I can copy the three thousand avenues

Chapter 487 Return it to me

Xie Yan was silent for a while on the other end of the phone, "I mean, let Nuannuan live in the old house for two days first."

"When we were not divorced, your mother was afraid that I would get pregnant with your child, so she deceived me by pretending that the contraceptive medicine was a fertility medicine! I didn't drink it, so she asked the nanny to pour it into my mouth--" Wen Lan was very angry and choked up while speaking, "I am the person your mother hates the most. Your mother once asked someone to take concentrated hydrochloric acid and splash it on my face! Nuannuan is my child, and she doesn't even have the right to look at Nuannuan!"

"Wen Lan." Xie Yan called her name in a deep voice, "Ever since my mother knew Dao Nuannuan is my daughter, and I look forward to seeing her every day. I specially renovated a baby room and playroom for Nuannuan in the old house, and bought seven or eight boxes of toys and small clothes. Give me some face and let Nuannuan go first--"

"I will never forget the disgusting things your mother did to me!" Wen Lan interrupted Xie Yansheng in a hurry, "I am at the door of the old house now, you ask the nanny to send Nuannuan out immediately!"

"Let's each take a step back and let Nuannuan stay in the old house for a day. I will have someone send Nuannuan back to Shuyuan Mansion at this time tomorrow." Xie Yansheng still had no intention of giving in.

"Xie Yansheng, you disappoint me so much." She no longer had any illusions about the man on the other end of the phone, and said sadly, "Since you can't empathize with my past pain, then I won't talk nonsense with you."

She thought Xie Yansheng would stand on her side in this matter, but she didn't expect Xie Yansheng to not care about her feelings at all.

She knew that as long as she made concessions this time, Xie's mother would definitely go further in the future.

Xie Yansheng was still trying to convince her, so she ended the call.

She took another deep breath and decisively pressed the doorbell above the gate.

Soon a nanny poked her head out, and when she saw that it was Wen Lan, she immediately went to close the gate with a guilty conscience.

Unexpectedly, Wen Lan had been prepared and squeezed into the house through the gap in the gate!

She went straight to the main building where Xie's mother lived, leaving the nanny's anxious shouting behind her.

The other nannies of the Xie family did not stop her. She successfully came to the living room on the first floor and saw Xie's mother holding Nuannuan at a glance.

Nuannuan's eyes had already turned red from crying. When she saw Wen Lan, she shouted aggrievedly, "Mom——"

"Nuannuan, mom is here to pick you up."

Wen Lan was about to run over to hug Nuannuan, but the two nannies blocked her way first, and there was no sign of her getting close to Nuannuan.

Wen Lan was afraid of causing a conflict and scaring Nuan Nuan, so he stopped where he was and looked at Xie's mother who was hugging Nuan Nuan tightly, "Please return my daughter to me immediately."

"Nuan Nuan is your and Yan Sheng's daughter, and also my granddaughter. It's not too much for me to keep her by my side for a few days, right?" Xie's mother frowned. Nuan Nuan reached out to Wen Lan for a hug but to no avail, so she cried and scratched Xie's face.

Nuan Nuan's crying made Wen Lan's heart hurt, and she said angrily: "Madam Xie, from the beginning I was not your favorite daughter-in-law, and the child I gave birth to naturally would not be in your eyes. Without my permission, you let someone take Nuan Nuan away, which has violated the law! If I can't take Nuan Nuan away smoothly, call the police now."

"Call the police? Nuan Nuan is my granddaughter, I want to see who dares to meddle in other people's business!" Xie's mother sneered and handed Nuan Nuan to the nanny beside her, who quickly left the living room with Nuan Nuan in her arms.

At this time, Nuan Nuan was completely frightened, and her crying echoed throughout the first floor.

"Give Nuannuan back to me!" Wen Lan shouted as she chased the nanny who took Nuannuan away. The two nannies who blocked her way stepped forward again and blocked her.

She had never thought that Xie's mother would be so shameless. She was so angry that her body kept shaking, but she felt a deep sense of powerlessness because she was alone.

At this time, if Xie Yansheng didn't help her, she really couldn't take Nuannuan out of the Xie family's old house!

She forced herself to calm down, reached out to take out her phone and called Xie Yansheng.

But the ringtone sang from beginning to end, and Xie Yansheng didn't answer.

Xie's mother's contemptuous eyes swept across Wen Lan's mobile phone screen, "I have already told Yansheng to let Nuannuan live in the old house for two days, and Yansheng agreed without saying a word. No matter how much you blow pillow wind, it will be useless!"

Wen Lan's face was pale, and she felt that everything in front of her was shaking.

Her legs softened inexplicably, and the whole person fell to the side involuntarily!

A burst of hurried footsteps came from the door of the living room. Before she could see who was coming, a pair of strong arms supported her.

"Wen Lan, I'm here to help you pick up Nuan Nuan." Jiang Jingci's voice sounded in her ears.

She realized that it was Jiang Jingci who came, and immediately shook off Jiang Jingci's hand and staggered some distance from her.

At this time, she saw clearly that Jiang Jingci was not alone, but brought three policemen.

The leading policeman had turned on the law enforcement recorder and pointed it at Xie's mother, "Mrs. Xie, we are from the Jiangcheng Public Security Bureau. We received a report that you used illegal means to control the personal freedom of an infant. Please cooperate with us to make a record."

"I just took my granddaughter home to live for two days. Is it a crime?" Xie's mother's face immediately fell.

"Even if it is your granddaughter, if you take the child away from the original living environment without the consent of the child's guardian, you have violated the law." Another policeman explained.

Xie's mother was very disdainful, "If I say that the child's father asked me to take the child over, is it okay?"

"This is just Mrs. Xie's one-sided statement. Now it seems that Mrs. Xie's intention is obviously inconsistent with the child's mother, so we can only follow the mother's opinion and take the child away." The leading policeman had a business-like attitude, "Thank you Madam, please cooperate and don’t make things difficult for us.”

After saying this, the other two policemen quickly stepped forward to control the nanny who was holding Nuan Nuan, and handed Nuan Nuan into Wen Lan's hands.

The moment Wen Lan hugged Nuan Nuan tightly in her arms, Nuan Nuan stopped crying, leaned her little head on Wen Lan's shoulder, and murmured "Mom" in a low voice.

"I have long said that you two are unclear, and Yansheng has been defending you! Now I want to see what else Yansheng will say?" Mother Xie's hateful eyes ravaged Wen Lan and Jiang Jingci.

Wen Lan resented Xie's mother, but was afraid of scaring Nuan Nuan, so she suppressed her inner displeasure and walked out of Xie's old house with Nuan Nuan in her arms.

When Jiang Jingci chased after her, she realized that there was no safety seat in the car. She was in a hurry and didn't bring Sister Yun here. She couldn't drive Nuannuan away by herself!

Jiang Jingci had noticed her embarrassment and reached out to her, "Give me your car keys, and I'll take you and Nuannuan back to Shuyuan Mansion."

"No need, I'll find a driver." Wen Lan didn't want to get too close to Jiang Jingci, nor did he want to leave the car in front of the Xie family's old house.

"The police are still mediating for you, why don't you leave quickly?" Jiang Jingci looked from Wen Lan to Nuan Nuan and smiled, "Don't you think so, Nuan Nuan?"

Nuannuan was close to Jiang Jingci in her heart, and then she started to giggle.

Wen Lan was stunned for a while and handed his car keys to Jiang Jingci.

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