Wen Lan thought it was ridiculous, "How are you sure that I will be interested in your secret?"

"Because I am Cheng Nijia's second uncle." The thin black man chuckled, took out a cigarette and held it in his hand, "I also know that you are Xie Yansheng's ex-wife."

Wen Lan's heart was startled, but his expression remained calm, "Since you also know that I am Xie Yansheng's ex-wife, you should know that I have no interest in your so-called secrets."

"Xie Yansheng showed his heart and soul to my niece, and even pushed Mr. Wen, the real wife, out of the game. Isn't Mr. Wen curious about the relationship between Xie Yansheng and my niece?" There was gossip in the man's turbid eyes. of excitement.

Wen Lan said noncommittally: "Of course they are lovers. I also know that your good niece gave birth to a child for Xie Yansheng."

"Cheng Cheng - it's such a pity that Mr. Wen is still kept in the dark!" The man shook his head and laughed, "Xiao Ni lost her father when she was three years old. Her biological mother remarried and went to a far away place, following me. Growing up. When something happened to save Xie Yansheng——"

Wen Lan was listening with great interest. The corners of the man's dry lips cracked in a playful arc, and he had no desire to continue talking.

"What happened to them back then?" Wen Lan asked eagerly.

"I knew that Mr. Wen would be interested in the secrets I knew. As long as Mr. Wen leaves me a security guard job, I will tell Mr. Wen about the bad thing back then." The man pretended to be secretive.

"You want to talk or not! I have divorced Xie Yansheng now, and I really don't want to know about him and Cheng Nijia." Wen Lan turned around deliberately, pretending to leave.

"Mr. Wen deserves to have his marriage broken up by Xiao Ni! Mr. Wen has no idea what kind of poisonous oath Xie Yansheng was forced to make by Xiao Ni back then!" The man bit the inferior cigarette in his hand to his lips, feeling complacent.

"I was an insider of that incident. Mr. Wen was lucky enough to meet me today. But if Mr. Wen really doesn't want to know, just pretend that I didn't say what he just said!"

It was a lie that Wen Lan was not interested in the past between Xie Yansheng and Cheng Nijia. When she saw that the man had a leaving expression on his face, she said, "Wait for me for two minutes."

Soon, she brought a pen and a security employment contract.

The man was elated. After signing his crooked name on the last page of the contract, he handed it to Wen Lan, "Am I now an employee of TT?"

"Hurry up and tell me everything you know." Wen Lan saw that his name was "Cheng Dafang."

"It's a long story. This matter has been going on for some time." Cheng Dafang put the cigarette that had been put to his mouth back into the cigarette case and took a long breath.

"My wife is infertile, and we have always raised Xiao Ni as our own daughter. Xiao Ni has been eloquent since she was a child, and she also works hard in her studies. At that time, my business was doing well, and I spent a lot of money to train Xiao Ni. Ni lived up to her expectations and was admitted to the Department of Media Broadcasting in Shangjing, and met Xie Yansheng when she was a freshman. "

Wen Lan thought for a moment. Xie Yansheng was also studying in Beijing at that time.

"Xie Yansheng set up some kind of trading company at that time, which made a lot of money." Cheng Dafang raised his thick lips, "Xiao Ni soon fell in love with Xie Yansheng. It was this kind of love that destroyed Xiao Ni. Ni’s future life.”

Seeing that he was stunned again, Wen Lan urged impatiently: "Hurry up, don't beat around the bush."

"Xie Yansheng's business is booming, but he offended another trading company by stealing customers.

At that time, Xie Yansheng did not mention his family background to outsiders, so that his enemies thought that he was just a poor boy who had no foundation and started from scratch. Therefore, they came up with the idea of ​​​​cleaning up the thank you banquet.

Originally, I wanted to cut off one of Xie Yansheng's arms or legs and make him withdraw from Shangjing's trading circle. But Xie Yansheng has very hard bones and can be beaten very well. Six or seven young and strong gangsters surrounded him with steel pipes and beat him for nearly an hour before he was beaten to the ground——"

Wen Lan's heart trembled when he heard this.

This was the sound of a thank you banquet that she had never known before.

Xie Yansheng has always been a high-spirited and strategizing person in her heart. She really can't imagine that Xie Yansheng has such a down and out time.

"Although Xie Yansheng had a few broken ribs at the time, those gangsters had already collected money from Xie Yansheng's enemies and saw that he would not give in, so they had the idea of ​​killing half of Xie Yansheng's life. ”

Cheng Dafang licked the corners of his cracked lips and said regretfully, "Xiao Ni found the abandoned warehouse where Xie Yansheng was beaten -"

"Then what?" Wen Lan's heart rose to his throat.

"Then -" Cheng Dafang's withered face was full of helplessness and sadness, "four of the seven gangsters turned to Xiao Ni - Xie Yansheng saved his life, and Xiao Ni was the Cheng Cheng who was pregnant at that time."

The employment contract in Wen Lan's hand fell to the ground with a bang.

No wonder Xie Yansheng always strongly resisted every time he said Cheng Cheng was Xie Yansheng's son.

"What's even more annoying is that the scandal about Xiao Ni being ruined by gangsters quickly spread throughout Xiao Ni's school, and Xiao Ni had to choose to drop out of school. Xiao Ni was completely isolated from the world at that time, and ignored everyone. My wife and I were afraid that she would be distracted, so we took turns staring at her every day.

A few months later, Xiao Ni found out she was pregnant. My wife took her to several hospitals. They all said that the fetus was too old and abortion was not recommended. In the first year after the accident, Xie Yansheng stayed with Xiao Ni with the intention of atonement, and used money to buy a villa for us in Lincheng. "

Cheng Dafang smiled wryly to himself, "Later, the villa was mortgaged by me for business and was never recovered."

At this time, Wen Lan felt uncomfortable and asked slowly: "Later, Cheng Nijia suffered a massive hemorrhage and lost her fertility. Should I let Xie Yansheng marry her?"

"At that time, Xiao Ni already knew how powerful the Xie family was in Jiangcheng, and she wanted to marry Xie Yansheng with all her strength. But Xie Yansheng was very determined, and she would spend money and things. Xiao Ni would not marry her even if she wanted to survive." Cheng Dafang Shaking his head dissatisfied, "Xiao Ni is also very powerful. In front of me, she put the knife on her wrist and forced Xie Yansheng to swear a poisonous oath using his parents."

When Wen Lan heard this, he suddenly felt distressed and thanked the banquet.

This is the first time I have felt like this since I met Xie Yansheng.

"Xiao Ni not only asked Xie Yansheng to be responsible for her and Cheng Cheng's future lives, but also prohibited Xie Yansheng from telling anyone about the true relationship between their mother and daughter and Cheng Cheng. In order to avoid marrying Xiao Ni, Xie Yansheng agreed one by one. "Cheng Dafang raised his eyebrows.

"Xie Yansheng did it, and did it very well. After Cheng Cheng was born, I made poor investments, lost all my savings, and owed hundreds of thousands of foreign debts. Xiao Ni, that white-eyed wolf, had money with me. Cleared the relationship."

Wen Lan's body trembled slightly, and he felt an unspeakable depression running through his chest.

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