I never fight an unprepared battle. Don't worry, I have checked that all the super-Vatican Valley hands of Jiang have not been in Yushan recently, and the super-Vatican in the mine is unlikely to leave. With you, a super-Vatican, and Haoyang, the combat effectiveness is enough Don't forget that we have been managing that forest for a long time, and the monsters in it will help you. "

"Even if Beidou intervenes in this matter, they only have a few Chaofan Valley hands, and Zheng Kai and He Da are still recovering from their injuries. At this time, Xu Yuanhong and Zhang Quan will definitely not leave the city easily, and at most arrange for the awakened people of the Shenhai Realm to take action. "

"No matter how many people they come, don't think of leaving alive." Yu Haoyang said with murderous intent. The bloodthirsty factor in his body has been fully activated. Ji Xun, who is so steady and scheming, saw Yu Haoyang's slightly bloodshot crazy eyes, not only did not worry about his impulsiveness, but also felt a lot more relieved.

The members of Ji Xun's team were specially selected by his teacher for him. It can be said that each has his own strengths. Although Yu Haoyang's realm is not outstanding, he is a player with great strength fluctuations.

The longer the bloodthirsty factor in his body is suppressed, the stronger the strength he can burst out when he takes action. If Yu Haoyang can be suppressed so that he does not fight with others for a year, his accumulated power will burst out completely and he can even fight against Chaofan.

This is also the reason why Yu Haoyang volunteered to help again and again after he came to Yushan, but was rejected by Ji Xun.

In addition, he was born in an ancient martial arts family, and his horizontal training kung fu was superb. His physical strength far exceeded that of the awakened people in the same realm. He and Phantom joined forces, and even if there was a supernatural person who really took action, they could only suffer regret.

To a certain extent, Ji Xun even hoped that Liang would take the initiative to seek help from Beidou and let a super Brahma Valley hand escort him. In this way, he could kill a supernatural person from Beidou, which would be a great achievement.

You must know that the internal circulation is also very serious within the Black Alliance. The previous team responsible for Yushan did not have enough credit, and Ning Yu and Song Xinghe were exposed, so the whole group became cannon fodder. In order to pave the way for Ji Xun's team, they were all killed by Beidou.

Originally, in the last operation, Ji Xun planned to let that group drag a supernatural person from Beidou to be buried with him, but it did not succeed in the end because there were also good planners on the Beidou side who realized the danger in advance and made effective responses.

Ji Xun knew that the man was Zhang Quan from Tianxuan, and also his teacher's junior brother. It was precisely because of Zhang Quan's existence that Ji Xun had not made any big moves in Yushan, and even had to use a whole team as cannon fodder to conceal his identity, because he knew that as a disciple of Shadow, he could never be mediocre, and the consequence of underestimating the enemy might be annihilation of the whole army.

But what Ji Xun didn't know was that even though he had paid enough attention to Zhang Quan, he still underestimated him, and he underestimated not only Zhang Quan, but also Gu Ming.

The more talented they are, the more likely they are to make a mistake, that is, they always think they pay enough attention to their opponents, but the pride deep in their hearts makes them subconsciously think that they will be better.

In Xu Yuanhong's office, the strongest man in Yushan was also chatting with Zhang Quan about this matter.

Xu Yuanhong said, "Can you let Jiang Siyi and Gu Ming handle it? Regardless of whether Ji Xun is from the Black Alliance or not, there must be a Super Van Valley in their team."

Zhang Quan said, "Don't worry, even if the other party sends out a Super Van Valley, nothing will happen. Gu Ming will be fully involved in this escort."

"Although Gu Ming's strength is far beyond the same realm, I don't think he can beat the Super Fan. You and I are both experienced people, and we know how big the gap is between the Super Fan and the peak of the Sea of ​​Gods."

"Of course I'm not saying that Gu Ming can beat the Super Fan. That's too unrealistic." Zhang Quan said, "I mean that someone won't watch Gu Ming get into trouble."

"Did your teacher secretly arrange someone to protect him?" Xu Yuanhong asked. This was the only answer he could think of, but Zhang Quan shook his head and said, "It wasn't arranged by the teacher. I don't know more, but the teacher once said that as long as Gu Ming is in Yushan, there is no need to worry about his safety. As for who is secretly protecting him, the teacher didn't tell me. It must be related to other secrets."

"The teacher also said that in this matter, let Gu Ming and Jiang Siyi practice. It doesn't matter whether they succeed or not, as long as they participate, the important thing is to train."

"Yushan Mountain is so big, is there any hidden master under our noses?" Xu Yuanhong said, "Don't be too pretentious. It's obvious from the look on your face that you've already made a guess."

"The Mid-Levels Club." Zhang Quan said, "I'm not entirely sure, but after ruling out all possibilities, the only thing left is the Mid-Levels Club."

"Speaking of this place, I have some impressions. It seems that it was just opened a few years ago. The group of wealthy people, regardless of faction, all recognize it. Even Zhao Yisheng and Liang Shangjun are regular customers there."

"Yes, this Mid-Levels club has risen very quickly, and their real boss has never shown up. I once suspected that it was established by the Black Alliance, and wanted to send spies to investigate, but no one was sent in. They seemed very... Familiar with Tianxuan’s methods.”

"Didn't you continue the investigation?" Xu Yuanhong asked, "This is not like your style."

"No, I thought about it, but later this matter alarmed the teacher, and he told me personally to leave it alone."

"This is interesting. Who has such a big reputation to ask your teacher to come forward in person?"

"If you want to know, ask yourself. I don't dare." Zhang Quan said.

"Say it as if I dare to ask." Unexpectedly, Xu Yuanhong, who has always been strict and domineering, would actually say something cowardly.

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