Chapter 48 The good news met the airdrop, the bad news was gone

As long as there is a place, there is no problem.

There are a lot of dead branches on the road, and a hot wind blows a lot.

However, the long -term desolation, coupled with the zombie’s invasion, looks more and more endless.

On the side of the road, there are traces of smashing meat everywhere in the street shops.

Three people wore a traffic light and saw five stacked bodies.

The crow stood on the edge of the carrion and ate carrion. When they saw someone coming, they flashed their wings and hovered.

A proper empty city sense.

Zhang Xue beating her heart.

Pull Lin Qin’s sleeves tightly.

Nan Wei held the bow and arrow tightly and looked around, and could not help whispering.

“How long is this place, it becomes like this.”

“Sister Nanwei, isn’t you going out before?”

Zhang Xue didn’t run too much.

She only knew that those people in the community burned and grabbed, and ran out of hardships, just ran opposite the road.

Except for those zombies, she has seen it, but this is the first time she came out in her sense.

Nan Wei’s voice was lighter, looking at the surrounding situation, and at the same time replied Zhang Xue.

“The same, it’s even worse.”

Lin Qin’s ears moved slightly, and suddenly said, “Hush, don’t talk.”

“there’s noise.”

Three people are alert instantly.

Under Lin Qin’s leadership, he ran to the green belt on the roadside squatting down.

Just when I hid a good figure, I saw a figure not far away.

Then, the second, the third.

The time for these people to cross the road is not together, there is a order before and after.

In the previous mall, a yellow and red airdrop box was hung on the second -floor platform in front of the mall.

The smoke logo on the airdrop box is gone.

These people should also be for the past for the empty investment box.

Nan Wei looked at the corner of the front and couldn’t help but whispered.

“Unexpectedly, there are air vockets on our side, still two.”

Zhang Xue, “I don’t feel good, there should be a lot of people over there.”

Lin Qin, “Are you going?”

Zhang Xue, “A bit retreating.”

Nan Wei, “Do you change a place?”

Zhang Xue, “Agree.”

Lin Qin, “Is this scared? Didn’t you still shout to the evacuation point yesterday?”

“It’s much worse than the evacuation point than it is now.”

Zhang Xue: …

“Then I will take back my words yesterday.”

“The question is what to do now. Someone must be staring near those two airdrop boxes.

“Don’t worry first, wait.”

Lin Qin sat directly on the ground and waited at ease,

Fortunately, the narrow road behind this green belt is a motor lane. The dense trees on the roadside will help them get cold for free, and it will not be too sunny.

Sit a while just rest.

Lin Qin took his own telescope and turned on the distance towards the oblique direction.

From the surroundings of the airdrop, Lin Qin moved from left to right and saw some people who probed the brain.

There are really a lot of people staring.

It is estimated that after these people wait and see, they will run over without a threat.

However, this position is not true, and you can see it for two steps to see it completely.

After thinking about it, Lin Qin squatted and moved forward a few steps, looking up from time to time to see whether he could see the situation there.

Zhang Xue and Nan Wei looked at Lin Qin’s movement. Although they were puzzled, they also learned to move forward.

Almost a short period of time, Lin Qin stopped.

Looking up at the telescope to look at the distance, the situation changes there.

Well, he retracted those words he just.

What are these people cautious? Obviously watching the fire from the shore and watching the lively.

On the other side of the airdrop box, it is not possible to get off at this time.

I looked at it roughly, and there were more than ten or twenty people.

The scene is extremely chaotic.

Next to the airdrop, a lot of corpses were lying.

Someone ran away, and someone grabbed back halfway.

Just like this.

Those who grabbed the supplies did not dare to stay, and those who did not grab the supplies just wanted to take it back.

The person who got the weapon began to wield and grab the others.

Well, the good news is to meet the airdrop. The bad news is that it is gone.

The people who just saw the onlookers who dared not come forward were seeing the situation in the distance, and did not dare to come forward to find death.

Just plan to wait until the end of it, and then go to see the specific situation.

In case you can pick up.

Many people hold this mind.

Lin Qin is not interested in supplies.

But the movement over there is so big that the zombies should not be less.

Taking advantage of these people’s attention there, the three of them quickly entered the opposite of the mall and climbed up.

Opposite that mall, he remembered that when Zhang Xue introduced before, it seemed to be a small creative industrial park.

The place is not big.

Lin Qin made his mind and was overwhelmed: “Opposite the shopping mall store is the industrial park? I remember when you introduced it to me before, it seems that there is an industrial park nearby?”

Zhang Xue nodded, “Yes, it is an industrial park, but it is very small and not big. There are three buildings inside, along the roadside.”

“Oh yes, the mall I told you before, in fact, it was because of this creative industrial park. After all, there were many people who went to work here, and they were remote. Di’er opened here, and there are few others. ”

Lin Qin didn’t listen.

It’s not big anyway.

Lin Qin said: “Go, go to this industrial park.”

“Your two weapons are taken, and you need to use it back.”

Lin Qin looked at there, and confirmed that these people would not pay attention to it, and they stood up generously.

Their speed is fast. Although Nan Wei and Zhang Xue look less reliable, they are still a bit useful at this time.

After a while, they came to the industrial park in Zhangxuekou.

It is not actually the industrial park.

It is three tall buildings along the roadside.

This building is not very good.

Lin Qin took a look.

Climbing dozens of layers from below, let alone whether it will be exhausted, there should be a lot of zombies in it.

After all, when the zombie broke out, it was when working to work.

However, this is also inaccurate. The sound outside the past few days was not small, and most zombies should not be inside the building.

Standing downstairs, UU reading books Zhang Xuedao: “What are you looking at, not here, do you dare to enter this building?”

“Well, just in front, did you see the two -story shop on the opposite side of it?”

Behind the second -floor shop is the community.

These shops around the community.

But the second floor is just right.

It’s best to go up.

“Okay, go.”

Lin Qin took a deep breath, and the figures of the three were sneaky.

Even if the people over there are discovered, they will not be remembered.

They only want to share a share.

Lin Qin looked at the distance. Under the blessing of the telescope, at the end of the road in the distance, several scattered zombies appeared.

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