Zhuang Xiubai ordered an exquisite four-inch naked cake.

Zhou Qiao helped him light the candles on the cake. He closed his eyes, put his hands tightly against his chest, and made a silent wish.

His expression was pious and almost sacred.

Zhou Qiao held his chin with one hand and looked at Zhuang Xiubai's lower lip quietly.

There was still a small bulge where she bit it last time, which made Zhuang Xiubai's lips more charming and sexy.

Zhuang Xiubai's facial features are the ones that are preferred among men. His innate cultivation nourishes his warm and gentle aura.

Zhuang Xiubai opened his eyes and caught Zhou Qiao's gaze on him. He was immediately flattered, "This is my 29th birthday. You are the only woman who celebrates my birthday with me besides my mother."

"I'm getting off topic! Blow out the candles and eat the cake quickly." Zhou Qiao immediately concealed the feelings that were inadvertently revealed.

Zhuang Xiubai blew out the candles, unplugged them and put them on the table, cut the cake and gave the first piece to Zhou Qiao.

Zhou Qiao thanked him, picked up the cake and put it in front of him, "You are the birthday boy today, the first piece of cake should be yours."

"But you are the woman the birthday boy has loved for nine years." Zhuang Xiubai stared at her deeply, paused, "Nine years, I have waited for the opportunity to eat at the same table with you. I hope that in the future, every year will be like this day."

Zhou Qiao thought of his birthday, so she didn't say anything to him.

Zhuang Xiubai's joy was from the bottom of his heart. He asked for two bottles of red wine from the top winery and chatted with Zhou Qiao while drinking.

Zhou Qiao's alcohol tolerance was greater than Zhuang Xiubai's. After the two of them finished a bottle of red wine, Zhuang Xiubai was already slightly drunk, while Zhou Qiao was still the same as usual.

Zhuang Xiubai looked at his favorite person with a drunken look, and he liked her more and more, so he asked the waiter to open the second bottle of red wine.

At this time, Zhou Qiao was already trapped in painful memories.

Because this brand of red wine is also what she and Zhao Huan often drink, but the two bottles ordered by Zhuang Xiubai are the ceiling level of red wine.

Zhao Huan is an IT programmer. He is under a lot of pressure and working overtime is the norm. He can't sleep when he returns home in the early morning.

Zhou Qiao doesn't allow him to take sleeping pills, and always lets him drink half a glass of red wine.

Red wine has a very good sleep-inducing effect. Zhao Huan falls asleep in less than half an hour every time he drinks it.

The past keeps appearing in Zhou Qiao's mind, and she drinks a few more glasses unknowingly.

Originally, she and Zhuang Xiubai drank at the same level, but Zhuang Xiubai couldn't hold his liquor, and she drank almost all of the second bottle.

When she felt dizzy, Zhuang Xiubai realized that something was wrong and asked the waiter for a glass of lemonade with ice.

She staggered to her feet, said "Go back to the hotel", picked up her coat and walked out of the restaurant.

Zhuang Xiubai quickly caught up and put his coat on her.

All she could think about was Zhao Huan, alcohol was running wild in her organs. When Zhuang Xiubai held her arm, she did not refuse, and even put her head on Zhuang Xiubai.

Because she was drunk, she mistook Zhuang Xiubai for Zhao Huan.

The two got into a taxi, and her eyes looked at Zhuang Xiubai like a hundred thousand volts.

Zhuang Xiubai, who was always calm and measured, was instantly confused.

The car sped towards the hotel, she closed her eyes and leaned weakly on Zhuang Xiubai.

The excessive alcohol in Zhuang Xiubai's body was also raging, and he dared not breathe, but just held her arm tightly.

When she arrived at the hotel, she reached into her bag twice but couldn't find the room card, so Zhuang Xiubai helped her take out the room card and swiped it.

The door opened, and she collapsed on the floor as soon as she entered the door.

Zhuang Xiubai closed the door, gently picked her up and put her on the bed, supporting his hands on her side, leaning over and staring at her.

Her complexion was as white as jade, her cheeks were flushed with drunkenness, and her lips were slightly closed as she murmured a name.

Zhuang Xiubai leaned in to listen, and the two words "Zhao Huan" were clear to his ears, and it was like a sharp sword piercing his heart.

Zhou Qiao's soft and boneless little hands tightly wrapped around his waist and neck.

She gently rubbed his Adam's apple along his neck.

Zhou Qiao's almond eyes were blurred, and his whole body was filled with unbearable emotions, "Zhao Huan, don't leave me again--"

Zhuang Xiubai felt mixed emotions in his heart, and his anger was like a flood, impacting his only rationality.

Two different voices were shouting in his body.

One asked him to stay, and the other asked him to leave.

At this moment, he was extremely sober.

As long as he pulled Zhou Qiao's hand away and walked out of the door, he might never have such an opportunity again in his life.

With Zhou Qiao's infatuation with Zhao Huan and his clear love-hate relationship, he knew exactly what kind of consequences he would face if he stayed.

His affectionate gaze fell on Zhou Qiao, bolder and more passionate than ever before.

Zhou Qiao completely mistook him for Zhao Huan, groping his Adam's apple with one hand and pulling his belt buckle with the other.

Zhuang Xiubai took a deep breath and called out "Qiaoqiao" emotionally...

For Zhou Qiao, this was a spring dream.

The protagonists of the spring dream were her and Zhao Huan.

It was just that the time interval was too long, and the experience was completely different.

She clearly remembered that Zhao Huan called her name emotionally, entangled her, and intertwined their fingers, as lingering as possible.

When Zhou Qiao woke up the next day, she opened her eyes and found Zhuang Xiubai sitting by the bed.

She was naked, with kiss marks of different sizes all over her body, while Zhuang Xiubai was only wrapped in a nightgown.

It turns out that the male protagonist of last night's erotic dream was not Zhao Huan, but Zhuang Xiubai!


Zhou Qiao curled up on the bed, pulling the quilt, staring at the man a few steps away.

Zhuang Xiubai woke up two hours ago and had already imagined all the possibilities after she woke up.

"Qiaoqiao, let's talk calmly." Zhuang Xiubai's eyes were full of tenderness and care, "I will take full responsibility for what happened last night."

Zhou Qiao gradually calmed down.

The incident has already happened, and it is useless to say anything more. The most urgent thing is to cut off the relationship with Zhuang Xiubai as soon as possible.

"What happened last night should be kept in your stomach, and no one is allowed to mention it again!" Zhou Qiao's pretty face was frosty.

"Don't mention it--" Zhuang Xiubai paused and asked sarcastically, "Can it be regarded as nothing happened?"

"It didn't happen, it didn't happen!" Zhou Qiao grabbed a pillow and threw it at Zhuang Xiubai in anger, "From now on, I don't want to see you again! Get out!"

Zhuang Xiubai didn't hide, the pillow brushed his hair and passed by, looking at Zhou Qiao with a firm and persistent look, "I still say that, I will be where you are."

Zhou Qiao grabbed another pillow and threw it, but he cleverly avoided it.

"It's almost time for class. I need to take a shower and change clothes. Can you please go to the next room to take shelter?" Zhou Qiao angrily ordered him to leave.

He picked up his clothes and prepared to leave. Before he opened the door, Zhou Qiao called out his name.

He thought Zhou Qiao had changed her mind and turned around in ecstasy.

Zhou Qiao frowned deeply and asked embarrassedly: "Did you take any measures last night?"

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