Lin Qin got up.

As usual, brush your teeth and wash your face, and then enjoy your breakfast.

Breakfast is beef water decoction, fritter soy milk, with snow vegetables.

The breakfast shop sold in front of the door was copied.

The taste is pretty delicious.

After enjoying breakfast, Lin Qin opened the TV again.

The picture and the two are exactly two extremes.

The journalist was reporting the camera. A zombie jumped directly behind him and bit his neck fiercely.

The reporter had no power to fight, and the screaming of the scene was wiped out in the ears of everyone.

The cameraman had left the camera and ran away.

But in the last scene, he could still see that he was stunned by a zombie who was flying.

The picture of the news was cut off, and the host was obviously a little panic.

After that, the news was closed.

It is not difficult to guess what happened.


The mobile phone sounded slightly.

Lin Qin glanced at it very calmly.

And far from your ears.

“Liedan, you are so godly, now there is a pot of porridge outside. Fortunately, you said yesterday that I came to pull the goods today and I asked for leave, otherwise I have to die in the company today.”

“Lin Qin, good buddy, you are my god!”

Lin Qin’s eyes twitched, and he couldn’t help thinking of a certain name.

“You are less disgusting me.”

“I know, but it’s so messy outside, what should you do in my house?”

“If you don’t come today, let’s talk about it.”

“Although there are too many things, I have filled my home gap, but after the end, you can ask me to rub a meal!”

Zhang Jian stood in front of the window, watching the messy people downstairs, the car collision and other situations.

A face was wrinkled.

Lin Qin was not in a hurry.

Originally an excuse.

Zhang Jian, “Do you see the situation outside? The screams are screaming and the streets are chaotic.”

Lin Qin: “Look.”

And he had long been preventive.

“You are still at home these days. It is estimated that your company will have to issue a announcement for your home to work long, and look at the news.”

Zhang Jian, “Don’t worry, watch it long ago, be careful.”

Two people hurriedly ended the conversation, and Lin Qin couldn’t help walking to the window to look outside.

This villa area is far from the downtown neighborhoods, and there are very few personnel, but it is not as confused as it was just now.

But this peace can’t last.

Lin Qin returned to the room and turned on the computer.

On the first day, network power and other facilities were normal.

Some networking games can still be played normally.

Open the game, and soon match successfully entering the rankings, successful three 5 stars.


With a loud noise, Lin Qin couldn’t help but look out.

A luxury car hit a big tree on the side of the road.

Lin Qin brought the telescope to check.

I saw the luxury cars lying quietly on the road in the community, and the front of the car was a little smoky.

I heard the security security guard came to check, and then I didn’t know how to open the door suddenly.

The next second, the zombies in the car bitten on the security guard’s neck.

The scream sounded.

Lin Qin raised his eyebrows and put down the telescope.

Then I continued to play the game.

This kind of thing will only be more and more next.

It is not unusual in the end of the world.

It was just that when I was at the end, it was a problem to see a living person.

The night came quickly.

Lin Qin played a whole day, his eyes were sour.

The zombies outside have affected the 20 villa areas.

But these have nothing to do with him.

Lin Qin closed the large iron door of the yard to prevent any accidents.

At the same time, don’t forget to look at the online remarks.

Entering the earth: After finishing, the zombies really appear, and it will not be the same as the doomsday novels.

Cuttlefish has no legs: Nowadays, there are zombies in the community. I dare not go out at all. It is scary. I am the first time I have encountered such a situation.

The more you work hard, the more you go to sleep at home, but we still have to believe in the government in this situation.

I was full today: I feel difficult, and the government may not be determined. There were only a few in the morning. At this moment, all the people’s hospitals fell, and there were a lot of zombies from there.

Bridge in front of the door: Still wait, this is not allowed, staying at home must be safer than going out.

Little Black Dragon: I think too.

Want Want Gift Pack: Go to the news Weibo, go and go.

Lin Qin watched the comments below Weibo, and the trend of curiosity passed.

At this time, the latest top Weibo was the news that the masses had dodge and went straight out.

The government will act as soon as possible, asking the general public to stay at home and wait for rescue.

After turning over the comment, Lin Qin looked at the highest likes.

They all express their trust in the country.

Major news networks are reprinted simultaneously.

But related topics, zombies, doomsday remarks have flooded.

In addition to normal interest, believe in the country.

Looking down, Lin Qin found some other voices.

For example, the source of home food, what to do with daily necessities, and when can it return to normal. UU reading book

After all, everything happened too fast.

There are no measures to cope with.

Lin Qin looked at them at will. For this kind of emergency, it can be said that some people watched the show and some people were heartbroken.

However, Lin Qin also saw a few unexpected news.

Someone asked T flu virus.

Xiao Guo Tsai: I do n’t know if you found it. Several people I know T flu virus have become zombies. Is n’t this time related to this?

Lin Qin raised his eyebrows and opened his comment area.

There are only two responses.

They all let him relax the impossible.

After thinking about it, Lin Qin replied.

Perak Squid: It is not impossible, but the country should soon find the source. Maybe it is the reason for the T flu virus.

After replying to the news, Lin Qin continued to look at it at will.

But just a day, major companies seem to receive any instructions, and they have released home news one after another.

Relevant departments are also intense intervention.

The people on the street were empty for a while, except for the wandering zombies outside.

It looks like an empty city.

The crowds walked around on weekdays, and the car roaring all kinds of noisy sounds disappeared.

Lin Qin ate often, and at the same time opened Mango TV, watching the latest variety shows.

The first day was normal.

Families that do not cook will have a little inventory.

New situations have gradually occurred until the fourth day.

The chat in each group gradually changed the situation of food.

Lin Qin looked at his group news, many neighbors living in the same residential area before.

Relief in the group.

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