As soon as Gu Ming finished speaking, everyone saw those black shadows of different heights walking out of the thick fog. They turned out to be countless demons and evil spirits. The demonic energy that soared into the sky seemed to be close to materialization. With the roars of the demons and evil spirits, the fishy smell came to their faces.

In addition to the demons and evil spirits, there were countless strange demons floating in the air. The strange demons were condensed from the evil spirits and had no entity. They floated in the air like a hundred ghosts parading at night.

Seeing this formation, even the warriors who had experienced hundreds of battles in the convoy could not suppress the fear and chill in their hearts.

"Prepare the pulse cannon!" Wang Xiong roared, flew to the top of the off-road vehicle, exerted his arms, and directly turned the pulse cannon to face the demon army in front.

"Boom!" With a muffled sound, a light blue spiral beam of light broke through the air and shot into the demon army like a dragon out of the sea. Under the super strong energy, dozens of intermediate and low-level demons and evil spirits were instantly annihilated and turned into nothingness.

However, more demons and ghosts poured in from all around, filling the gap that had just been torn open in an instant.

After the electromagnetic pulse cannon was fired at full power, it would take a while for it to cool down before firing the second shot. Liang's twelve off-road vehicles and five heavy trucks were equipped with a total of thirty-two electromagnetic pulse cannons, one of which was destroyed by the deadwood poisonous spider, and two more had just been fired, leaving twenty-nine with the ability to attack.

Liang Tao said on the radio: "Take turns to use the pulse cannon to clear the way and rush out."

Wang Xiong also flashed back to the car from the roof, and the plan Liang Tao said was the best plan he could think of now.

Facing an unknown number of demons and ghosts, it is not advisable to fight head-on. They are limited in number, and even if there are strong men like Liang Ruodong, they cannot withstand the demons and ghosts' turn-by-turn attack, so using pulse cannons to clear the way and tear open the gap to rush out is the least costly option.

Liang's active attack angered the demons and ghosts, and roars rang out one after another, and the demons and ghosts charged at the convoy.

The demons in the front were huge and thick-skinned. Because there were too many of them, Gu Ming could not sense their individual strengths at once. However, he did not find any demons with particularly outstanding strength in the first echelon. They should be cannon fodder, and they must be mainly low-level demons, with some mid-level demons mixed in at most.

In the world of demons, the hierarchy is quite strict. It is a world where the strong prey on the weak. The powerful demons can dominate the life and death of the weak demons.

When the demons launched the charge, the demons in the air also moved. Countless evil spirits gathered, and fog seemed to surge around. The electronic equipment on the car was more or less disturbed, making an unpleasant electric current sound.

"Charge!" With Wang Xiong's order, the two leading off-road vehicles launched a pulse attack, and the blue spiral beam of light shot towards the demon vanguard troops. All the demons that were hit turned into dust.

The convoy was also running at full speed. The off-road vehicle that had fired the pulse cannon came behind the heavy truck and used the front of the vehicle to hold it up, which not only helped the heavy truck speed up, but also used the sturdy body of the truck to resist the frontal damage.

The five trucks were covered with extremely strong alloys on the surface, forming a 10% solid armor, which was very resistant to attack.

A round of pulse beams quickly ran out of energy, and the two vehicles also quickly changed positions. Judging from their proficiency, they must have practiced a lot in normal times.

The second round of pulse cannons was fired, but several intermediate monsters suddenly jumped out of the monster army, and several energy beams attacked, and actually collided with the pulse beam in the void. Even though the energy of any of them was not as good as the pulse beam, they were more numerous. After a series of explosions, they actually offset the power of the pulse beam.

Liang Ruodong's voice came from the radio: "This group of demons seems to be a whole. They are attacking us in an organized and planned manner. There must be someone behind the scenes directing us. We may not be able to rush out with just pulse cannons. Everyone, be prepared for battle."

As soon as the voice fell, the demon army had already rushed in front of him. One by one, the terrible beasts hit the trucks fiercely, trying to overturn the trucks. However, these five heavy trucks weighed dozens of meters, plus the superconducting metal loaded with more than 40 meters, the weight reached a terrifying level. Under the impact of the demon army, the body of the truck shook obviously, but it did not overturn.

The operator of the co-pilot mobilized the thermal weapons on the car to attack in all directions, and suddenly the explosions outside were endless.

With the attack of the third round of pulse cannons, the convoy moved forward for a distance with difficulty, but Gu Ming felt that the demons and demons in front of him had not yet attacked with all their strength, as if they were just consuming the strength of the convoy.

There must be high-level demons in this forest, but none of them have appeared so far. In addition, Ji Xun's people have not appeared yet.

The only people who can stop the demons from fighting like a legion, except for stronger demons, are the people of the Black Alliance. If Ji Xun shows up here, it can be concluded that he is a member of the Black Alliance.

Just as the fourth round of pulses was about to be launched, the ground suddenly shook violently. In an instant, the four off-road vehicles that were about to be launched were shaken into the sky by the huge force. A group of winged demons flew out of the demon army and attacked the off-road vehicles that were still in the air.

All four vehicles exploded in the air without exception, and no one in the car was spared.

Seeing this scene, many people felt despair in their hearts, watching their companions who fought side by side disappear in front of them, and no one knew whether they would be the next one.

Many people began to regret why they took this trip for money. However, the demons did not give them much time to regret. A bunch of demons actually jumped out from the ground and attacked the convoy in the blind area of ​​the pulse cannon.

"Brothers, get out of the car and kill the enemy!" Wang Xiong roared, jumped out of the car again, and casually chopped down several nearby monsters. Following his order, an awakened person guard hired by the Liang family with a lot of money Individuals rushed out with weapons in hand. Some of them were in the Qi-training realm, and some were in the Tongxuan realm. Although their realms were not very high, everyone understood the current situation. There was no other way but to fight to the death to fight their way out.

After a group of Awakeneds joined in the close combat, the next round of pulse cannons was successfully fired. The Awakeneds followed the convoy and rushed outwards surrounded by the demon army. Some people were injured and some fell down along the way, but no one had time to spare. To pity others, everyone will become red-eyed.

On Gu Ming's car, five people had already got out of the car and joined the fight. The co-pilot operator asked Gu Ming and Jiang Siyi: "Two adults from Beidou, if you don't take action, our brothers will die."

Jiang Siyi said: "The battlefield is like this. Can such a scene be unbearable? What about the soldiers fighting on the front lines who face tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or millions of monsters?"

"When there is fighting, there are sacrifices. It's not that we don't take action, but that there are stronger enemies to face behind."

As soon as she finished speaking, a monster that looked like a dinosaur suddenly rushed out. Its long knife-like mouthpart instantly pierced Wang Xiong's left shoulder. Just when it was about to cut Wang Xiong into eight pieces, a figure came from below. Rushing out, the sword in his hand was drawn upwards.

Zhang Cheng, one of Liang's three Divine Sea Realm masters, finally took action.

After a loud noise, Zhang Cheng actually clashed head-on with the demon in front of him. Although he didn't hurt the opponent, he still managed to save Wang Xiong.

At the same time, Liang Ruodong and Liang Ruocai also appeared outside.

The army of monsters moved aside like a tide, and in a passage, three high-level monsters appeared like emperors.

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