Chapter 55 Crazy

Yang Nicole stood at the end of the team and was not so enthusiastic.

But I still said along everyone.

Just seeing the special police officer, the look on his face finally disappeared.

Wang Hao stretched out his hand.

Everyone’s voice was much smaller.

Watching him walking in front of the floor -to -ceiling window and looking downstairs.

Several zombies were a little irritating around below.

Seeing this, Wang Hao shouted with the walkie -talkie: “No. 4, where is your place now?”

Wang Hao was still in contact with the team, and Lin Qin came in.

Seeing Lin Qin in a house did not feel surprised, nor was he prepared.

After all, Wang Hao came in.

Lin Qin looked here.

Female clothing stores have a lot of new clothes.

The air is filled with the flavor of a new dress.

There are trousers, skirts, shoes.

However, the brand Lin Qin has seen it, and also, he can count the number of times when he visits the mall.

When Lin Qin looked at the surrounding people, the people around him were also looking at him.

Grandpa was more enthusiastic and thought that Lin Qin was scared, and enthusiastically stepped forward to solve it.

“Don’t be afraid of the little brother. This is a special policeman who is here to save us. Now you are with us, don’t worry.”

Lin Qin nodded a little perfunctory.

“OK, Got it.”

After a while, Wang Hao came back and kept the door vigilantly.

Lin Qin also passed, staying on the other side.

He looked at the special police officer, looked up and down, and asked, “Aren’t you retreating?”

Yesterday, I said very clearly.

There is also the radio broadcast this morning, and it also said.

The way of carpet rescue was canceled and changed to the evacuation point.

Wang Hao glanced at Lin Qin and whispered: “It’s been withdrawn, but it has been dispersed. The first of the precedent teams that come first need to go to the withdrawal point by themselves.”

“During this period, it is impossible for the people to not be saved when they meet the people.”

Wang Hao’s gaze looked at Lin Qin, and finally fell on his chest.

This gun is his teammate.

“Your gun has no muffler, and shooting will cause zombie riots. At that time, the situation will be difficult to control.”

“Even if you have a muffler, you don’t have any sound at all. There is still a little sound. Therefore, you must be cautious.

Lin Qin lowered his head and looked at his gun.

Suddenly nodded.

I did not expect that there was such a saying that the muffler was.

He used to play in the game. After the muffler was installed, he listened to a little sound, but it was not big, but he thought it was for the experience of the game player.

After all, when others hit him, do not look at the system’s prompts, and do not know the enemy’s orientation in a short time.

Unexpectedly, the same is true in real life.

Fortunately, I met a real police officer.

Otherwise, he really thought that there was no sound after installing it.

But even so, the effect of the muffler is much larger than not to be installed.

This muffler is still very necessary.

Wang Hao looked at the gun in Lin Qin’s hand, and some were mixed.

Their firearms are uniform. Although they cannot judge who it is from the appearance, it is certain that they can have this gun type now that they are other teammates.

“When I met him, the situation … is it okay?”


The topic turned too fast, and Lin Qin stunned for a while.

But soon reacted.

In his mouth, he was the person Lin Qin met last night.

Lin Qin thought back and said slowly: “I was injured, and the wound infection on the arm has spread.”

“It is considered too much blood loss. I want to be too tortured when I want to mutate.”

Lin Qin said calm.

His villa area cannot be regarded as a very high -end villa area.

It can only be said that it is a villa area that is better than ordinary communities. After all, there are a lot of houses here.

Of course, those who can afford villas in such cities are definitely not ordinary people, ordinary villas.

The surrounding fences are also the European -style iron fence fence, which is not very high or very short.

It does not have much effect besides being more beautiful.

On the contrary, such a wall is more conducive to others.

If this is in the past, the surrounding grass and trees security and monitoring can also deter look, but now …

Lin Qin could only shook his head.

At most, the zombies who can’t climb the outside.

Although this wall is quite average, the special policeman yesterday was extremely flexible.

Under the injured body, you can also lie down.

Lin Qin admired very much. In contrast, he was still too weak.

But who makes him an ordinary person.

Without shortcuts to go, you can only speed up yourself by speeding yourself up.

Lin Qin also wanted to be emotional, and saw Wang Hao staring straight at himself.

Lin Qin was at the bottom of his heart, and added two more words.

“When I met him, it was already wandering on the edge of mutation, and there was no way to save it.”

“And the equipment was picked up, after all, in the current situation, I can’t do it when I see the gun but take nothing.”

Wang Hao nodded and didn’t ask anymore.

The two people were very quiet, and the survivors behind were also quiet, but before Lin Hao returned, they seemed to be confident.

Suddenly, there was a sound outside, and the two were alertly vigilant.

There was a slight noise in the corridor, which was not very loud.

But the roar of the zombies is obvious and farther and farther.

The voice of teammates came from Wang Hao’s intercom.

“On the 2nd, I was surrounded by a few survivors, and it was downstairs in the mall of our survivor.”

“Too much, I am afraid I can’t go anymore.”

“I have asked my survivors to go to you. You can take advantage of the other survivors in the mall now.”

The voice in the intercom was intermittent, and Lin Qin stood on the side of the way.

But the change from Wang Haozhou’s aura is not a good thing.

“Wait, I’ll support you.”

As soon as Wang Hao’s tone fell, UU read a book from downstairs in

For a time, the people in the room looked at the four weeks unknown.

Fear, fear, panic all emotional intertwined.

Wang Hao almost rushed to the floor -to -ceiling window.

The zombies are dense, and there are three or four.

This is not count, the opposite office building has come over a lot.

Seeing this, Wang Hao opened the rolling gate and walked out, and at the same time facing the humanity inside: “Everyone follows me and go down the stairs from the other side.”

He looked at Lin Qin, “You escort them with me, and then find a way to take them to the place where the three survivors are hiding waiting for us.”

After ordering, Lin Qin condensed.

I only have time to say, “Don’t life, know that there are no back there.”

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