Her voice was very nice, there was a little loli sound.

At this moment, he was buried directly in Lin Qin’s arms.

Lin Qin was like a sudden opening of protection.

I immediately went back to the backhand building, “Don’t be afraid, I protect you.”

The explosion of Yu Yun quickly dispersed, and Xiaoxue retreated from Lin Qin’s arms.


Lin Qin swallowed his mouth, a little uncomfortable.

He got up and walked upstairs.

The field of vision on the third floor is wide and forget to be farther.

The explosion downstairs can be seen clearly.

I saw a strong black smoke in a barbecue shop along the street.

I don’t know what the inside exploded.

However, after the black smoke spread, Lin Qin saw several zombies wandering around the shop.

Xiaoxue also came over, glanced at the outside of the house, and stood beside Lin Qin nervously.

“Oh my god, how could it explode?”

Good shops will not explode, unless the gas explosion inside or something has encountered something.

But there is no sophisticated at present.

Just because of the explosion, the death of the zombies on the street, the disability.

There are three or four together.

As for the zombies chasing in Xiaoxue’s mouth, Lin Qin did not see it.

However, this is not counted. The explosion here is like a chain reaction. A few streets in the distance also exploded.

From a distance, there are at least five places in the city of the city.

Lin Qin condensed his eyebrows, a little puzzled.

I don’t know what the situation is.

However, as soon as such an explosion, the zombies will not flood here.

Lin Qin took a look at the follow -up situation of the street and confirmed that he did not increase the zombies and walked out.

Xiaoxue held Lin Qin’s hand nervously and stood by the door and dared not go out.

When Lin Qin looked back, she saw her open eyes, and looked at herself pitifully.

“Don’t, it’s not safe outside.”

Lin Qin’s expression was serious, but the masculinity in his heart was bursting.

“Don’t be afraid, I’ll close the door.”

“Just stay here.”

Lin Qin sent her back to the living room, thinking about taking out a bag of instant noodles from his pocket, and his face was embarrassed.

“I don’t have a lot of food here. If you don’t mind, you eat it for a small and a half seal.”

“You, just wait for the rescue in this room. The kitchen is eaten in this house. For two days, the rescue team comes.”

Speaking, Lin Qin pulled Xiaoxue’s hand and went out alone.

The door of the villa area made a harsh sound, but this time Lin Qin closed smoothly.

He buckled the door and returned in a direction.

As for Xiaoxue.

Anyway, this house was found by others.

With the villa, Lin Qin is now hot.

Now, he just wants to go back to his home, blow cold air conditioners, and rest comfortably.

Xiaoxue squatted next to the gate of the yard. Once Lin Qin’s figure appeared, she immediately rushed up.

This man is now his only life -saving straw.

But Lin Qin may never go back.

After thinking about it, Xiaoxue squatted at the door and stared nervously at the direction of the door.

After the gate of the community came in, there were a total of three roads in different directions.

As long as she stared at it at all times, she could find out where Lin Qin went.

Sure enough, Lin Qin chose another direction.

She followed up.

Keep not far away.

There are still two days before the rescue starts.

If she goes well in the past two days, she can leave with the rescue team.

But what if it is not smooth?

Things are always double -sided, and she is not unable to see people who want to live.

When the weather was hot, Lin Qin reached out and wiped the sweat beads from his forehead.

Think about going back and take a bath first.

Xiaoxue also followed him and did not speak.

Looking at Lin Qin’s hot, she quickly stepped forward to hand over the clean paper towels.

The main thing along the way is a companion.

Lin Qin couldn’t help but stop and looked back at her.

Xiaoxue immediately looked at Lin Qin innocently without talking.

Lin Qin went forward, and she followed.

Lin Qin stopped, and she also stopped.

The two doors of the villa area have been closed.

Now the zombies outside can’t get in, and the zombies inside can’t get out.

It can be said that it is closed to fight dogs.

Lin Qin had thought about going back to lie down and rest, and slowly cleaning up the zombies.

But now he has changed his mind.

The direction of the way, Lin Qin went north where he had never been to.

The pattern of each house in the villa area is the same, the difference is that the location is different.

Lin Qin walked all the way forward, and the surroundings were particularly quiet.

Even the birds were not screaming.

On the edge of the green belt, several rotten corpses exudes a bad smell.

Flies flying around.

Xiaoxue was scared, but still chose to keep up with Lin Qin.

I do n’t know if I noticed what I had, and I took some restlessness to hold Lin Qin ’s sleeves.

Lin Qin’s footsteps were slightly paused, and he had no time to take care of Xiaoxue’s move.

He heard some unusual voices.

Lin Qin squatted down and stretched out his hands to the greening.

Out again, there is a bow and arrow in your hand.

“Did you hear something?”

Xiaoxue looked at the sudden bow and arrow in Lin Qin’s hands in surprise, and whispered inquiries at the same time.

Lin Qin didn’t answer, but gave her a look at her side.

In an instant, Xiaoxue closed her mouth and no longer said much.

Lin Qin stepped forward and carefully identified the source of the surrounding sound.

Later, there were five zombies in the yard of the villa next to him.

Living neatly, it seems that it will be opened with tea.

Lin Qin took out the bow and arrow aiming, solved the zombies inside, and turned directly into the yard.

The five zombies in the yard are pretty decent.

However, the door is closed, and there is no trace of the entry of zombies.

There were no bite or injury all over the body, and it looked a little weird.

However, the T virus is infected, and even the final result does not go out, it will evolve into zombies.

This family looks obviously the result of the virus outbreak.

Lin Qin reached out and squeezed his nose, and did not plan to go in.

Xiaoxue on the side looked at it and looked at Lin Qin and said nothing. UU reading book www.uukanshu.net

So far, he must have the reason for him.

Do not collect whether there are useful materials, there should be any other problems.

Well, it must be like this.

Two people turned around in the North District and killed almost a dozen zombies.

Xiaoxue has always followed Lin Qin.

Don’t ask.

Like a fart, there is no complaint.

Lin Qin couldn’t help admiring such high temperature weather.

Walking back to the villa, Lin Qin couldn’t help but look back at the woman behind him.

“You don’t have to follow me all the time. You can know it for two days. You just persist in the room for two days.”

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