Chapter 64

Xu Chang’s face was curious.

The prince next to him answered, “Didn’t Nan Wei say that all of them said, saved her.”

Wang Yuran hid her lips and laughed. “Where is so many kindergarten now? I think the man, it must be looking at our Nanwei, otherwise why do you save Nanwei?”

Wang Zihao continued: “That’s not necessarily. Did you not see the little girl next to him? The eyes stared at the brother is not simple.”

Xu Chang laughed, “I stood here.”

The three people were still making trouble, and it seemed to restore the model and status of everyone in the past.

Nan Wei did not want to make trouble with them, but just said: “You can choose a room to live and rest at random.”

“This villa area is relatively safe.”

“Regarding the evacuation point, we are doing detailed planning and discussion later.”

Seeing Nan Wei’s unhappy look, the three stopped making trouble and nodded their rooms.

The living room was quiet at once, and Nan Wei sighed.

The sky was darkened quickly.

In the middle of the night, Lin Qin woke up from his sleep, and the mobile phone under the pillow was constantly vibrating.

Four black paint, only the mobile phone screen exudes weak light.

Lin Qin’s eyes were hazy, click on the video to check.

Seeing that around the villa area, many mutant wild dogs were gathered.

Is it possible to find the taste in the day?

That’s so scary.

Before Lin Qin reacted, he saw that there was more than this prompt that prompting the shaking of the human form.

Lin Qin had to open all the reminders of monitoring and view them one by one.

Seeing that in the darkness, a woman flushed the wall and fled here.

The mutant wild dog was attracted by her.

The motion of wild dogs is not small. The woman climbed across the wall and fell to the ground, watching them scared by the walls of the villa area, and moved back a little.

Seeing the mutant wild dogs bouncing one by one, trying to cross this high wall.

There are still a few stuck in my head, so I can’t get in.

Women were scared.

Crazy from the ground a few times, I don’t know if the legs are soft or slippery.

Loving monitoring, Lin Qin was seen what was the real rolling climbing.

Looking at the monitoring number carefully, Lin Qin was impatient.

This woman is quite a place.

Coincidentally, the place where she turned over the wall was next to Lin Qin’s villa.

The mutant wild dogs are still jumping, and some constantly open their mouths to tear the railings.

The railing of the villa should be iron, and it should not be bite so easily.

When Lin Qin thought like this, Lin Qin found that more and more mutant wild dogs were holding iron railings.

As long as the gap is a little larger, even if it is just a little bit, they can get in.

Of course, the purpose of mutant wild dogs is not realized.

The quality of this iron fence still didn’t have to say.

There are also a lot of variable wild dogs outside. According to this gathering method, it is likely to pile up the distance and jump in.

He didn’t know these wild dogs.

But if it comes in, it means that it is not safe.

Of course, he doesn’t matter, but Nanwei has no defense measures in that villa.

It is still the most primitive floor -to -ceiling window. Whether it is zombies in or mutant wild dogs, it will be broken a few times.

Lin Qin got up and walked out.

Wild dogs do not give up across the fence.

When Lin Qin came, the woman ran into his arms in a panic.

Lin Qin had to go forward again, and the woman pulled him.

“What are you doing, there are mutated wild dogs over there. If you rush into and bite you in the past, it’s over.”

Lin Qin glanced at him and continued to move forward.

“Hey, don’t you want to die?”

Liu Shasha looked at Lin Qin’s unnatural look.

Looking around, I looked at it.

On the one hand, it is safe, and on the other hand, I find death.

This man really was really not saved.

She looked at both sides and then ran in the direction of security.

Lin Qin watched the zombie dog outside and shot directly with a gun.

The mutant wild dogs outside quickly injured a large number of.

After Lin Qin settled, he stepped forward to check the bite marks on the wall.

Liu Shasha, who left, heard the slight sound from behind, and naturally saw the gun in Lin Qin’s hand.

After he resolved all the mutant wild dogs outside, the gun in his hand disappeared out of thin air.

Liu Shasha couldn’t help but widened.

What is this, is magic? Still mutated?

For a while, she was panicked.

But soon, she calmed down.

It should not be mutated, otherwise how can it solve those ghosts outside.

There should not be much threat to herself, otherwise she would never let go of herself when she hit him.

calm down.

Now there is a gun in the opponent’s hand, and the safety of this stuff can be greatly guaranteed.

If she goes out now, win a wave of favors, the problem should not be big.

The light was dim, and Liu Shasha saw the other party go to the fence.

The opportunity is here.

She rushed forward and pulled Lin Qin’s hand to drag in the opposite direction.

He said while running: “It’s not safe there, it’s better to hurry up.”

Lin Qin condensed his eyebrows, and this woman pulled his strength.

She bumped straight in the villa, and at least at least she could not turn through the faint light by the road.

Soon I found a villa with the door of the courtyard and walked in.

She collapsed on the ground of the yard and said to Lin Qin: “I thought I was usually remote, no one, and there would be much less zombies.”

“Who knows that there are so many dogs here? Still a zombie dog.”


“Emma, ​​I’m tired of me.”

“I can’t run anymore.”

Lin Qin: …

Is this person talking?

Through the dim light, Lin Qin didn’t know what the other person looked like.

She could only hear her mumble.

Lin Qin stood silently.

After speaking for a long time, she seemed to find that there were other people here.

Looking at Lin Qin again, “Uh, that, I’m sorry, I just … Uh, I just hand …”

She didn’t know what she was confused.

It’s just a stupid one. Uu reading


Lin Qin didn’t care, and saw her soberly at the moment, turned around and left.

There are some dark on the trail, but there is a little light in the distance, so it is not all blind.

Barely, you can still see clearly.

The man in front of her seemed to wear pajamas.

When he just pulled him, it seemed that there was a clean taste, that is, the smell of the laundry fluid washed the clothes after drying the clothes.

She moved her eyes and followed him quietly.

This man should be good.

Lin Qin found the way back in the villa.

The more you go, the more Liu Shasha thinks it is very familiar here.

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