Yang Xue slammed her thigh, “No matter what the owner’s current situation is now, it is our first choice!”

Liu Daqing couldn’t help but pour cold water, and said coolly: “Do you see him back to you? So many news, normal people should return it. Maybe it has been killed by zombies. We did not slip here to the zombies. ”

Everyone: …

Lin Qin’s variety show looked at it.

Just then, the mobile phone began to shock crazy.

From time to time, the vibration of the vibration affected the viewing experience, and it was not an important information at a glance at it.

Lin Qin directly turned on the mobile phone -free model.

The variety show this time is quite funny, but it is a pity that it has begun before the end.

It seems that there will be no next issue.

After eating breakfast, Lin Qin slowly turned on the phone.

With the shutdown mode, the news of WeChat instantly popped up dozens of pieces.

Take a rough look, the property is simply whimsical.

At this time, who will open the door to let outsiders enter their own home?

Lin Qin turned his eyes.

But unexpectedly.

Wan Qianya talked herself in private.

It seems that she also accidentally appeared in this community.


Wan Qianya: “Lin Qin?”

“How will you be here?”

“The property says that your home is safe and false? We are all old colleagues, it is better to pick me up.”


“My mobile phone is almost out of power, you reply to me, so we also have a companion.”

“What about people? Reply to the message!”

“Lin Qin!”

The news has been sent for a while.

Lin Qin’s mind immediately appeared in Wan Qianya’s small account. The seriousness of work on the same time and usually was two extreme styles.

Lin Qin coughed and refused.

No matter how good a woman is, it is not possible to take risks.

The zombies outside were jealous.

It is impossible for him to pick her out.

Lin Qin: “Director Wan? You come to me too wronged you.”

“I think you still stay at home and find a way to save yourself more reliable.”

“Of course, you can also find a way to kill zombies.”

After the reply, Lin Qin didn’t care about her.

It won’t be long, more and more people will go out to find food.

Wan Qianya is no exception. She can only go out if she wants to live.

At that time, even your own house will not be too safe.

He has to start the outside grid.

To prevent someone from entering their yard from the wall.

After all, through the property, everyone in the whole villa area knows that they are safe.

Lin Qin didn’t want to be remembered at all times.

After starting the outside grid, Lin Qin stood on the window on the second floor of his home.

The streets were overwhelming, and the streets that had not been taken care of for a long time were messy.

The walking machine was walking on the road without expression.

The birds standing at the treetops screamed, but there were many ugly zombies underneath.

Next to the lawn not far away, the flesh and blood of the zombies biting the flesh and blood of the zombies attracted a lot of flies.

Occasionally, some birds can be seen to eat minced meat on the ground.

A hot wind blows, and various rotten smells rush into Lin Qin’s nose.

A little unpleasant.

Lin Qin seemed to not smell these tastes, and continued to observe the situation across the road.

Opposite the villa area is also a high -end community, but just looking at it, I can’t see it.

After all, households dare not make too much sound now.

Lin Qin is no exception.

There are rugs on the floor of the room, and walking will not make a lot of sound.

Although his house was modified, it was only a seven -day simple version.

If you want to completely not be afraid of the zombies outside, you have to spend a month and a half of long -term projects.

Watching TV games on weekdays, Lin Qin will only go to the basement.

The basement has sound insulation, which can be isolated from all sounds.

After confirming that there were no abnormalities around, Lin Qin took out some fruits and ice cola from the storage space.

The weather is hot and the fruit ice cream is equipped with the standard summer.

Lin Qin turned off the air conditioner on the ground and came to the basement to open a huge LCD TV.

The audio and video room was transformed by itself. The big TV originally moved in the living room was moved to the audio and video room. The front wall was a movie curtain and LCD TV.

Do not delay.

Take some fruits from your own storage space.

After rinse, Lin Qin just sat down and watched the TV.

With a rapid shock, Wan Qianya directly played a video request.

Lin Qin slowly bite a bite of apples, and then connected to the video request.

The picture opened immediately.

Wan Qianya’s figure appeared in front of Lin Qin.

Regardless of what happened to Lin Qin’s side, he cracked a lot.

“Lin Qin, you finally pick it up!”

“How many do you live in?”

The woman in the picture has no exquisite makeup, and a panic on a face looks at the closed door from time to time.

Lin Qin crooked his head, “Are you going to find me?”

“Otherwise? It’s not safe outside now. I see that you live far from me. If not far away, I will move directly to your house, so there are two companions.”

“What you said before, I am all worried as you are.”

“I don’t pick so much now, you are more at ease next to me. UU reading books www.uukanshu.net”

“By the way, there are still food in your family. I have finished eating at home. After a day of hunger, I am ready to come now.”

Lin Qin: …

I have seen those who have thick skin and have never seen such thick.

Even if he really wants to save people, it will not be her.

“Would you like to open your curtains and see the zombies outside? Do you think you can come here safely?”

“Even if you are here, why should I take you?”

“The relationship before the two is not good.”

You know, the nickname of Wan Qianya’s old witch is not in vain.

Lin Qin had a dog blood that she scolded before.

Besides, even if he really wants a woman, it will never be Wan Qianya.

After all, who would want to find a big age?

Of course, if this was placed in the past, the older woman was still very popular.

But this is not the case now.

As for food, he has a lot.

He is eating apples now.

Lin Qin took a sip of apples, and swallowed it under the shock eyes of Wan Qianya.

Wan Qianya is ecstatic, “Yes, and Apple eats it, I’m ready to go to find you in the past …”

Before talking, Lin Qin slammed the video.

Sitting on the sofa, Lin Qin began to meditate.

He has been depressed these days.

There is neither end -day tension nor to strengthen training on yourself.

It’s like compensation for the previous life.

But after so long, it is time to exercise.

After all, it will not be so safe, and the difference between this body is still very different from him.

It is necessary to restore the skills of the last life as soon as possible.

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